
Plantagenet student wins flag contest

will receive $750 towards the purchase of

Her design will be officially unveiled


learning materials.

during APTN’s Aboriginal Day Live show in

The winning design will be made into a

celebration of National Aboriginal Day

flag that will be flown above APTN


A 16-year-old Plantagenet student has

headquarters inWinnipeg, replacingtheone

live across the nation fromWinnipeg.

won the fifth annual Aboriginal Day Live

createdbyAPTN AboriginalDayFlagContest

As part of her prize, Taylor will receive a

Flag Contest, the Aboriginal Peoples

2010 winner, DylanWillett.Mini versions of

trip to Winnipeg to be part of the Aboriginal

Television Network has announced.

the flag will be distributed to the crowds

Day Live celebrations and will also receive a

Taylor Vanasse’s winning design was

attending APTN’s Aboriginal Day Live 2011

cash prize of $500. Additionally, Rockland

chosen from a total of 208 entries received


District High School, which Taylor attends,

from across Canada.

Taylor designed her flag to show the

various Aboriginal cultures in Canada and

some of their customs, beliefs and general

ways of life. She wrote, “The inukshuk and

dogsledrepresentArctic tribes like the Inuit.

The canoe, the water, the fish and the tipis

represent hunting, transportation and

shelter. The turtle depicts spirituality and

Submitted Photo

also refers to the Iroquois creation story

Cruickshank Construction donated and

( Turtle Island - The Creation of NorthAmerica ).

delivereda4,000-poundstone toRobertson

Finally, the eagle represents leadership and

Mills Park in Dalkeith in preparation for

skill while the feathers are an ode to all

more village bicentennial activities. Two

Tribal Chiefs and Elders who provided

plaqueswill be affixed to the stone, relates

wisdom and guidance to all who needed it.

Dalkeith Historical Society President

The earth is a symbol of togetherness.”

FrancesFraser.Themarkers, tobeunveiled

Entries from the 2011 contest can be seen

at 10 a.m. June 25 ceremony, will celebrate

onAPTN’s AboriginalDayLive website,http:/

the founding of the village on the park site

This design by Taylor Vanasse, of Plantagenet, has won the Aboriginal Day Live Flag


and acknowledge Heritage Canada’s


assistance. There will also be a Robertson

family talkandtourat the libraryfollowing

the ceremony.

Strawberry Tea

TheSt. Jude’sCatholicLadiesAssociation

hosts a strawberry tea June 26 from1 p.m. to

3p.m. at thechurch locatedat 372Geneviève


There will be door prizes, a bake table, a

white elephant table and music by “Just


Fiddling And Dancing Competition

Vankleek Hill will be alive to the sounds

of violin music June 23 and 25 when the 15 th

annual Fiddling, Step Dancing and Square

Dancing Competition is held at the

communitycentre. Theopeningdance starts

at 7p.m. Fridaywhile thecompetitionbegins

at 9 a.m. Saturday. For information, call

Valerie (613-348-3062, Verne (613-678-2626)

or Harvey (613-674-5638).

2.5X 2011

Location à partir de $

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2.5i Commodité 2011

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Photo Richard Mahoney

>““iÊ-ÕL>ÀÕÊ 2011


9 À la location, les frais d’inscription au Registre des droits personnels et réels mobiliers sont inclus.Transport et préparation inclus. Immatriculation (prix varie selon le client) et assurances en sus. Recyclage Québec, droit sur les pneus neufs inclus. Le concessionnaire peut offrir un prix ou taux moindre. Offres applicables sur approbation de crédit des Services Financiers Subaru par TCCI. ‡ Prix valeurs résiduelles 2011 ALG Canada pour la gamme Subaru : première position au classement général, catégorie marque grand public. † Mention « Meilleur choix sécurité » pour tous les modèles 2011. Une cote « Bonne » constitue la meilleure cote possible à l’essai de résistance de toit (test de capotage) ainsi que dans les essais de collision frontale déportée à 40 mi/h (64 km/h), de collision latérale à 31 mi/h (49,8 km/h) et de collision arrière à 20 mi/h (32 km/h) réalisés par l’Institut des assureurs américains (IIHS) ( Un véhicule doit avoir obtenu la cote « Bonne » aux quatre essais de collision et doit offrir un programme de stabilité électronique (ESC) (Contrôle de la dynamique du véhicule) pour mériter la distinction « Meilleur choix sécurité ». Pour plus d’information sur ces offres, voyez votre concessionnaire Subaru participant. Photo(s) à titre indicatif seulement. Offres valables jusqu’au 30 juin 2011.

pipe band performs at last Sunday's Ste-

Anne Antique Day.

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