Bertram K. Orum 10 th Southern Province Polemarch
good asset to the Fraternity. The final component of the Kappa Six Point Plan is Executive Leader- ship and Succession Planning. At the Province level, the excellent leadership the Past Province Polemarchs provide coupled with the training and leader- ship we get from our elected and ap- pointed officers and officials, enhances our efforts to ensure that the Southern Province continues to have a major impact at Grand Chapter level. The Southern Province continues to be at the forefront in supporting other programs of the 33 rd Administration. We are strong supporters of the programs of the Health and Well- ness Cluster chaired by our very own Brother Dr. Edward R. Scott, II. The Southern Province has been at the forefront of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Initiative. Several of our Alabama chapters have received grants from the National Institutes of Health Sudden Infant Death Syndrome pilot. At the 67 th Southern Province Council in Jacksonville, Florida, the Jacksonville Alumni Chapter distributed 24 baby beds in support of the SIDS initiative. At the 68 th Southern Province Coun- cil in Mobile, Alabama, the Southern Province made a $5,000 donation in support of this program. Several of our chapters have supported programs of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. We continue to support the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund. Ap- proximately 60 members of the The Southern Province made a $500 donation in support of the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund. The Southern Province continues to make contributions towards our $100,000 commitment to the Kappa Foundation in support of the National Museum of African American His- tory and Culture at the Smithsonian Institute. During 2015 our chapters donated approximately $147,000 to community,
civic and scholarship initiatives. During 2016 we donated ap-
proximately $149,000 during 2017 we donated approximately $152,000; and during 2018 we donated approximately $155,000. The chapters of the Southern Prov- ince continue to support the St. Jude’s Children Hospital. During fraternal years 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017- 2018 and 2018-2019 we donated more than $40,000 in support of the St. Jude’s effort. Kappas at the Capitol in Tallahas- see, Florida was held March 14, 2019 and approximately 30 brothers attended. Kappas at the Kapital in Montgomery, Alabama is scheduled for May 21, 2019. In 2017, Kappas at the Kapital in Montgomery, Alabama was held May 2, approximately 75 brothers were in atten- dance. In 2016, Kappas at the Kapital in Tallahassee, Florida was held February 17, more than 50 brothers and Kappa Leaguers attended this event. The Southern Province has proposed that a post MTA debriefing session be added to the MTA planning document, effective with the Fall 2019 MTA. This debriefing should occur within two weeks after the initiation ceremony. The purpose of this debriefing is to reiterate the Fraternity’s stance on hazing and to reinforce the Kappa Alpha Psi Code of Conduct. University officials attend to reconfirm their position on hazing and related student conduct concerns. Prov- ince and/or chapter of oversight leader- ship must attend Undergraduate debrief- ings. Alumni chapter leadership should hold debriefings for alumni members. “The State of the Southern Province” continues to be the benchmark of Lead- ership and Achievement throughout all of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Yours in the Bond, Bertram K. Orum 10 th Southern Province Polemarch
Grand Polemarch Battles confers with 2019-20 Junior Province Vice Polemarch-Florida Gustavo Guzman (Delta Psi 2019).
Grand Board Member Jimmy McMickle at Learn- to-Live event in Birmingham, AL.
Orlando (FL) Alumni Community Service Project.
2017 Kappas at the Kapital in Montgomery, AL House of Representatives Chamber.
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