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T h e K i n g s B u s i n e e
A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. -Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 2 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
Develop your TECHNICAL TALENTS for Christ at MOODY
THE ERA OF MISSIONS — Peter J. Brashler ....................................... 8 BRITISH HONDURAS — Arnold W. Pearson ....................................... 10 THE KIND OF MISSIONARIES WE WANT — A. B. Simpson ......... 13 REBUILDING THE NATION — Joseph Hemphill .................................. 14 SO THIS IS BEING A PIONEER MISSIONARY — George Cowan .... 16 THE EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET — Edgar C. James .............. 19 TAKE YOUR CHURCH TO THE HOLY LAND — Ed Steele .............. 36 M e t MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................... 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ............................. 24 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................................ 26 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 27 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ...................................................... 28 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 30 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ...................................................... 33 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 35 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 38 Columiu PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................. 4 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ....................................................................... 25 (W Pictured on this month's cover are pilot-mechanic Eldon Larsen of Missionary Aviation Fellowship and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ebel of the Unevangelized Fields Mission, photographed in the Rio Branco territory of Northern Brazil, one of the most isolated spots in the
Are you fascinated with electronics and radio? Perhaps God is calling you to use your talents in the great commission of world-wide soul winning . . . as a Missionary Radio Technician. It is a challenging Chris tian career with a booming demand—both at home and abroad. Every year we receive more requests for men than we can fill! Moody Bible Institute is uniquely quali fied to train young men for full-time service as missionary radio technicians. Not only do you receive instruction in radio com munications and radio broadcasting from a full-time staff o f experienced instructors using modern facilities . . . but you are also guided to solid spiritual maturity through a well rounded study of the Bible and related subjects. Graduates are qualified to serve as radio engineers in missionary broadcast sta tions and as radio technicians in remote or jungle short-wave communication network systems. At the conclusion of the three-year course the student earns a regular Institute diploma (Gen eral Missionary Radio Major). During this time an FCC Commercial (2nd Class radiotelephone) and Amateur licenses are obtained. A one-year post-graduate course is offered in which the student earns an advanced radio cer tificate (Advanced Radio Major). This year is devoted entirely to specialized study of mission field broadcast and communication radio sub jects. During this time an FCC Commercial (1st Class radiotelephone) license is obtained. Will you answer this challenge ? Fill out coupon below for full Information. Do It today / Accredited by Accrediting MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 8 20 N. La S a lle St., C hicago, III. 6 0610 Paul F. Robinson Room 2K5 Director of Missionary Technical Department □ I'd like to find out about training as a Missionary Radio Technician at Moody. □ Send me latest Moody school catalog. Name__________________________ Age. Address.___________________________ City. .State______ Zip Code. Association of Bible Colleges IN TE R D E N O M IN A TIO N A L E V A N G E L IC A L
entire world. Picture by M.A.F. — All Rights Reserved —
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager
AL JAMISON: Art Director EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES •— Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
GOOD GRIEF! NOWIT'S ‘Cht (Bospd According to PSJMROTA By Robert L. Short Foreword by Nathan A. Scott, Jr. As wonderfully imaginative para bles of our times, the Peanuts cartoons hord many surprising lessons. Robert L. Short interprets the comic strip's prophetic mean ing from a theological perspective and highlights his remarks with selected cartoons. The result: a unique handbook of the Christian faith, illustrated with Peanuts. Paper, $1.50
P eo p / e tn Mrs. Dorothy C. Haskin, staff member of World Vision, has completed her 25th year of Christian writing which includes authorship of more than 4,500 articles and features. Rev. and Mrs. George C. Klein, vet eran missionaries for the Christian and Missionary Alliance, were given one of the highest awards of the Republic of Gabon by their induction into the National Order of the Equa torial Star of Gabon. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans recently starred in a special Christmas pro gram which was held at the new Los Angeles Music Center. The program was sponsored by Worlds Opportuni ties, Inc., and became the first “ tenant” of this magnificent new cul tural center in America’s third larg est city. More than 3,000 people packed the Memorial Pavilion, the largest of the three auditoriums in the Music Center. Pictured above are the program participants on the stage of the Pavilion. Dr. Roy McKeown, president of World Opportunities, Inc., served as master of ceremonies for the evening. It was said by many, including some of the city fathers of Los Angeles, that this was indeed a most fitting occasion, that a Christ-honoring event was presented as the very first following the Dedication Week at the new Music Center. Mrs. Irene B. Ranney who developed a new concept in visual aid teaching more than 25 years ago will have her unique “ Ranneygraphs” distributed by the Through the Bible Publishers of Dallas, Texas beginning immedi ately. Mr. B. D. Zondervan, president of Family Book Stores of America, Inc., has outlined plans for his organiza tion which has been affiliated with Zondervan Publishing House. The program includes development of Christian book stores across the na tion. Others serving with him will be Mr. C. E. (Ted) Andrews and Mr. Floyd Thatcher.
th e N ew t
Dr. Vincent Brushwyler, former gen eral director of the Conservative Bap tist Foreign Mis sion Society, h a s accepted a call to pastor t h e First Baptist Church of Glen Ellynj Illinois. Under his leader ship, CBFMS grew to include 435 mis- Dr, Brushwyler sionaries through out the world. Dr. Oscar E. Sanden, Minneapolis, Minnesota, passed away recently af ter many years of faithful ministry as an evangelist, educator, author and lecturer. Dr. Sanden was gradu ated from Biola in 1923 as well as being a graduate of the University of Texas, Columbia and Austin Pres byterian Seminaries. His book, “Does Science Support the Scriptures?” was widely circulated. Dr. Henry Brandt, Dr. Walter Judd, Dr. Robert Smith, and Mrs. Ethel Barrett, will be featured during the Second International Christian Camp and Convention scheduled for March 30 to April 2 at Green Lake, Wiscon sin. It is expected that more than 800 leaders in the field will be in attendance. In addition, 80 different topics will be covered in the space of the few days.I Dr. Ralph Mitchell, formerly with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associa tion, will host the “Miracle of Mis sion” at the BiRmore Terrace Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, February 8 through 14. The meetings are spon sored by World Vision, Inc. Dr. Richard Halverson and Dr. Ted Engstrom will also be featured. Dr.- Roy B. Zuck has been selected
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Directors of Scrip ture Press, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, as its new Executive Director. He will continue as editor of Training Hour y o u t h programs and adult s t u d y courses. Dr. Zuck was g r a d u a t e d from Biola in 1953
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Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. SY. 7-5173
THE CONVERSION CENTER Inc. A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER ICA CATHOLIC.” W ill you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for .soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania Rev. Afex O. Dunlap, Director
Dr. Zuck during which time he was president of the student body. He also was graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his Doctor of Theology degree in 1961.
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Someone once said that God couldn’t be everywhere, and so He made mothers. The world changes, and man reaches into space, but nothing changes the warm love of the one who keeps the house.
The Bible, too, stands constant in a changing world. The University of Cambridge, through its Press, is proud of the privilege of having printed the Bible for longer than any press in existence.
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o w a d a y s it is possible for one to obtain almost any kind of statistics to prove his point. W e read from time to time concern ing the great number of church members in our country today. These figures are cited as proof that Christianity is winning out against the forces of evil; that there is a noticeable upsurge of religious interest and therefore all of us should be very optimistic about the spiritual future of our beloved land. Although quite readily admitted by our optimistic friends that there are pockets of distress such as the racial problem, the juvenile delinquency problem and a few others, it is claimed these are merely growing pains in the moral and spiritual development of our populace and that out of these disturbances there will surely emerge a higher and nobler form of life for all Americans. O f course all of us devoutly hope and pray that this might be true. But the matter of fact is that there are many very distressing evidences that all of our vaunted church membership is not producing the desired results. The tragic fact is that as one looks at our moral situation from a realistic point of view, it is quite apparent that there is very little, if any, relationship between church membership as it exists today and any high level of morality. Certainly there is no evidence whatever of any extensive soul-searching on the part of so-called ' Christians. Nor does there appear to be any sincere desire, except in rare instances, on the part of men and women to live sober, righteous and godly lives. Instead of living under the false hopes expressed by optimistic idealists, we might do well to consider a far more realistic approach to the situation by heeding the very sobering facts presented by Director J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI. Mr. Hoover is doing his very best to alert the American people to the dangers which actually confront us. The tragedy is that all too frequently his warnings are completely ignored. Recently he emphasized, again, some of the things about which Americans should be vitally concerned and ashamed: " (1) People spend eight times more hours at movies than at Sunday School. (2) Only one of twelve persons in our country attends church regularly. (3) Seven out of eight children quit Sunday School and church attendance before they reach fifteen years of age. (4) Fifteen million sex magazines are printed THE KING'S BUSINESS
5 0 f o r $ 1 .0 0 postpaid 1000 U r »17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R I S * Box SSI Glandolo, California
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monthly and are read by teenagers. (5) There are more bar maids than college girls in America. (6) One million illegitimate r babies are born annually. (7 ) One million young girls have venereal disease. (8) Our nation harbors three times as many criminals as college students. (9) A major crime is committed in America every twenty-two seconds.” The simple facts are that no other so-called civilized country in the world even begins to pro- r duce the per capita statistics which are revealed by our FBI. These law enforcement officials are in a position to know these facts as they actually exist. They are not presenting any polyanna utopia in which so many would like to think we are living. W e do not have to look very long to find out the reason for i our disgraceful moral condition. It is simply because we have gotten away from our final authority on all matters of morality and spirituality. All too many ministers of the Gospel today have left off preaching the great truths of the Word of God as they pertain to our individual salvation and our daily conduct. Instead < as a country we have set up our own standards of morality. These standards are being established and enforced by unregenerate men upon an unregenerate society. Alas, in so many instances the lead ership of the organized church of Jesus Christ goes right along with these unregenerate standards instead of solemnly declaring "Thus saith the Lord!” and speaking out boldly against the lower ing of moral standards. Obscene literature is allowed unchecked distribution with the feeble excuse that it portrays life as it actually exists. That is just the trouble: it does portray life as it actually exists and the church of Jesus Christ is not making any concerted effort whatever to raise a voice against that manner of life and conduct. It is quite readily admitted that these conditions always will prevail among a certain segment of the people. But the tragedy is that they exist among an ever-increasing proportion of the people of our land. This evil way of life is becoming more and more acceptable to society in general. What was considered utterly immoral a few decades ago has now become more or less * the standard of morality today, and nobody seems to be doing very much about it. The above facts related by Mr. Hoover ought to bring the visible church of Jesus Christ to its knees in humility and abject repentance. And from there the church should rise to meet the challenge revealed by these conditions and never again ^ rest or "take things easy” until the standards of morality and spir ituality as thundered forth in the Word of God are once again heard throughout the length and breadth of our beloved land. It is doubtless too much to hope that the forces of evil ever will be completely overcome, but at least they can be shoved back f into the dark recesses of a godless existence where once they lurked instead of being openly espoused and indeed encouraged, by a so- called respectable society. W e used to hear the rather plaintive cry that these forces of evil should be brought out from underground into the light of public glare where they could be properly dealt with. That is exactly what has been done; they have been brought (continued on page 31)
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W HY did SO many missionaries leave the rebel-controlled areas of the Congo? Is the N a tio n a l Church able to carry on during the absence of the missionaries? Is the era of Missions past in the Congo? Questions such as these plague the evacuated Congo missionary, and he hesitates to answer them, realizing the delicacy of each point. However, an expression of opinion in response to these queries may be of help to interested Christians, and should certainly stimulate prayer on behalf of the Congolese Church. I. WHY DID SO MANY MISSIONARIES LEAVE REBEL-CONTROLLED AREAS OF THE CONGO? Since Independence in 1960, the Congo has blazoned the world head lines with a record of blunder and bloodshed. During the early part of 1964, the series of crises reached a peak when Mulele-led rebels revolted against Tshombe’s Central Govern- ment and maliciously murdered some of the missionaries. This revolt spread to Kwilu, Katanga and Kivu Provinces, and on August 5th Stan leyville was brought under the heel of the insurgents. Missionaries were deprived of their vehicles and within a short time their radio communi cations were cut off. Some of their
last communications reported hun ger, and there were desperate ap peals for help. One of their last messages was directed to mission aries not yet caught behind rebel lines, tersely stating: “Get out while you can! You have no idea of the seriousness of the situation!” A t that time an urgent message came from the American Embassy in Kampala, strongly advising “ all Americans to leave Congo immedi ately. Pack lightly as you may have to leave your cars and flee through the bush into Uganda.” Newscasts informed of rebels closing in from every direction toward the eastern border. National Christians saw the danger and begged their mission aries to leave. What had the mission ary to gain by placing himself in an impossible position, and further en dangering the lives of Chiirch lead ers, who already were regarded with suspicion because of their associa
tion with Americans? The Africa Inland Mission gave the order for all missionaries to pack lightly and to leave as soon as possi ble. Some of the first cars were held up as long as 27 hours at the border, and the occupants told that no Amer icans were to leave, but were to be held as hostages. Customs and Immi- gration officials harrassed and har angued each missionary, but God graciously intervened. Within one week, the A.I.M. missionary family of 158 were all out with the glaring exception of the Charles Davis- fam ily who were in the Stanleyville area.
They, along with some 60 other mis sionaries, were caught behind rebel lines, and were held as prisoners of war. Reports filtered through that one young father of five has suc cumbed to brutal beatings. The bar barous treatment to which this noble band has been subjected, and their valorous stand for Christ will form another eloquent chapter in the an- IS THE ERA OF MISSIONS OVER IN .... nals of Church History.
The only source of information has been the occasional refugee who escaped across the border and re ported daily executions in the larger towns. School teachers, pastors, ex- Government officials and merchants were on the extinction list because allegedly they have helped the hated Americans in their “ imperialist” aims. The few white people left were forced to witness as helpless victims were tied before Lumumba’s monu ment and savagely speared to death while bestial men danced around them. Those who were forced to wit- ness these orgies were expected to join in the dance and cheer as the victim died. Escapees relate that corpses were left for days unburied and that the stench of death pollutes the land. Bunia’s main street has literally flowed with blood. Mission stations have been thoroughly looted, hospitals and schools d e s tro y ed , while malicious men carry out their devilish designs. The travesty of the whole situation is seen when naive rebel-sympathizers in free countries rationalize such acts of brutality in the name of “ Nationalism” and call such felons “ Freedom Fighters.” II. CAN THE MISSIONARY LEAVE THE CHURCH AT THIS JUNCTURE TO STAND ON ITS OWN FEET? It is the sincere desire of each evacuated missionary to see the door
By Peter J. Brashler
open again so that he can return to help the Congolese pastors. Perhaps he will do some things differently than before. The Mission has had the foresight to develop along strong in digenous lines, refusing help from overseas to subsidize pastors’ sala ries. The result of this is that pas tors are often underpaid. Perhaps the Mission has been weak in in struction of stewardship. Perhaps /the Mission organization has been slow to integrate with the church organism, failing to see the African point of view. Perhaps, as he has preached and practiced against a racial barrier in Christ, unconscious ly he has helped to set up a social and cultural barrier. The missionary would be the first to admit some of these mistakes made unwittingly. N otwithstanding these deficits, the Mission Movement has far more on its credit side. The A.I.M: Church in Congo of more than 30,000 members and several times that number of unbaptized believers is left with a . THE strong leadership of over 60 ordained pastors and 56 licensed preachers. These men have spent two years in the Bible School, and most of them an additional two years in the Pas tors’ School. The Church has the whole Bible translated into each of its major languages which have been reduced to writing by the mission aries, and which they have taught the people to read and write. The Mission has engaged in an extensive education program, as well as medi cal. Skeptics often ask: “ How long after the missionary leaves will the church carry on?” The answer is simply: “Until the Rapture.” There no doubt will be a sifting, but there are those who are willing to lay down their lives for their faith in Christ. The Mission may be expendable, but the strong virile church has taken root and no man or system is able to pluck it up. III. HOW IS THE CHURCH CARRYING ON AT THE PRESENT TIME? Authentic reports inform us that the Bible Schools are in session, and that church services are being held regularly. A large Girls’ Conference has been held since the retreat of missionaries, which brought untold blessing. The Congo pastor is hated as a stooge for the Americans. His movements are restricted and his witness is in many ways proscribed. He is in danger of death, and is al
lationship with the Church. With lowering, ominous clouds of political storm, the Church/Mission agree ment has become more amicable. But it is time to rethink the whole Move ment of Missions. The Home Church has shown a strong personal interest in the foreign missionary, but often an indifference to the M is s io n Church. Is it not time for the mis sionary-minded church to see how it can best help the African pastor and his Church? Has the Mission organi zation been too jealous over its au tonomy and entity, and failed to face up to the inevitable outcome that the organization is expendable? When the Mission has accomplished its purpose in a given area, must there not be that ultimate withdrawal? Missions such as the A.I.M., which have been born and blessed of God, certainly have a continued sphere of ministry, but should it not be in the discovery of new fields? Is there not a place in Europe to which the French-speaking missionary can be rent and used? The Mission Era is by no means over, but a re-shuffling of policies and personnel is necessary if the Mission is to survive. And let not the Home Church feel that its missionary obligation has been met. The Church in Congo needs overseas help more than ever before. The young secondary school gradu ate, who feels the call to the minis try, might well be brought to Ameri ca for Bible College and Seminary training. While the political climate may not tolerate Missions in the traditional sense in some areas, there is still the urgent need for doctors, teachers, nurses, Bible School teach ers and general workers. Government aid programs send out ungodly pro fessional personnel. Why cannot the Mission continue to recruit such Christian personnel to send to the African Church for them to place and control? Too, while the Congo is closed temporarily, there is still a great need for missionaries in other ■African fields. The Congo picture leaves us be wildered, but we refuse to recognize current developments as the devil’s victory. In them can be seen the sovereign planning and purpose of God. This is God’s doing, and while as yet it may not seem marvelous in our myopic eyes, it does fit into His perfect plan. Pray for the Congolese Church and its pastors. Pray for the missionary and the Mission, as well as the Home Church, that ready and right adjustments may be made to these changing situations.
ways under strict surveillance. But he is doing his job, and his pastoral and evangelistic efforts will be far more effective than in the past. Pri mary schools are being taught by Mission-trained Christian teachers on most stations. Hertofore t h e teacher’s job has been one of pres tige with a lucrative salary. Now he receives no salary and he is not al lowed to charge fees. His complaint is no longer against the Mission but against the State, and if he expresses it, he does so in jeopardy of his life. His confidence is no longer in his cash, but in his Christ. He is a bet ter teacher than before. The church has more physical limitation. The missionary’s liberal contributions are missed. His means of transportation to carry the pas tor to church meetings is missed. His technical knowledge in educa tional and medical fields is sorely lacking. But it is our firm conviction that, should the door permanently close upon the expatriate missionary, A prognosis here is extremely diffi cult. Every evacuated missionary cherishes the hope, and prays per sistently, that God will open the door to all of Congo again. He feels there is still much to do. However, his position not only in Congo, but also in all of Africa, is indeed precarious. The Missionary Movement, in the nostrils of Nationalist Africa, reeks of Colonialism. The missionary has tried hard to keep abreast of the mad pace for Africanization, but has been falling behind. The elabor ate mission station where the mis sionary in charge is still the big “ Bwana” must be Africanized. The foreign Field Director, who by vir tue of his office has a place on every church meeting and committee, must assume a far more obscure role. Situations such as this have been acceptable to the church only because the church still feels a real need for the missionary. But to hot-blooded Nationalists the Mission Movement is looked upon as one of the last vestiges of Colonialism that must go at all costs. The missionary feels gratified that, if he must leave Congo permanently, it’s not because of a recalcitrant re the church will march militantly along in its God-given role until Jesus comes. IV. IS THE MISSION ERA CLOSING FINALLY?
C O N G O ?
Premier George Price takes a personal interest in the schools of British Honduras. He is a frequent speaker at school functions.
by A rnold W . Pearson
In view of the recent Supreme Court decision against the saying of prayers in the classrooms of U.S. schools, it is refreshing to view the situation in British Hon duras. It is like being thrust back in time to the early days of America, when religion in schools made the fourth “ r.” Although religious activities are more often done as a matter of routine than otherwise, the fact remains that prayers are encouraged and the Scriptures honored. Churches and schools grew up together in this re mote colony of the British Commonwealth. When slav ery was abolished in the early 1800s in the West Indies,
QCHOOL children praying and saying prayers, memo- ^ rizing Scripture passages, answering questions about Bible characters, singing hymns and Gospel songs, and hanging religious art pictures on classroom walls—is this a Christian day school in the U.S.? No, it’s a church school in British Honduras, a tiny Cen tral American country on the southeast border of Mex ico, where the government foots the bill for religious, as well as secular education. With only two exceptions, every school in this emerging British colony is a church school, where religious instruction is not only permitted, but is mandatory.
tional leaders assuming law-making responsibilities. Heading up the government at present time is the Hon. George Price, a 45-year-old national who was raised to the office of First Minister in free elections in 1961, and later given the title of Premier, when the country achieved self-government. Mr. Price and his Peoples United Party are pro moting the cause of independence, having seen the emergence of other small countries throughout the world, and wanting the same. Whether this will be the best thing for British Honduras remains to be seen, but it raises for Christian missionaries the question as
schooling for the children of the emancipated slaves began. The Church of England naturally was the first to provide for the need, when the Honduras Free School was established in 1816. Baptists and Methodists fol lowed in 1828, but were unaided by the government. In February, 1850, the first Education Act was passed, entitled an “ Act to provide for additional schools for the benefit of every denomination of Christians in the Settlement of British Honduras.” For many years Bap tists refused to accept government aid, but eventually took it, as did all other denominations. Roman Catho lics pressed ahead of the others and today have 85 pri mary schools, ten high schools, and claim sixty percent of the entire population as followers of their faith. In this impoverished, sparsely-populated nation (one-tenth of a million people in an area the size of New Hamp shire) there are 158 primary schools, all o f which are being run by the churches (with two exceptions), and 133 of these are accepting government aid. The full cost of teachers is paid by government as well as fifty per cent of the cost of building, furniture, and equipment. When the Conservative Baptist Home Mission So ciety was invited to assume responsibility of this field from the Jamaica Baptists four years ago, we had some doubts about the Baptist School’s receiving State aid, wondering if it would compromise our stand on the sep aration of Church and State. We decided to accept what had been a normal pattern for many years, feeling that if the government did not restrict us in the teaching of Christian doctrine we could continue to accept help. As its first missionary, I made known our convictions to the officials in the Education Department, and re ceived assurances that no restrictions would be placed on us other than the required limitation of hours for the teaching of religion. I wondered if such a favorable climate would last when the country achieves independence, as presumably it will shortly. In January of this year, British Hondu ras was granted full internal self-government, with na
Still a British colony, Honduras is moving toward independence. to how long harmonious relationships will exist between the churches and the government. There seems to be no evidence at the present time that it will change in the foreseeable future. Desiring to publicize this unique religious climate and to sound out the government on the prospects for continuation, I asked the Premier for an interview on the subject. I submitted a number of questions to him, and he graciously and quickly pro vided the answers, in writing.
I asked if the government is entirely satisfied with the present arrangement, or if it would ever desire to operate the schools independently of the churches. The Premier readily accepts invitations to speak at church ceremonies. Here he is at the opening of a new church.
Mr. Price replied, “Government is satisfied with the present arrangement and so long as the churches con tinue to meet the expanding needs, has no intention of altering it. The present government cannot of course speak for any subsequent government, or for the future, but so far as I can foresee the present relationship has stood the test of time so well, and is so well accepted by the people, that any radical change is unlikely.” Re minded of the situation in the early days of the U.S. and the progressive secularization of schools from that time to the present, the Premier did not think such a change would come about in British Honduras, for “ any change would involve very large sums of money on the part of government.” He added, “ The heritage of sound Christian education to my mind provides a real bul wark against the inroads of communism.” People in such a religiously-oriented country as Brit ish Honduras tend to cross denominational lines very easily. I asked the Premier what was the reason for parents sending their children to schools other than those of their own faith. He replied that often there is no school nearby of the parents’ particular faith, or it is more convenient, or that it is felt that the school of
serve the right to satisfy itself as to the educational standards in every school, whether an aided school or not. Beyond this need, Government is not anxious to impose other conditions or to interfere beyond the minimum that is necessary.” Government support of churches is not limited to education. It is generous in allowing church announce ments to be made free of charge over the government station, Radio Belize. The Belize Times, the daily news paper of the Controlling political party, carries adver tisements of our Baptist meetings weekly, refusing offers of payment. Billy Graham's column, “My An swer,” is run daily, and the “Hour of Decision” reaches the public every week. Radio time is allowed the minis ters of the major denominations, in proportion to their size. Land grants are given to religious bodies to build churches and schools on a free basis, subject to avail ability of Crown land. Although Mr. Price and many of the high officiate of the government are Roman Catholics, their attitude seems to be that of the Premier, who told me, “While I am a practicing member of the Catholic Church, I re spect the rights of others to their own religious beliefs.” He added, “ I think the churches are doing very good work in educating the people socially and culturally and I shall do everything to help them.” When questioned on his own personal beliefs regard ing Jesus Christ, the Premier stated, “ I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. I believe that He will come to judge the world at the end of time, and if we are saved, we shall be with Him in happiness forever.” Such a favorable religious climate in a Latin Ameri can country (or anywhere in the world, for that mat ter) seems like an anachronism in a secularized society. Can it last, and is it completely desirable? Certainly it makes our work as missionaries easier in many re spects. We are recognized by government, given spe cial invitations to government functions, granted the use of the parks in which to hold meetings, and gener ously given the use of the radio, press, and other pub lic facilities. We have even been loaned the use of building construction equipment from time to time. One would think that with so much consideration given to religion in the schools, the children would grow up to be God-fearing indeed. In a sense they are, yet there is a formal religiosity rather than committed, genuine Christianity. The moral state of the country is low, with promiscuity tolerated everywhere, and the na tional lottery avidly patronized. Thievery is wide spread, and machete murders not uncommon. Preaching is platitudinal and worship services formal. Evangeli cal missions have made inroads in the last few years, but an easy “ believism” makes it difficult to ground professing Christians in the Scriptures. A “ form of godliness” seems to satisfy most British Hondurans. After the devastating hurricane of 1961, we expected to see a looser hold on material things and a desire for the things of God, but the reverse has taken effect. With the political future insecure, the economic pic ture not very bright, and the threat of natural catas- trophies often present, there seems to be an attitude of “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” As Christian missionaries, we are in a unique position, having the blessing of government upon us. History has proved that this is not an unmixed blessing. The future will reveal whether the favor of God will be upon the emerging nation of British Honduras. Arnold W. Pearson is serving his second term as a missionary to British Honduras under the Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society. Hs is a graduate of the University of California and California Baptist Theological Seminary.
The author presents Premier Price, as well as 16 other top government officials with a copy of "Peace With God," by Billy Graham. their choice offers a better education. This brought up the matter of discrimination, so I asked Mr. Price how the schools teach their beliefs, yet avoid indoc trinating a child. He indicated that there is no compul sion in any of the schools for the pupils to take religion or attend any prayers or religious session. The child can be excused by a note from the parent, and the nor mal practice is for the child to engage in silent study during the religious period. The Premier tactfully avoided any comment on the Supreme Court’s decision against prayer, but pointed up the difference between the U.S. and this country by stating, “ The reading of prayer in schools here is a long-accepted and established practice. In addition, the law provides for the school day in the two government schools to begin with collective worship on the part of all pupils.” Concerned as Baptists about our own beliefs on the separation of Church and State, I asked the Premier if he could foresee any change in government policy regarding control of religious doctrine. He stated, “ Since education is compulsory, Government must re
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We want men and women who can live simply, endure hardship, deny themselves, put up with every discomfort, who are not particular about their outfits, who do not want things “ just so” for their wardrobe, who are willing to go to the hea then just as they are getting on at home, if neces sary; who do not need two or three trunks and a great amount of baggage; who can travel with a knapsack like a soldier and sleep in their boots, and will not grumble about it either, but enjoy it for Christ’s sake; who have got over the romance and novelty of travel and are going to heathen lands for one thing only, and that is to win souls for Christ, to please Him and hasten His coming. W e want men and women who are easy to get along with, who have died to self and self-will, who can keep sweet and can submit themselves to their superintendents until they have learned the language and become qualified to be leaders; who can keep rank as David’s soldiers; who are adjustable, good-natured, ready to meet persecu tion and insult without getting angry, and who can live the gospel of Christ among the heathen is the Master did. We want men and women who are strong, vigorous, rugged, and healthy; or at least have such a hold of the Lord for tbeir bodies that they are not afraid of climate, hard work, inclemency of the weather and physical pressure; who now
W e want men and women who are thorough ly converted and know it. We want men and women who are fully con secrated to God, sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit, so saved from themselves that they are at leisure to work for others. We want men and women who are burning with the love of souls and are longing to lead men and women to Christ. We want men and women who have already begun to work for Christ and have led many souls to the Saviour. One of the first questions asked a missionary candidate is, “How many have you led to Christ since you were saved?” The best place to begin foreign missionary work is at home. A man went away from meeting the Board the other day disappointed at not being able to an swer this question satisfactorily, but he was deter mined it should not happen again. The next Sun day God gave him three souls.
are having victories in their bodies and are able to stand exposure and hardship and do real work for God. We want men and women who know the Lord so well they can have His joy under all circum stances; who will not be afraid of loneliness nor privation; who ask no greater recompense than the privilege of serving and pleasing Him, and who go out not wanting sympathy, but rejoicing in the name of missionary and the privilege of enduring suffering and even shame for the name of Him who died for them. We want men and women who have such a distinct call to the mission field that they cannot stay back, and that even if we do not send them they will go somehow. The Lord send us a thousand such men. The founder of the Alliance published this in T he C hristian and M issionary A lliance W eekly on April 1 , 1892 and it was reprinted in a recent issue of that magazine.
N ever did a situation seem more hopeless and men more helpless than at the time God brought Samuel into the stream of human history. Israel’s old enemy, the Philistines, had grown strong with arms supplied by Greece. Israel had neglected to conquer and secure the sea coast in the day of her strength (Judges 1:18, 19), and had been content to enjoy the rolling downs, green pastures and good times, thus growing soft. They experienced a long period of slow decay. Moral and spiritual decay is at the heart of every nation’s downfall. Behind this is the destruction of the home. Rebuild the home on Biblical and spiritual grounds and from these roots will come the leaders who will guide a nation out of chaos. Is this not the picture of our nation today? Neglect has brought decay. Principles have been supplanted by politics, integrity by intrique, excellence by expediency. We need men, like Washington at Valley Forge, who when faced with crisis and hardships will humbly kneel and ask for Divine guidance, then rise to follow this counsel, more concerned for a “Nation under God” than for a party in power. We find ourselves as a nation to day, looking for leadership that only God can supply. This leadership finds its roots in the Christian home. A study of First Samuel one and two can be profit able at this point. Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, was childless. Going to the temple, she poured out her soul before the Lord. God remembered her and a son, Samuel, was born and became God’s glorious leader for the nation of Israel. Under the guidance of his leader ship the nation was rebuilt and saw its greatest hour. We can rebuild our nation by rebuilding the home. We need at the head: A GOD-FEARING FATHER; at the hub: A GOD-HONORING MOTHER; and at the heart: GOD HIMSELF. I. AT THE H E AD ; A God-fearing Father. Elkanah and Hannah looked upon their relationship to God as the chief concern of mortals. They were what we would call loyal supporters of the local church. Elkanah faithfully fulfilled his ministry as head of the home. He was not only concerned for the physical and material needs of his family; he showed discern-
by Dr. Joseph Hemphill
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the long hair was a protest against the world, signify ing the devotion of his strength and. fullness of life to God and country. When Samuel was born, Hannah gave him back to God. Should not this be our response to answered prayer ? It was the custom to wean a child at age three and Horace Bushnell has said that “ by this time more has been done to affect character and conduct than in all the years that follow.” Our souls need to be weaned from the fruitless desires of earthly good to waiting upon God, finding satisfaction in His presence and rest ing peacefully in the arms of His providence. At the head of the home we need a God-fearing father; at the hub of the home a God-honoring mother; and at the heart of the home God Himself. III. AT THE HEART . God Himself. The Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit must be honored in the home. A godly home produces happy children. This is evidenced from the song of Hannah in I Samuel 2:1-11. This hymn rejoices wholly in God and says nothing of mother or child. God must be acknowledged, as in this home, in His glory (vv. 1-3), in His power (vv. 4-8), and in His approaching triumph. His glory is best understood by mortal men when we yield to the fact of His holiness and righteousness, that He is without sin and the author of purity, honesty and integrity. His power is best revealed in His redemp tive work, for as we can see ourselves against the back drop of His holiness we can but acknowledge that we have sinned and come short of His glory. It is only then that we understand the power of God at work through the atoning death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that will justify man and restore him into fellowship with a Holy God. The ultimate triumph of God is approaching. In the breast of every man there is the desire for a day when wrongs shall be righted, evil vanquish and justice and mercy reign supreme. God’s Word teaches of such a day, and His people believe and look for it. “ The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them; the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed” (v. 10). Our nation’s founding fathers came from such homes. At their first meeting of the First Continental Congress in September 1774, they invited Dr. Jacob Duche of Philadelphia, to pray for Divine guidance for Congress and for country. Word had just been received of the horrible cannonade of Boston and we have vener able John Adams’ record of the occasion: “ Dr. Duche read the 35th Psalm. It seemed as if heaven had or dained the Psalm to be read on that morning. Here is a scene worthy of the painters’ art. It was in Carpen ter’s Hall in Philadelphia. Washington was kneeling there, and Henry and Randolph and Rutledge, and Lee and Jay, and by their side stood, bowed in reverence, the Puritan patriots of New England. They prayed fer vently for America, for the Congress, for the Province of Massachusetts Bay, and especially for Boston. It was enough to melt a heart of stone. I saw the tears gush into the eyes of the old, grave pacific Quakers of Phila delphia.” We must realize as they did that God is the true source of strength and greatness, the only antidote for moral and spiritual decline. Let us rebuild our nation by rebuilding our homes, that other Samuels may come forth to vanquish our enemies and lead us to new heights, that America may yet see her greatest hour. 15
ment for the spiritual and eternal. His loyalty to God was revealed in his love for Hannah. He attended Divine services at the appointed time and supported the Lord’s work with generous contributions. He did not, as many today do, send his family to church, but led his family by example in both attendance and financial support. The influence of such a father on his son is immeasur able. It was from such a spiritually-oriented home that David Livingstone came. He, who with a message of life and light, hope and help, plunged himself into the heart of a continent of multiplied darkness to become a torch of inspiration to all succeeding generations. II. AT THE HUB. A God-honoring Mother. In spite of all the religion, the home of Hannah and Elkanah was unhappy because it was childless. Elkanah did not fully understand Hannah’s heartache. When he saw her weeping because she was childless, he said, “Why is thy heart grieved? Am I not better to thee than ten sons?” No. God has put into the heart of every normal woman the desire to be a mother. Hannah’s gloom sprang from piety. The Hebrews saw childless ness as a misfortune. Joseph Parker, when pastoring the City Temple in London, said that each pew contained at least one heart ache. Hannah, heartbroken over childlessness, found comfort at God’s house where she poured out her soul in prayer. Is this not the place to find help in the hour of need? Hannah had learned to approach the mercy- seat. “ Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). She stated the facts, uttered her petition and made a vow that her son should belong to the Lord. This vow, in appearance strange, is filled with mean ing. One who took it was to refrain from intoxicating drink, let his hair grow and avoid ceremonial defile ment. Outwardly it would appear to be ascetic, but it meant that the individual would refrain from any sensual indulgences that would render him unfit for the work of his office. He would abstain from moral defilement that would stain his life thus dedicated, and
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