King's Business - 1965-02

In Daniel 2 the prophet de­ clares in the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar that there would be four world em­ pires as depicted in the image. It is no mere speculation that the first of these is Babylon for the prophet says, “ Thou [Nebuchad­ nezzar] art this head of gold” (verse 38). It would thus follow that the second is Media-Persia in which Daniel also lived to share. The third dominion was Greece under Alexander, and the fourth was Rome which was in its fullest development in the day that Christ was here on earth. It is this iron kingdom which merges in its final form into feet of iron and clay. During the time o f the feet of iron and clay, the Smiting Stone strikes. This, of course, must be the Second Coming of Christ and His millennial king­ dom (verses 44-45). It is the final, form of the iron kingdom (the feet o f iron and clay) that we call the Revived Roman Empire. It is this part of the image which is still future since there is nothing that has fulfilled this in the past and it is in, not after, the time of this final form that God will set up His kingdom which shall stand forever (Daniel 2:44-45). Thus, since the Word of God predicts a future world empire or federa­ tion, is it possible that such a fed- eartion is being brought about to­ day? Certainly the European Common Market does show such a possibility as a correlation of the salient features of both it and the Revived Roman Empire will indicate. However, there is a dif­ ference between possibility and certainty. It is that the European Common Market might be, not is, the Revived Roman Empire. With this caution in mind, let us look at a correlation of the important features of both. The structure of the Revived Roman Empire is indicated in several different passages. In Daniel 2:42 we see that “as the toes of the feet were part o f iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly

to them. Certainly this answers the description of a federation of states banded together for a com­ mon goal spoken of by the Proph­ et Daniel and the Apostle John. The over-all dimensions of the Roman Empire were indeed mas­ sive, and its influence was world­ wide. However, the important as­ pect of the size of the Revived Roman Empire is not so much the over-all dimensions as it is the number of kingdoms which make up this federation. In several places the Scriptures are very specific as to the fact that ten kingdoms make up this final Gentile power. In Daniel 2: 41-42 the final form is depicted as feet and particularly toes. Al­ though the number ten is not specifically mentioned in this pas­ sage, it is reasonable to believe it is meant since this is the number normally possessed. However, the number ten is specifically men­ tioned in Daniel 7 :7, 24 and sub­ stantiates the previous passage. Another passage which mentions the ten horns or kingdoms is Rev­ elation 13:1. These are explained in Revelation 17:12 as kings over which the beast rules. In Revela­ tion 17:12 it is also seen that each kingdom of this federation of ten kingdoms gives its authority to the head of the empire by mutual consent. Thus, the Revived Ro­ man Empire consists of ten fed­ erated nations. How then does the European Common Market com­ pare to this? Today the European Common Market consists of just six na­ tions, including Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxem­ bourg, and the Netherlands. Is there any reason to suggest that this may eventually include ten nations? The Wall Street Journal on July 6, 1962 included this sig­ nificant statement: “ The admis­ sion of Great Britain as the sev­ enth member of the Common Correlation as to S IZE

Correlation as to STRUCTURE

broken” or partly divided. Re­ ferring also to such a divided or federated kingdom is Daniel 7 :24, which states: “ And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise.” A third passage is Revelation 17:12-13: “ And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength un­ to the beast.” Here then is a divid­ ed kingdom, made up of ten kings or kingdoms, which receives its power by mutual consent. Now when we look at the Euro­ pean Common Market, this is exactly what it purposes to be— a federation of states. Existing for many past centuries, each country brings together its own nationalism. Each country main­ tains its individual identity but has banded with the others for economic growth and protection. All the barriers to trade among member nations are to be torn down, whereas previously, each nation tried to post heavy tariffs on rival products and goods. A standard tariff is to be established on products coming into the com­ mon Market from the countries outside of it. The officials of the Common Market and the atomic agency secretariats in Brussels have their own blue license plates with the letters EUR followed by a number. Some foresee the time when there will be one motor car license for the citizens of all six countries. There is also talk of a common citizenship, not to replace national identities, but in addition



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