Temple University Partners with NFL Super Bowl Champion, Eagles player Malcolm Jenkins, to Help Ex- Offenders Secure Jobs
Philadelphia, PA - Each year in Philadelphia, ap- proximately 25,000 indi- viduals return home from incarceration, as reported by the Philadelphia Reentry Coalition in March. Many of these returning citizens seek support and resources to help them find gain em- ployment to avoid returning to jail and back to a life of crime. On Friday, March 29, 2019, NFL Super Bowl Champion Malcolm Jenkins (Philadel- phia Eagles) and his Players Coalition, sponsored a job fair for returning citizens to
“I was very impressed with the cali- ber of candidates that I met, they were professionally dressed, many qualified, and eager to communicate their employment interests,” said Brother Robinson. Robinson is also Senor Pastor of Greater Enon Mis- sionary Baptist Church, 1854 North 22 nd Street, Philadelphia, PA. Brother Robinson shared, “I’m proud to partner with Rab, Malcolm Jenkins, Impact Services and area employers to help prepare return- ing-citizens to move from unem- ployment and instability into gainful employment and stabilization within the workforce.” “Helping-returning citizens to secure employment isn’t just a benevo- lent deed. National data reveals that gainfully employed returning citizens are least likely to commit crime and are least likely to return to jail. As a Human Resources talent pool, returning-citizens are one of America’s largest under- utilized workforce talent pools. And, from a Biblical perspective, leveraging support to restore and minister to the disenfranchised (e.g., incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals) is what Christ expects of His true dis- ciples, according to Matthew 25:33-40."
reach their fullest human potential and their highest level of personal and family self-sufficiency.” Edward “Rab” Hamilton, Job Developer- Impact Services, was one of the key organizers of the event. Approximately 20 employers and support services vendors were in attendance, including State Farm Insurance, Sheraton Hotel, Temple University, Uplift Solutions, Diplomat Demolition, JETS Staff- ing, and more! MenzFit, a non-profit workforce readiness training organiza- tion provided free business suits to the majority of formerly incarcerated men attending the job fair.
help connect them with area employ- ers that are actively hiring. Jenkins is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Michael Robinson (Beta Epsilon 1979), Director-Community Outreach & Hir- ing/Temple University, along with the university's Beasley Law School and Lenfest North Philadelphia Workforce Initiative, one of the employer repre- sentatives, hosted the event on campus, organized by Impact Services, a promi- nent non-profit group in Philadelphia. The mission of Impact Services is “To empower people in need to attain the hope, motivation and skills necessary to
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