two very successful clusters, a Fall 2017 and a Spring 2018 MTA Class. Com- bined in the year of 2017-2018 we had 229 new initiates come into the frater- nity. In 2018-2019 the province held an- other two very successful clusters, a Fall 2018 and a Spring 2019 MTA Class. These classes yielded another 237 new initiates for the Province. This brings our two-year total to 466 new brothers initiated into Kappa. d. The province has a certification and expansion chairman Brother Keshon Kelly of the Danville (VA) Alumni Chap- ter who guides chapters when they need help to grow or are looking to expand and become compliant. Brother Kelly also helps those schools and communities that may be looking to charter a new chapter. Executive Leadership Training & Succession Planning: a. Chief of Staff Brother Keshon Kelly of the Danville (VA) Alumni Chap- ter has developed a Board of Directors roles and responsibilities document to help board members with duties and best practices. b. The Province has a Director of Or- ganizational Development to help with process improvement and leadership development. He has created a Standard Operations Procedures Manual to help chapters, province chairman, province board members and officers with stan- dard practices within the province and kappa overall. c. The Eastern Province has taken the lead in making donations to the National African American Museum in Washington, D.C. committing over $70,000. This commitment is a partner- ship between the province, chapters in the province and brothers of the province. Guide Right: The Eastern Province has a very robust Guide Right Program and activities that we participate in and
and clusters and other social activi- ties to help with reclamation efforts in the Eastern Province. Each chapter is required to have a reclamation chair- man and the Province Chairman holds conference calls with them to talk about efforts and stagey to increase reclama- tion. b. We follow all the Grand Chapter’s reclamation guide lines and recommen- dations. We are better equipped to do that in the Eastern Province as we have the national reclamation chairman in our Province. c. The Eastern Province plans to charter two new undergraduate chapters in the next year. With brothers gradu- ating from those chapters and joining alumni chapters right away is also a win for our reclamation efforts. d. We also use our province website to help attract brothers to our reclama- tion efforts. New Member Recruitment & Training: The Eastern Province has an established MTA Committee that over- sees all intake activities for the province. This committee is led by Brother Willie Wright of the Frederick(MD) Alumni Chapter. a. All Chapter MTA Chairman must be certified and attend MTA Training at Officers Workshop or CRWLC. All chapters must be in good standing with the Grand Chapter and Province and must be fully certified before being al- lowed to begin intake activities. b. There is a training for the new candidates at cluster to give them knowledge of all aspects of the province as well as grand chapter. We also provide in depth training for new undergraduate members at the Province Undergradu- ate Leadership Conference. All new members receive additional training at the CRWLC. c. In 2017-2018 the province held
organize throughout the Fraternity year. Our Province Guide Right Director is Brother Antonio Harrison of the Alexan- dria/Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter. a. The Eastern Province Guide Right Committee participates and reports on the monthly NGRC conference calls, the status of initiatives that we are lead- ing. b. An outstanding array of Eastern Province Guide Right activities, scholar- ships, and internship opportunities can be found posted on the Eastern Province Guide Right Facebook page and Face- book group. easternprovinceguideright c. National Guide Right Commission i. Brother Doug Scarbor serves as Vice Chair of the National Guide Right Commission. Brother Antonio Harrison serves on the National Guide Right Commission planning committee. Brother Jamal Wigglesworth (Petersburg) served on the National Kappa League Conference Planning Committee. ii. Brother Scott Johnson (Petersburg (VA) AL) traveled to Detroit, MI to participate in the STEMulating Young Minds Institute (SYMI) Cohort at the National Society of Black Engineers National Convention. This week-long activity included advisor and program training, and competition coordination and judging. The goal is to increase the number of African American graduates in STEM 10,000 annually by 2025. iii. STEM/STEAM Initiative Chair – Antonio Harrison iv. Kappa Alpha Psi NSBE Jr. Advisor - Marlon Ridley, v. National Guide Right Tech Educa- tion Team – Antonio Harrison, member vi. Diamonds in the Rough – Antonio Harrison, member d. Inaugural National Kappa League Conference took place at the Great
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