Aug. 2, 2022( Smith) The Transition of Classes for a Flexib…



TABLE ONE Description The gap between Infrastructure Information Technology Training and superficial information in the workshop, for faculty…

Actual State Only 15% of the faculty completed the transition from regular classes to online classes. Evaluation surveys showed that faculty members are unhappy with the type of training they are receiving, to transition from regular classes to online classes.

Desired State According to the Provost, a more would be designed. The faculty want all of the courses to be put online. They want pieces of training to be available. Faculty want to support that is personable and obtainable. wide- scaled training

Possible Root Causes The faculty were unhappy with the superficial information given at the IT Department workshops. The faculty did not appreciate the technology team’s training techniques. Lack of online courses with videos to reply seeing techniques, online chat with technology technicians, and a technology hotline for answering questions.

Type or Cause

Performance Gap The decision was to transition all core classes online in five years by the college. In year 4, only 27% of the courses were transformed into online classes. Faculty needed training for creating online classes to be flexible, informative, and resourceful at a proficient level for themselves. They wanted online training modules. The faculty did not benefit from the superficial information provided within the technology team workshops.

based on Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model Information

Knowledge/ skills



Adapted from Training Ain’t Performance, pg. 30 by Stolovitch, H.D. &Keeps, E.J.(2004). Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press

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