Making the grade
Making the grade
Here are the six flooring grades you will find.
Ultra Prime Ultra prime is our cleanest grade timber ever. Ultra prime has few, if any knots, and these will be limited to pin knots; there will no sapwood or filler. There will be a relatively small amount of colour variation in the timber itself.
Prime Prime grade has few, if any knots, and these will be of minimal size; there will also be a minimal amount of sapwood and filler, if any at all. The colour of the filler is intended to complement the natural structure of the wood, where features such as knots contrast with the surrounding timber, and it may vary from batch to batch. There will be a relatively small amount of colour variation in the timber itself.
Select Select grade will have a mix of almost prime boards with other planks which have more knots of a limited size. Expect some variation in tone from heartwood and sapwood as well as small checks (cracks across the growth ring). There will be some filled elements, such as broken knots. The colour of the filler is intended to complement the natural structure of the wood, where features such as knots are in contrast to the surrounding timber, and it may vary from batch to batch.
Classic Classic Grade floors show the natural variation of timber without allowing some of the more characterful features in more rustic grades. Planks with very few knots will be mixed with some planks containing larger knots or checks (cracks across the growth ring) which may be filled. Variation between tone from heartwood and sapwood can be expected but is controlled. The colour of the filler is intended to complement the natural structure of the wood, where features such as knots are in contrast to the surrounding timber, and it may vary from batch to batch.
Character Character grade will include both heartwood and sapwood and allows a wider range of colour variation. Knots are larger and you should expect checks (cracks across the growth ring) and possibly some end shake (cracks between the rings). The colour of the filler is intended to complement the natural structure of the wood, where features such as knots are in contrast to the surrounding timber, and it may vary from batch to batch.
Rustic Known as either natural or rustic grade this allows a virtually limitless size and number of knots. Heartwood will be used, there will be colour variation, sapwood and filler; you should also expect checks (cracks across the growth ring) and possibly some end shake (cracks between the rings). The colour of the filler is intended to complement the natural structure of the wood, where features such as knots are in contrast to the surrounding timber, and it may vary from batch to batch.
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