84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


Byron C. Thornton 24 th North Central Province Polemarch

Executive Summary

approach to be administratively efficient and more convenient to the brothers. We deployed a mobile app for Province Council and CRWLC that provides the brothers with conference details, materials, and updates at their finger tips. We also invested in electronic vot- ing application that significantly reduced time allotted for the voting process. The North Central Province was the first to participate in the Electronic Payment Processing Pilot in Kappaorg. We utilize an event management website to facili- tate registration and fee collection. Our "tax holiday" initiative has continued. A tremendous amount of resources and energies have been used to support our undergraduate chapters during this pe- riod, and rightfully so. Beginning each school year, all undergraduates partici- pate in Leadership Summit designed and facilitated by the Junior Province Vice Polemarch, followed by participation in the Officers Summit & Leadership Retreat. We established criteria where chapters are eligible to have insurance premiums paid on their behalf by the province. We constantly look for oppor- tunities to recognize accomplishments such as awarding all graduating seniors Kappa sashes to be worn with the cap and gown at graduation. In support of the 33 rd Administration Undergraduate Leadership Summit initiative, North Central Province sent at least two mem- bers from each active undergraduate chapter to the Tampa, FL event. The North Central Province had the largest number of undergraduate in attendance at the Undergraduate Summit. Undergraduate Development


The North Central Province is truly blessed with a dedicated and knowl- edgeable cadre of officers, directors, committee chairs, administrative and operational support brothers that work tirelessly to fulfill their offices and obli- gations. It is because of their diligence and commitment that the North Cen- tral Province has advanced the initia- tives of the 33 rd Administration and our Grand Polemarch Brother Thomas L. Battles' Six-Point Plan. In support of these initiatives, we have accomplished the following: We take serious our commitments to the communities where we live and learn. Since the last Grand Chapter Meeting, our chapters have awarded and contributed over $311,000 for scholarships and other philanthropic endeavors, locally and province wide. We continue to support the youth in our communities with Guide Right/ Kappa League programs with twelve of our chapters completing Guide Right Certification, impacting the lives of 1,380 young men and boys. When called upon the chapters increased their pledges to the Smithsonian initia- tive. Over this period chapters have hosted Learn to Live, Safe Sleep work- shops, as well as community health fairs throughout the North Central Province. Community Service

Province wide we held 47 reclamation events, reclaiming 271 brothers, and seven Membership Re-engagement members. To support reclamation of recent graduates undergraduate chap- ters outreach to recent graduates we supported six tailgate events on various campuses during football season.

New Member Recruitment

The Province administration continues to look for chapter expansion opportuni- ties that make sense for undergraduate and alumni chapters. We had total of 782 men attend informational meetings, and 375 were accepted.

Executive Leadership Training and Succession Planning

In addition to their specific duties, our province officers and directors are each responsible to lead a province initiative as well as liaise with assigned chapters. Budget line items are available to our Junior Province Vice Polemarch and undergraduate board members for travel and experiences to enhance their devel- opment. Yours in the Bond, Byron C. Thornton North Central Province Polemarch


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