84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


Throughout each decade of the past one hundred years, the members of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter have been and continue to serve at the highest levels of every field of human endeavor. Firm believers in achievement, the men of Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter without exception, have translated the fraterni- ty’s basic principles into action and have provided leadership through the years in the city, state and nation. They have directly impacted their chosen vocations of medicine, law, education, science, arts, industry, as well as social and civic affairs. Their commitment to contribute by serving their communities has made a profound impact on the countless lives they have directly and indirectly touched. Since 1973, the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter has annually distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to deserving young people matriculating to college and has provided academic support and mentorship to local youth to aid them achieve their career aspirations and enhance their social skills through its well renowned Guide Right and Kappa League programs. The chapter’s annual Beta Links golf outing provides Grand Polemarch W. Ellis Stewart (center) pinning Second Laurel Wreath award on Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter Charter Initiate and Chicago Defender Newspaper Founder Robert S. Ab- bott (left) at the 14 th Grand Chapter Meeting, St. Louis, MO. Kappa Alpha Psi Founder and First Grand Polemarch Elder Watson Diggs (right) looks on immediately after he received the first Laurel Wreath award.

served as Grand Polemarch; four mem- bers as Senior Grand Vice Polemarch; five members as Grand Keeper of Records & Exchequer; two members as Grand Strategus, one Grand Lieutenant Strategus, three Grand Historians; sev- eral Grand Board of Directors and nine members as North Central Province Polemarchs. The chapter has won numerous awards on the Grand Chapter and North Cen- tral Province levels and proudly praises the 10 members who have been honored to be awarded with the fraternity’s pres- tigious Laurel Wreath, one member who has had the Elder Watson Diggs Award bestowed upon him and two William L. Crump History Awardees. Throughout the past century, the chapter continues to epitomize its motto, “The First, Fore- most, the Standard.”

financial assistance to undergraduate members of Kappa Alpha Psi. The Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter has become a neighborhood partner in the West Woodlawn community of Chi- cago and through its philanthropic arm, the Edward G. Irvin Foundation, the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter has been able to effectively provide charitable and social services to needy members of the community and city of Chicago through its annual Back to School fair, Christ- mas Holiday Clothes and Toy Drive and other endeavors. Numerous members of the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter have served the fra- ternity at all three levels of leadership. Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter joyfully boasts of having four Founders: Byron K. Armstrong, Ezra D. Alexander, Paul W. Caine and Edward G. Irvin as part of its membership; seven members who

Courtesy, Chicago Defender, January 3, 1925, Page 1.

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