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CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert
We requested that a former Seventh-day Adventist write the following TRIBUTE TO A MAN OF COURAGE By Mary Lyons A d is t in c t l o s s has been sus tained in the passing of a stal wart and fearless defender of the faith, the late Rev. E. B. Jones of Minneapolis, Minn., who was called to his rest April 15, 1964. A former Seventh-day Adventist missionary to India, the Rev. Mr. Jones withdrew from the SDA movement in 1936, after years of diligent studying and comparing the Word of Truth with the false teachings of Adventism. Despite subsequent character - ma ligning and continuous false and damaging reports by certain mem bers of this cult, this servant of the Lord dedicated his life to the un swerving task of exposing the fals ity of SDAism. Officiating at the funeral service, Dr. Richard Clearwaters very appro priately read the parting testimony of Rev. E. B. Jones, an Open Letter widely circulated during his linger ing illness, in which he stated with detailed conviction: “ SDAism as it exists today is precisely what it has always been: a deceptive religious trap for the unwary.” His unwaver ing testimony was, “ I sincerely de sire you to know that there has been no change at all in my firm stand for the truth of the Sacred Word. . . . Most reluctantly do I relinquish the part which I have long been privileged to take in the battle, but God is sovereign” — “ He being dead yet speaketh.” From an SDA Pastor of some re pute, whose name I courteously re frain from disclosing, I received a letter dated Aug. 31, 1964, from which I quote: “ If Jones’ conclusions about Adventism were true one would have to be insane to be an Ad ventist.” These are not my words but those of an active SDA. My own firm, unwavering conviction is that the conclusions of Rev. E. B. Jones were true —true to the Word o f God and the God of the Word. Mr. Jones was a gifted writer whose articles often ajrpeared in the King’s Business. He was the author of half a dozen excellent booklets dealing with this system. —BB
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