Shoosty Bugs Volume 2, 2022

Royal Goliathus Critique

question about the commercialization and commodification of nature. It prompts re - flection on how society’s fascination with exotic creatures can often lead to their ex- ploitation or objectification. The stamps may symbolize the imprint of human intervention on the natural world, reminding viewers of the complex relationship between humanity and the environment. The choice of the title, Royal Goliathus Bee- tle, adds further intrigue to the composition. The use of these specific materials implies a juxtaposition of contrasting elements: The natural and the artificial, the ephemer - al and the enduring. This contrast prompts contemplation on the transient nature of life and the enduring allure of nature’s cre- ations. While the artwork captivates with its metic- ulous execution and intriguing symbolism, it could benefit from a more explicit explo - ration and communication of its underlying themes. The artist’s intentions regarding the interplay between nature, language, and branding could be further elucidated to al- low viewers a more profound immersive ex- perience.

Royal Goliathus Shoosty® 2023, 36”x 36”, Ink on Silk

Royal Goliathus presents a captivating ink- on-silk graphic presentation that explores the intersection of nature, language, and branding . The artwork centers around a scarab beetle, rendered with intricate detail, and adorned with elegant script and brand- ed stamps. This composition elicits a sense of curiosity and invites the viewer to delve deeper into the artist’s intention and the symbolic layers present in the piece. The technical execution of the ink on silk medium is commendable, as the artist demonstrates mastery in handling this deli- cate and challenging material. The intricate detailing of the scarab beetle showcases the artist’s skill in capturing the nuances of texture and form, creating a realistic repre- sentation that commands attention. The incorporation of the elegant script and branded stamps surrounding the scarab beetle introduces an intriguing juxtaposition of elements. The use of the script adds a lay- er of intellectual depth to the artwork, imply- ing a connection between the natural world and human communication. It suggests the potential for hidden meanings or passages embedded within the realm of nature itself. the presence of branded stamps raises the

Announcing artificial intelligence trained with art criticsm data at Rutgers University. If you are an artist you want to know about this:

Roy Beetle Pink


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