Damon O. Barry, Esq. Middle Western Province Polemarch
Purpose To serve, drive and embrace the 33 rd Administration’s agenda (Six Point Plan) through the Middle Western Province and its local communities. Grand Polemarch Battles’ theme, “Re- birth, Reclaim, Recommit, by leaving no brother behind,” continues to be our rallying cry. continues under strong leadership with the re-election of Gerald Hawthorne as Senior Province Vice Polemarch, E. Dean Brown, Jr., as Keeper of Exche- quer and Shawn Oglesby as Keeper of Records. Outstanding undergraduate brothers Tyler Murphy (Epsilon Eta Chapter-2017/18) and Selwyn Bachus II (Iota Tau Chapter-2018/19) served as Junior Province Vice Polemarch. Our Board of Directors includes Thomas Scott (Wichita (KS) Alumni Chapter), Anthony Francisco (Nor- man (OK) Alumni Chapter), Shannon Armstrong (Kansas City (MO) Alumni Chapter), Julius Carpenter (Nu Epsi- lon Chapter), John Franklin (Omicron Pi Chapter), and Jordan Pinkney (Beta Nu Chapter) and Chiekezie Chukwuka (Omicron Zeta Chapter) served as Strategus and Lt. Strategus, respec- tively. within Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity that exemplifies achievement, a sustained commitment to service and an unceas- ing focus toward developing leaders committed to positively impacting our fraternity and the communities we serve. Mission of the Province To protect our fraternal Bond, in- spire achievement amongst our Broth- Overview The Middle Western Province Vision of the Province To be the preeminent Province
ers and dedicate ourselves to fully serve our communities. Objectives of the Province • Undergraduate Engagement and Empowerment - To create an environ- ment of inclusion between our under- graduate and alumni members/chapters, which will ultimately influence our behaviors towards how we conduct the business of the Fraternity. • Succession Planning and Lead- ership Development - To create an environment of transparent leadership in an effort to foster a sense of trust to strengthen our members, chapters and the province as a whole. • Reclamation - To create and iden- tify opportunities at the province level to assist chapters in reclaiming inactive brothers within their local communities. • Corporate Social Responsibility - Identify opportunities for province and chapter leaders to build relationships with local business/community leaders in an effort to solicit funds in support of our national, provincial and local initia- tives, such as Guide Right. • Senior Kappa Engagement - To es- tablish formal opportunities to increase the level of engagement for Senior Kap- pas within the province. Major Accomplishments • Through the leadership of Brother Thomas Scott and his committee, our Healthy Kappas/ Healthy Communi- ties programs have grown during this Administration. We are proud that we continue to screen hundreds of individu- als during our Province Councils and have set a new standard for our Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) program by donating new safe baby cribs to the local community and local shelters. • Established the Middle Western Province Financial Compliance Task Force. The Scope/Purpose of the Com- mittee is to examine the current MWP
Exchequer processes and procedures to determine if the existing internal con- trols are adequate to mitigate improper behavior and recommend best practices as it relates to the treasury positions. • We are proud to announce through the Membership Training Academy, the Middle Western Province initiated over 189 new Brothers into the Bond. We ini- tiated a 4 th generation Kappa and three different 3 rd generation Kappas. • We trained and certified 183 Broth- ers to serve as undergraduate advisors • We hosted a Kappa League Sum- mit on the campus of Langston Univer- sity, where Kappa Leaguers from across the province attended. • The Middle Western Province is proud to support and pledge to the Smithsonian National Museum of Afri- can American History & Culture with a five-year commitment totaling $40,000 ($8,000 annually). • We are excited that the Middle Western Province has leadership at the highest level of the Fraternity. Our own Brother Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., serves as Senior Grand Vice Polemarch. Past Province Polemarch Clifford Frank- lin serves as the Chief Marketing and Brand Officer to the 33 rd Administration. Guy L. Grant Awardee Sean Bradley leads the Kappa Kamp initiative and Brother Kevin Cox serves as National Chairman of Resolutions Committee. • Undergraduates continue to serve a leading role in the Middle Western Province. It is an exciting time and it is up to us to continue the momentum to move upward and onward. Thank you for em- barking on this journey as we continue “Building Bridges for a Stronger Tomor- row…Brother by Brother.” Yours in the Bond, Damon O. Barry, Esq. Middle Western Province Polemarch
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