
Free dental clinic set for May 12

thousands of dollars in free dental care to provide dental relief to people in the com- munity. Teams of volunteers, patients, and of course Dr. Limantzakis will help spread free smiles across Cornwall, through Dentistry From The Heart located at 1080 Montreal Road. Patients are asked to arrive early as the event is a first come, first serve basis. Event registration will begin at 8 a.m. and patients will be seen through 3 p.m. that day. Pa- tients are also encouraged to dress appropri- ately for the weather and to bring chairs, blankets, water, snacks, etc. as they may be outside waiting to be seen.

The Journal

Seaway Family Dental will host a free dental care event through Dentistry From The Heart (DFTH) supporting Cornwall residents by providing free dental serv- ices to the first 50 plus people on May 12. The team of dental professionals at Seaway Family Dental, Dr. George Limantzakis will provide the first 50 adult patients with a free extraction, filling or cleaning. There will also be several hygienists, dental assistants and other dental professionals donating their time and resources, in order to provide free dental care to as many residents in need as possible. This DFTH event will donate

Special photo From left, Harry Haramis, Craig Munro, Josee Lemay and Suzie Pilon pose with the first of five cheques of $12,000 for the Maxville Manor. Maxville Manor gets $60,000 donation

44-year relationship with the Manor, I be- lieved a documentary would be the best way to tell and preserve the story for future generations,” Harry Haramis said. Approximately seven minutes long, the documentary was edited down from more than two hours of interviews with Nick and Marion Haramis , Dr. T.A. Jaggassar, as well as Medical Arts pharmacists/owners, Harry Haramis, Josee Lemay and Suzie Pilon. Written and narrated by communications consultant and journalist, MaryAnne Pankhurst , and filmed and produced by Kevin Lamoureux of KAV Productions the documentary can be viewed at: youtube-

The Journal

On ne vous laissera pas dehors!

Further solidifying its commitment to helping people “age well,” Medical Arts Pharmacy has announced a donation of $60,000 over five years to the Maxville Manor Foundation. But the pharmacy extended additional value by supporting the development and screening of a short documentary entitled: Maxville Manor, A place to call home. “The fact that my parents and maternal uncle (Maxville-born Conservative MPP, Osie Villeneuve) played such integral roles in establishing the Manor, given Maxville is where I was born, and given Medical Arts’


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Les infirmières et les infirmiers participent à différentes actions, notamment en matière de prévention, d’éducation de la santé et de formation ou d’encadrement dans le but de protéger, maintenir et promouvoir notre santé. En cette Semaine de l’infirmière, qui se déroule du 6 au 12 mai 2012, à nous de prendre part à l’action en se renseignant sur les défis d’avenir de cette profession en demande. L’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ), qui organise cette semaine thématique, souhaite sensibiliser le grand public et les gouvernements aux nombreuses contributions des infirmières et des infirmiers qui assurent le bien-être des Ontariens. Le thème de la semaine est «Infirmières et infirmiers : experts depuis toujours».


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