King's Business - 1965-02


“TIT' rank , would you do me a favor? JL Steve, an old friend of mine, is staying at a hotel in the city. We haven’t seen each other since boy­ hood days. As far as I know, he has never accepted Christ as his Saviour. I thought maybe you might go and talk to him. You could do it better than I.” Frank hesitated momentarily, then said, “ But I have never met the man, and furthermore, I know nothing about him. Wouldn’t it be rather abrupt for me to go and talk to him about accepting Christ as his Sav­ iour?” Both men were silent for a while, then Frank said, “ I will go and invite him, at least.” He inquired at the hotel desk, then went directly to Steve’s room. He knocked at the door and after he waited a moment, there was a reply. “Who is it?” Frank waited again. Finally the door opened. A middle- aged, kindly-looking man asked him to come in. Frank introduced him­ self and for some time they talked about their mutual friend, and old home surroundings. After a pause, Frank said, “ Steve, I have some­ thing else to tell you.” He related how through an invitation to receive Christ as Saviour, his life had been totally changed from that of an am­ bitious young man, anxious to get ahead in this world, to a new direc­ tion and a new power to live for God. When he had finished, both were quiet. Then Frank continued, “ Steve, if you have never done so, and are interested, why don’t you give God a chance in your life?” Steve’s reply was, “ I am interested.” From God’s Word, Frank showed him the sim­ plicity of meeting God and asking Him to come into his life. He con­ cluded with, “ Steve, why don’t we just ask God to do the same for you that He did' for me?” Without a word, Steve slipped to his knees. It was little different from anoth­ er situation where Peter responded to a request to go and talk to a Ro­ man centurian, Cornelius. In sim­ plicity and earnestness, Peter told the story. Cornelius accepted Christ. There are others like these men. Ask your Lord to send you to some­ one—to invite him to Christ. FEBRUARY, 1965

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