84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)

Dear Brothers All:

8. Sponsored undergraduate members in the respective provinces to attend the inaugural Undergraduate Summit conducted at the 2019 Founders’ Day celebration Council of Senior Province Vice Pole- marchs 1. Created an extensive Program Documen- tation review of the following: a. Province activities that promote leader- ship training and development b. A list of brothers in several professional fields (education, military law etc.) c. Fraternity activities that assist civic and philanthropic organizations 2. Documenting these programs and activities has greatly assisted the Fraternity’s efforts to raise funds from third-party organi- zations looking for partners to assist them in achieving their goals and objectives 3. Held a comprehensive day-long retreat to plan and prioritize COSPVP activities and event and organize several efforts that will help the Fraternity carry out its mission 4. Created for consideration a comprehen- sive social media policy for Fraternity Offic- ers, Board members and Committee Chairs 5. Created for consideration an Officers Training Program to help brothers who hold Fraternity office development leadership skills Yours in the Bond, Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Chairman - Council of Province Polemarchs

What follows is a report on the activities and accomplishments of the Province Polemarchs and their Senior Province Vice Polemarchs for the immediate past two years. These are activities the councils’ members created or implemented together and do not include the matters within each individual province. They will report on their accomplishments individually. Council of Province Polemarchs: 1. Contributed more than $50,000 toward the Piney Woods debt retirement fund 2. Pledged more than $100,000 toward the National African American History Museum and Culture Center 3. Promoted and participated in the St. Jude National Sunday of Hope 4. Worked with the Chair of the National Reclamation Committee to develop a com- prehensive, uniform and systematic process to reclaim brothers who are inactive for various reasons 5. Worked with the National MTA Chair- man to successfully implement the member- ship intake pilot programs and initiated candidates in record numbers 6. Worked with the Chairman of the Membership Status Review Commission to reactivate members who were previously disciplined but have proven they deserve a chance to, once again, become productive Kappa Men 7. Through Guide Right, sponsored young men to attend Kappa Kamp at Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas


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