84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)



Chicago Fire of 1871. The hotel with its garnet-draped chandeliers, Louis Comfort Tiffany masterpieces and a massive ceiling fresco in its lobby was the perfect locale to continue the obser- vance of the CAC Centennial as well as host the fraternity’s North Central Province Council Meeting. Highlighted at this year’s NCP Council Meeting was 114 new initi- ates from NCP chapters and a Province sponsored Health Fair. The 33 rd Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr.; Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Rueben A. Shelton, III Esq.; Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Christopher Cross; Grand Board of Directors Linnes Finney, Jr., Esq., Ronald V. Julun, Andre Earls and Ivan Garcia; Province Polemarchs: Gilbert D. Brown III (Western); Kevin D. Kyles (Northern), Darren Jordan (East Central) and Leonard E. Clemons (South Central) were among the out-of- town dignitaries attending this special Province Council. The Delta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Soror- ity, Inc. served as hostesses in the CAC Hospitality Suite one evening during Province Council. In addition to conducting the busi- ness of the province, the NCP hosted for attendees a Town Hall Meeting with Grand Polemarch Battles. On Friday evening, in a packed Empire Room off the hotel lobby, CAC and NCP hosted a Public Meeting welcoming fraternity and Divine Nine dignitaries as well as political leaders in Chicago, Cook

County and the state of Illinois. The program was highlighted by greetings from members of the Kappa Leader- ship Institute – Chicago who returned to Chicago earlier in the day from their west coast tour of colleges and uni- versities. The Grand Historian Kevin Scott gave the remarks on the occasion and introduced to the audience two of Founder Edward G. Irvin’s surviving descendants: daughter Mrs. Dorothy Manyweather and granddaughter Ms. Marcia Davis. The week’s activities culminated with a Closed Banquet and social event set for the occasion and its locale. CAC and NCP hosted a theme party entitled “A Trip back to Bronzeville.” Briefly, the Bronzeville area of Chicago is located on the near south side and was a mecca for African Americans during the early part of the 20 th century. African Americans looking for employment opportunities and a better life left southern states during the first two decades of the 20 th century and many relocated to the Bronzeville area. The theme of the party was a hom- age to not only the Centennial anniver- sary of the chartering of the fraternity’s first alumni chapter but also a trip back in time to the roaring 1920s when the chapter was established. Brothers and their guests dressed in outfits reminis- cent of the 1920s. The event opened with music from the time period and the A Trip Back to Bronzeville

event had a best dressed contest. Grand Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr. did the honors of pulling tickets announcing win- ners of a raffle whose proceeds benefited the Edward G. Irvin Foundation. Broth- ers and guests were entertained by the sounds of singer and musician Megan Stokes. Chicago Alumni (IL) Chapter and the North Central Province appreciate the brothers who traveled to Chicago to at- tend the week’s activities. North Central Province Polemarch Byron Thornton reflected on the entire week. “Typically, we confirm Province Council locations 18 months in advance. However, under- standing the 98 th North Central Province Council would be unique and special –where the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter would celebrate its Centennial, we began planning for this Chicago Council more than three years ago. What made this weekend unique was it being the Centennial Celebration of Kappa's first Alumni Chapter. We pur- posefully arranged our Council schedule and location around its chartering date. The unsolicited feedback I've received has been overwhelmingly positive. The best of the North Central Province and the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter was on display, and we looked good! The hotel was a perfect backdrop and added appropriate ambiance for the Centennial Celebration theme. By far, this was the most celebrated event in the Chicago area for Kappa Alpha Psi ® since the ‘Fine 79’ Grand Chapter Meeting (62 nd Grand

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