Chart Comapring Albrecht Dürer and Shoosty
Albrecht Dürer
15th Century
21st Century
Watercolor And Gouache
Vector Painting On Ipad Pro
Realism Beetle
Subject Matter Symbolism Technique Color Palette
Beetle Asian
None Overt
Detailed And Realistic
Calm And Serene Flat And Graphic Bold And Stylized
Smooth And Detailed Fine And Precise Realistic And Lifelike Symmetrical/Harmonious Subtle And Naturalistic Realistic And Accurate Subtle And Naturalistic Implied-Posture + Gesture On Realism And Detail Subtle And Naturalistic
Line Form
Simplified And Stylized Asymmetrical/Dynamic Bold And Graphic Flattened And Stylized Minimal Or Absent Implied- Composition On Symbolism And Design
Balance Contrast
Light And Shadow
Design Emphasis
Bold And Graphic Stylized Nature
Realistic Nature
Artist: Shoosty® Year: 2023 Medium: Duplex Printed Ink / 18mm Silk Twill Size: 36” x 36” Walli Walli Bugs otherwise known as stag beetles are symbols of strength and power and are believed to be lucky charms, capable of bringing good fortune to those who possess them. In some parts of the world, it is said that stag beetles can help to ward off evil spirits. Shoosty’s image of the stag beetle sitting in a still pool surrounded by water droplets is a symbol of contem- plation and meditation. The beetle’s calm and peace- ful posture, combined with the serene surroundings, suggests a state of inner peace and tranquility. It has a meditative quality, inviting the viewer to reflect and find inner peace. In 1505, Albrecht Dürer’s created “Stag Beetle.” He used watercolor and gouache in a lifelike manner with its head slightly reared as if on the hunt. Dürer was a Ger- man artist known for his detailed and realistic depic- tions of animals and nature. This photographic render- ing was created hundreds of years before the camera.
While Dürer’s “Stag Beetle” and Shoosty’s Walli Walli both feature stag beetles as their central subject mat - ter, the two works differ greatly in their style and tech- nique. Dürer’s painting is a realistic depiction, while Shoosty’s is a stylized illustration. Shoosty® uses the symbology of Asia with the flourishes of Art Nouveau, while Dürer’s painting does not contain any overt sym- bolism. Albrecht Dürer said, “It is indeed true that art is om- nipresent in nature, and the true artist is he who can bring it out,” This idea can be applied to both Dürer’s “Stag Beetle” and Shoosty’s “Walli Walli” In Shoosty’s “Walli Walli,” The intricate patterns and colors on the beetle’s body and wings, combined with the serene surroundings, create a meditative image that reveals the inherent artistry present in nature. Overall, both artists have succeeded in bringing out the artistry present in nature through their respective approaches.
89 WalliWalli Bug Olive
Olive Scarab body with echos of drops of water in a highly pattern array
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