Cleveland (OH) Alumni Chapter Nears $200,000 in Scholarship Awards
S cholarship awards to Greater Cleveland high school seniors by the Scholarship Foundation of the Cleveland (OH) Alumni Chapter will reach more than $200,000 at the annual Lou Stokes Scholarship Luncheon May, 18, 2019. The chapter awarded its first scholarship in 1947 and, since 1997, through computerized track- ing, $197,000 has been awarded to sup- port 36 female and 178 male students. This year’s awards totaling $15,000 will take us over the $200K mark. Accord- ing to Terry Butler (Gamma Tau 1968), Kappa Scholarship Foundation Presi- dent, Cleveland (OH) Alumni Chapter has identified more than 22 young men who received scholarships became Kap- pas. At the annual luncheon, supported graduates of the program as well as role model Kappa brothers are identified as program speakers. This year’s keynote
speaker is Terrence V. Upchurch (Alpha Omega 2013), State Representative (D- 10 Ohio) and member of the Cleveland (OH) Alumni Chapter. Gerard L. Leslie (Cleveland (OH) AL 2017) chairs the scholarship award component of the Foundation. Nurturing the pipeline from grade school through college completion and on to careers is the goal of Cleveland’s Kappa League and high school scholarship pro- grams. Mark Sorrells (Cleveland (OH) AL 2013) and Eric Hills (Xi Mu 1987), Co-Chairs of Cleveland’s Guide Right operations, actively recruit and monitor young men and assist in the application process for both scholarships and college admission and leadership training. The Chapter’s efforts have been tremendous- ly rewarded. To date, our Kappa Scholar- ship awardees have attended more than
44 colleges and universities around the nation! Scholarships are a team effort in Cleveland. Throughout the year, our Silhouettes participate by raising funds to provide back-to-school gift cards for the annual Kappa scholarship winners. Funding for Cleveland (OH) Alumni Chapter’s scholars is generated through chapter-sponsored events including the renowned Kappa Boat Ride and other chapter social events and fund raisers. The annual Kappa Black & White Schol- arship Gala chaired currently by LaMont English (Youngstown (OH) AL 2008) and Michael V. Wood (Cleveland (OH) AL 2016) is the chapter’s premier revenue- generating event for scholarships and building a continuing endowment. The December 8, 2018 event entertained nearly 400 of Cleveland’s Kappa support- ers.
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