Williams Recognized for Research on Iota Chapter
By Karsceal Turner
A aron Williams (Zeta Upsilon 1986) didn’t set out to set a benchmark for research when he took on the task of chroni- cling the history of the The University of Chicago Chapter, the Iota of Kappa Alpha Psi from its char- tering in 1918 to the Present. Although Williams conducted an extensive research undertaking that rivals that of any fraternity archivist he stresses the important of recognizing the gems of his- tory present in every single letter chapter within this great fraternity. Ultimately, Williams intention was fueled by his desire to educate younger Kappa brothers. “The 21st century members of the Bond have no real knowledge of the single letter chapters,” Wil- liams said. I didn’t know it would become as extensive as it did. Williams chronicled Iota Chap- ter’s struggles with campus hous- ing and restrictive covenants; its exclusion from the Inter Frater- nity Council (IFC), and detailed the academic experiences and distinguished careers of at least 54 Kappa brothers from the chapter. His vast amount of persistence, ingenu- ity, and research did not go unnoticed. Williams’ extensive research and efforts cemented Iota chapter’s legacy with the University of Chicago. The University subsequently added his research to the University’s Special Collections within the Joseph Regenstein Library archives. The Iota Chapter history was also recognized in a 2018 newsletter for the Chicago-based Black Metropolis Re- search Consortium (BMRC), a Chi- cago-based membership association of libraries, universities, and other archival institutions. Finally, Williams’ history of Iota Chapter
was published in the Winter 2017 edi- tion of the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal with a 17-page spread cover story to coincide with the chapter’s Centennial. Williams said he didn’t know he would
these brothers,” Williams said. Williams approached some Iota brothers at a Chicago Alumni Chapter meeting a few weeks after attending the Theta Chapter Centennial Celebration and the brothers (who are now in their 70s and 80s), reminisced about what a great time was had. “We had a terrific time,” Williams said. “I approached a couple of the Iota Chapter broth- ers, reminded that they’re up next, and asked what they had planned for their upcoming Centennial. I told them, anyone can do a banquet and explained to the brothers that the Iota Chapter had not been active for such a long period, it would be fitting to submit something to The Journal about the Centennial to educate the young brothers about Iota Chapters’ legacy of achievement because many brothers simply do not know. Thus his research began. Williams proceeded to conduct interviews with Iota members from as far back as 1947. The finished product yielded 13 to 16 printed pages of research from varied sources “I didn’t know it would be so exten- sive, like peeling a peel of an onion. I got a good indication about how their processes were conducted back 1940s-1950s. For example, the Scroller club lasted for six or seven months as a tryout. In some instances, it could take a year before one was formally inducted into the fraternity according to some Iota Chapter brothers,” Williams chuckled. Williams then described the research process he used. He began by gathering resources beginning with the scroll of Iota Chapter from International Head- quarters, school records, he performed internet searches on obituaries of various deceased brothers, he then researched past issues of The Journal contain- ing articles about Iota or Iota brothers
eventually write the history of such an iconic chapter, especially since it had been dormant on the school campus for decades. He said he initially was unin- formed about chapter’s rich history until running into half a dozen Iota brothers at a Theta Chapter (Northwestern Uni- versity) centennial celebration in 2017. “I had no idea of the significance of this chapter. I’m not from Chicago,” said the St. Louis native. “Back in 2017, Theta Chapter had their centennial and I met about five to six Iota brothers. I sug- gested putting it in The Journal . I felt the 21 st Century brothers of the frater- nity had no idea about the rich history of
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