Shoosty Bugs Volume 2, 2022

fabrics and my hanging system, I can also change a piece of fabric in less than ten minutes. Because I am now focused on fabric the concept of wearable art, blurring the lines between gallery walls and everyday life comes into play. I humbly refer to this type of art as “ChromaFusionism,” as it encourages individuals to actively participate in the artistic narrative by integrating art, technolo- gy, and fabrics into their personal style. It is exciting to see someone wear clothing with my patterns on it. Collaborating with master framer Max Munn, we had to develop an inven- tive hanging method that allows my silk creations to be displayed in a prac- tical yet visually captivating manner within a gallery setting. By treating the fabric as a banner and incorporating a single piece of molding with tradi- tional hooks, we have redefined the possibilities for exhibiting silk in art shows. The buyer should also be thrilled. The piece can easily fold up and fit in any car or they could simply wear the piece out of the gallery or better yet wear it around the show. My artistic journey is a reflection of the constantly evolving nature of art itself. By embracing digital techniques and exploring unconventional medi- ums I hope to contribute to the ongoing evolution of artistic expression. It is my way of leaving a mark on art history, however small it may be. In conclusion, the Shoosty Bugs V2 collection highlights my latest work of 2023 displaying my speed of creation, passion for making things of beauty, craftsmanship, and innovative spirit. With my whimsical illustrations ren- dered with meticulous precision and printed on silk, I invite you to join me in a world where art, fabric, and fashion intertwine. Together, let us “Wear the Art / Be the Movement™” embracing the transformative power of Chro- maticFusionism. I am grateful for the chance to showcase my work on silk for the first time in Sanford City Hall. This project helped to push my boundaries and dis - cover new ways of creating. It is here when you can show your work in a creative hub, that the true essence of art comes alive, amplifying all of our potential, and celebrating the warmth and wit of our existence.

Art is Changing Again. Here. Now. Opportunities to Witness this are Rare, so Attend and Observe.

- Jerry Saltz, Art Critic



Stephen Shooster aka Shoosty

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