In a World So Small and Fine Shoosty® with Bing
I was captivated by the lace-like wings. Diaphanous they are see-through. I teased out some colors and provided a background with a similar cell structure. The result is a thing of beauty no longer associated with the source. Rendered on double--sided silk in plat- inum and charcoal on the reverse, they take on a new life in the hallmarks of Shoosty® bugs especially when applied to silk.
Artist: Shoosty® Year: 2023 Medium: Duplex Printed Ink / 18mm Silk
In a world so small and fine, Lace bugs live and dine, On leaves of trees they feed, A pest, yet food for others in need. With wings of lace so fair, Diapha- nous and light as air, In platinum and charcoal hue, A beauty to behold, it’s true. On silk, their form is cast, A work of art to last, By Shoosty’s hand, they’re brought to life, No longer pests, but beauty rife. In nature’s grand design, Even bugs so small can shine, A reminder of the wonder all around, In every creature, beauty can be found.
Twill Size:
36” x 36”
Living in a micro world at the full size of 1/8 inch these critters can do a lot of damage to trees. Each subspecies is specialized and eats only one type of tree. They must have evolved that way over the millenni- um in symbiosis with their specific tree host. Lace bugs discolor tree leaves mak- ing them a pest. They do however provide food for beneficial bugs that eat them.
Lace Bugs with transparent gradient colors
Lace Bugs Gray
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