To gather information on those agencies and organizations which specialize in tours of Bible Lands, one has but to study the advertising pages of most of the Christian peri odicals, such as The King’s Business, Christian Life, Moody Monthly and Christianity Today. Do not hesitate to write letters and ask questions. Information will be sent without obligation. Prices and other infor mation supplied can be objectively compared. Suggest your own itiner ary, if you wish, and request com petitive proposals from several of the travel agencies. Normally, travel agencies receive their financial remuneration through a percentage of the sale qf air fare and in some cases referral fees for accommodations. Beware of individ uals or travel organizations who exact an unreasonable fee per per son for acting as “middlemen” in setting up such excursions. Allow ample time for arrange ments to be made and promotion of the tour. One year in advance is the minimum time span for the making of a successful tour — cost will be lower too! (Our price at $1145.00 is remarkably low.) If possible, it is preferrable to travel via an American Flag carrier such as TWA, but here your travel agent knows all the pros and cons. He knows how to secure a free pass for every fifteen passengers so that tour leaders can travel without extra cost. THIRD : Assemble all of your infor mation and be sure it is attractively prepared and ready for distribution before you present it to those whom you wish to interest. Your agency and the air lines will assist- you in preparing good printed materials and supply you with additional promo tional materials which will afford adequate opportunity for people to carefully study and consider before deciding. Since such tours require a considerable investment, it is im portant to provide a wide informa tional basis upon which to make a decision. FINALLY : Maintain contact with individuals who express an interest. Schedule meetings, use the mails, and other publicity channels at your disposal to interest an increasing volume of new prospects. Endeavor to develop an “ esprit de corps” among those who will be traveling together and prepare them for maximum en joyment of their tour experience. Extra information for anyone inter ested will be gladly furnished at no obligation on this or any other tours by Lands of the Bible Tours, in care of this magazine.
segment of Christians. Wide distri bution of attractive brochures sup plied by the travel agency, direct mail promotions, Christian periodi cal advertising, and radio advertis ing directed toward the Christian public are some of the methods being employed. Within the church, promotion has included b u l l e t i n announcements, public announcements in the church services, printed announcements in the church’s weekly paper, “The Cup of Joy,” and various other efforts LAND which have generated a growing vol ume of interest. A series of group meetings featuring lectures, colored slides and moving pictures of vari ous points of interest to be visited on the tour have also attracted con siderable interest and will continue through .the fall and winter months, so that those going on the trip will be amalgamated into a closely knit fel lowship before the actual time of de parture. A great deal of information and knowledge will have been gar nered about the geography, customs, climate, and historical significance of each of the countries scheduled on the tour. Printed material, a rec ommended reading list, and a kit con taining in addition to numerous oth er items, a sixty-page book of travel tips, will also be provided for each member of the- tour. It will be several months before the LANDS OF THE BIBLE TOUR, bom of a casual remark, will become a part of the personal history of the people involved, and a further addi tion to the already long list of excit ing ventures undertaken by the pro gressive-minded memb e r s of the First Baptist Church of Downey. Any evaluation at this point is there fore understandably l imi ted . But even at this early date, several help ful suggestions can be made to other churches or groups which might wish to undertake such a venture. FIRST : Ample time should be al lowed to research and plan. There are no shortcuts, and failure to give at tention to the important and multi tudinous details involved could re sult in disaster. SECOND : Let the experts do the critical and highly technical work re quired. Select a qualified and experi enced travel agency with at least some Christians on its staff. Many of the air lines maintain a com plete “ tour planning” service and will offer their assistance, though not to the extent of a travel agency.
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Train Up a Child, the superb new Cradle Roll Calendar packet featuring 24 full-color baby portraits by artist Frances Hook, will be avail able in March. Sunday-school leaders will welcome this well-planned program for effec tive outreach. Key item is the 24-page undated picture- calendar with spiritual guidance hints for parents' use. Other items in the packet are visitation seals, full instructions, and a file card for noting information about the child and fam ily. The packet will be enclosed in clear plastic. Price : $2.50 each A t your Christian Bookstore, or LIGHT AND LIFE PRESS, Dept. 25 F Winona Lake, Indiana 46590
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