Shoosty® Bugs V2 is a fusion of the science of color including printing on fabric, and nature pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic ex- pression. The show includes about 30 pieces of art that are printed on both sides with a color shift between front and back. That means I had to prepare 60 pieces of art. The key to doing this was using the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil using my innovative “Vector Painting” technique. The rate at which I was able to create finished pieces is astounding. That means I had to create about 15 paintings a month. Then, I needed to allow time for the manufacturing and shipping process. I worked countless hours creating art every day for long hours. I love perfecting my craft and extending my range from exploring the tools to acting like a virtual traveler going examining styles of art I find all over the world with the help of the internet. I choose silk for my latest show for many reasons, primarily for its beau- ty. Since I am making art using bugs as my inspiration what better way to honor the subject than to use a material created by a moth? More specifically, the Bombyx Mori better known as the silk moth. The printing process took place in China, the birthplace of silk, empha- sizing the global interconnectedness of my artistic endeavor. Working internationally is a testament to the collaborative nature of the artistic world, where ideas and techniques transcend geographical boundaries. I selected this company because of their ability to do duplex printing, they can print on both sides of the fabric at the same time. The two images I provided must be exact duplicates with only a shift in colors. The manufacturer challenged me with lots of technical issues. I relish those kinds of problems as they strengthen my skills. I also learned that some colors are more reactive than others resulting in bleeding between the front and back of the 18 mm fabric. This created anoma- lies that I still need to resolve. Sometimes it is the mistakes that are the most important part of an exercise. One of the biggest reasons I choose silk is that it solved the biggest expenses surrounding my work, framing, shipping, and storage. Avoid- ing the logistical challenges and expenses associated with traditional framing. I can not stress this more clearly. The cost of producing a large show with silk is less than 25% of what it would cost to do a tradition- al show. To me, this represents a tax on my creative ability and slows down the discoveries. Paying attention to all aspects of your limited abilities is crucial to keeping creative levels as high as possible. With
Note: Shoosty® Bugs V2 was created for Art in Chambers, Sanford, Florida’s City Hall and will run from Jun. 12th - Sept. 5th, 2023.
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