Shoosty Bugs Volume 2, 2022


Shoosty® Year: 2023

There is no escaping categorization. Most of the art we see these days is Naive Expressionism, a form of Outsider Art. Personally, I under my reg- istered trademark Shoosty cross many styles and concepts. I move very quickly between them and try to immerse myself in each one. I spent years studying NW Indian Art, to the point of being able to see the difference up and down the West Coast of North America. A note about The Beginning . That piece will now be discontinued. It will be a series of one. Given that there is an entire story around if that led to the next version 30 Days , making The Beginning a unique collector’s piece.

Medium: Digital Size:


Based on the review I changed the com- position of The Beginning to become the lifecycle of a fly, from larve, to grub, to fully formed adult, to death. I also changed the cherubs with wasps. I feel this is much more unified. In the process, I learned that a fly with wings only lives up to 30 days. That amazes me. I recommend regular feedback and critiques. There are a few sites on Facebook and once goes into produc- tion it will become invaluable to artists. I also recommend the study of art history. I prom- ise you that if you give it a chance it will mesmer- ize you with epiphany after epiphany and if you ever want to become a serious artist you will be able to plant a flag and know where you fit on the timeline of history.


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