E. Delane Rosemond, Esq. Southeastern Province Polemarch
Purpose Under the Leadership of Thomas L. Battles, Jr., the Southeastern Province continuously supported the initiatives of the 33 rd Administration of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. Thriving under the theme of “Rebirth, Reclaim, Recommit by Leaving No Brother Behind,” the Southeastern Province em- braced and implemented the vision and Six Point Plan of the 33 rd Administration of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. as we continuously thrive while blazing a trail in Kappa Alpha Psi. coveted Undergraduate Leadership Institute program for undergraduate members 2. To support Kappa Kamp at Paul W. Quinn College in Dallas, Texas 3. To continue supporting the Piney Woods School helping young boys become men 4. To support Healthy Kappas, Healthy Communities Initiative to high- light health & wellness measures 5. To further conduct C. Rodger Wil- son Leadership conferences and train for leadership 6. To successfully execute the Prov- ince Council to enhance communica- tion among Province membership 7. To provide effective and efficient training for chapter advisors as well as increase membership 8. To continuously support the Na- tional Guide Right Program along with the Undergraduate Development 9. To continue the support of the Fraternity’s National Founders Day Observances 10. To support the Achievement Academy and continue supporting Com- munity Service & Reclamation through- out the Province 11. To continuously support Member Training Academy program in compli- Objectives 1. To continue supporting the
ance with the rules of Kappa Alpha Psi
5. In excess of 150 brothers from the Southeastern Province supported and attended the 2018 and 2019 National Founders Day weekend held respectively in Nashville, Tennessee and Tampa, Florida. 6. The Southeastern Province part- nered with the Achievement Academy to provide a more comprehensive prepara- tion for Undergraduates transitioning to graduate schools and the work force by pairing them with mentors in the alumni chapters. We also instituted four new scholarships for undergraduate brothers throughout province that is awarded at province council and C. Rodger Wilson Leadership and Training Conference each year. 7. Through the execution of the Fra- ternity’s Membership Training Academy Program, the Southeastern Province initi- ated 669 new brothers into our fraternity the past two years. 8. During the 2018-2019 Southeast- ern Province Council, brothers contribut- ed in excess of $1,000 during mobile me campaign at the various banquets since we last met. 9. Additionally, the Southeastern Province also distributed fans to senior citizens for National Senior Kappa week, which was collected at the 2018 and 2019 province councils. 10. The Southeastern Province con- tinues to support and raise needed funds for and in support of St. Jude Children Research Hospital during the Sunday of Hope Campaign to date. 11. The Southeastern Province sup- ports the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture with a $50,000 pledge ($10,000 annually for 5 years) and con- tinues to support the efforts to reach the national goal of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Accomplishments 1. Southeastern Province is honored to have nine Kappa Fellows from the Theta Klass of the ULI. 2. The Southeastern Province, along with its foundation, the Southeastern Education Leadership Foundation, and various alumni chapters sponsored more than 20 Kappa Kampers at Paul W. Quinn College in Dallas, Texas from June 3- 15, 2018. The Healthy Kappas, Healthy Communities Initiative evaluated brothers for hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes in connection with this national initiative. Over the past three years (2015-2017), the Healthy Kap- pas, Healthy Communities Initiative participated in each of the Southeastern Province Councils. During this timeline, the Southeastern Province screened approximately 825 persons for various health disparities to include hypertension and diabetes. In addition, we participated in the All of Us Research Program, which was an effort by the National Institutes of Health to engage 1 million volunteers across the country to help with preci- sion medicine and how it is being used to improve health, treat diseases and find cures. 3. The Southeastern Province reg- istered more than 900 brothers for the 2018 Southeastern Province and 2019 Southeastern Province Councils held re- spectively in Charleston, South Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia. 4. Effective communication and train- ing was achieved by a) implementation of monthly teleconference with Prov- ince leadership and chapter advisors, b) undergraduate chapter semester report improved the monitoring of our collegiate members grades and activities, c) one hundred percent (100) of chapter advi- sors certified and trained as of March 18, 2019, d) webinars for advisors training, and e) 92% of chapters certified.
Yours in the Bond, E. Delane Rosemond, Esq. Southeastern Province Polemarch
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