84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


Leoanard E. Clemons South Central Province Polemarch

with the addition of a Kappa League Conference;

The South Central Province, birthplace of Elder Watson Diggs and home to St. Jude’s Sunday of Hope program, is proud to have supported the Six Point Plan of the 33 rd Administration of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity with outcomes of a progressive, growing, and achieving Province of our noble clan. These past few years within the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Northern Mississippi have been met with excitement, record engagement, and the all-out pursuit to achieve at the highest levels. this vision of our esteemed Grand Polemarch with results of an accom- plished and progressive South Central Province in achieving Kappas Six Point Plan. To achieve our goal and succeed at pursuing Kappas Six Point Plan, the South Central Province developed our strategic plan – “Our Pathway Forward”, an outline of goals as we embark towards our 75 th Province Council in 2020. Our strategic goals included Leader- ship By Example; Operations with Excellence; Rise to Fiscal Strength and Security; Increase Our Impact; and Inspire Innovation. Through these stra- tegic goals the South Central Province achieved great heights in achieving the Six Point Plan of Kappa. Some of these achievements include: The South Central Province has been among the leaders of the pack to achieve

Province Councils.

Reclamation & New Membership: In- creased Province Membership by 125%; Chapter growth with an increase from 32 active chapters to 45 active chapters in- cluding 4 charters and more than 10 chap- ter reactivations; Over 600 New Members initiated into membership. Over 20 broth- ers granted reinstatement through Mem- bership Services Review Committee; and Over 15 brothers with credentialed mem- bership from Membership Amnesty Pro- gram.

Improved Infrastructure: Upgrading our website and communication structure to leverage our technology capabilities; In- creasing online registration by over 90%; Appointed our first Executive Operating Staff; Developed our Province Council Planning Manual; and Developed “SCP Confidential” to transmit all important information and data;

Additional Achievements include hosting a successful 13 th National Founders Day in Nashville, Tennessee and launching the South Central LEAD Foundation as a philanthropic arm to support members and citizens pursuing leadership develop- ment, education, and achievement. The South Central Province has achieved much since our last joining at a Grand Chapter Meeting and the beginning of the 33 rd administration. We are poised to con- tinue its great work within our respective communities and college campuses. It is with great pleasure that we support the 33 rd Administration and are committed to achieving greater heights to the benefit of Kappa Alpha Psi.

Membership & Undergraduate Develop- ment: Significantly increased undergradu- ate participation to LEAD KAPPA and Undergraduate Leadership Institute; Sponsored undergraduates to attend Grand Chapter Undergraduate Sum- mit; Relaunched Province Undergradu- ate Summit; Revamped our C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference for more engaged and exciting leadership develop- ment; and Produced record registration for our Province Retreats, C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conferences, and

Community Service: Raising over $80,000 in 2015-2019 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Pledging $50,000 to the National Museum of African American History and Culture; and Increasing Kappa League programs

Yours in the Bond, Leonard E. Clemons South Central Province Polemarch


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