84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


Alpha Psi.

were used in every effort when Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter was established to ensure its success. The Charter Members of the newly es- tablished Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter are Byron K. Armstrong, Earl B. Dicker- son, Harrison R. Duke, George C. Ellis, Thomas B. Mayo, William J. Prince, Troy Smith and C. Leon Wilson. The Charter Initiates of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter are Robert S. Abbott (Newspaper Publisher), Hale G. Parker (Dentist), George M. Porter (Phar- macist), Carl G. Roberts (Physician & Surgeon), A. Wilberforce Williams (Physician & Surgeon) and Edward N. White (Pharmacist). The men se- lected to become charter initiates of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter attended and acquired their undergraduate and post-graduate degrees before Kappa Alpha Psi was founded. The establish- ment of this chapter not only provided an opportunity which they could join the fraternity, but also as a vehicle for previously initiated members to con- tinue their active affiliation with Kappa

This photograph of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fra- ternity, Inc. taken in 1920 is the earliest picture of the chapter membership known to exist. All persons identified below from left to right: (Front row): *William Prince, *Thomas B. Mayo, *C. Leon Wilson, C. Rodger Wilson, A. Wilberforce Williams; (Second row): Gus Blanchett, *Earl B. Dickerson, *George C. Ellis, Edward N. White, John J. Feaman, Frank Summers; (Third row): Harry Hines, Ezra D. Al- exander , Fred J. Braxton, *Troy Smith; (Top row): Everett Colbert, * Byron K. Armstrong, George H. Porter and *Har- rison R. Duke (*) Denotes Chicago (IL) Alumni Chap- ter Charter Members Bold font denotes Kappa Alpha Psi Founders

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