King's Business - 1965-02

e>v a message from the editor ^


F a l s e Op t im ism

Reach Ch ildren !


6 papas — 3 colors

o w a d a y s it is possible for one to obtain almost any kind of statistics to prove his point. W e read from time to time concern­ ing the great number of church members in our country today. These figures are cited as proof that Christianity is winning out against the forces of evil; that there is a noticeable upsurge of religious interest and therefore all of us should be very optimistic about the spiritual future of our beloved land. Although quite readily admitted by our optimistic friends that there are pockets of distress such as the racial problem, the juvenile delinquency problem and a few others, it is claimed these are merely growing pains in the moral and spiritual development of our populace and that out of these disturbances there will surely emerge a higher and nobler form of life for all Americans. O f course all of us devoutly hope and pray that this might be true. But the matter of fact is that there are many very distressing evidences that all of our vaunted church membership is not producing the desired results. The tragic fact is that as one looks at our moral situation from a realistic point of view, it is quite apparent that there is very little, if any, relationship between church membership as it exists today and any high level of morality. Certainly there is no evidence whatever of any extensive soul-searching on the part of so-called ' Christians. Nor does there appear to be any sincere desire, except in rare instances, on the part of men and women to live sober, righteous and godly lives. Instead of living under the false hopes expressed by optimistic idealists, we might do well to consider a far more realistic approach to the situation by heeding the very sobering facts presented by Director J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI. Mr. Hoover is doing his very best to alert the American people to the dangers which actually confront us. The tragedy is that all too frequently his warnings are completely ignored. Recently he emphasized, again, some of the things about which Americans should be vitally concerned and ashamed: " (1) People spend eight times more hours at movies than at Sunday School. (2) Only one of twelve persons in our country attends church regularly. (3) Seven out of eight children quit Sunday School and church attendance before they reach fifteen years of age. (4) Fifteen million sex magazines are printed THE KING'S BUSINESS



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