Resumes Win Interviews References Win Job Offers

2. Make a secondary list – A mentor, coach, former boss, or manager is a great place to start. Job hunters should have a few references available at a moment’s notice, take the time when you craft your resume to craft this document too. 3. Contacting references in advance and inquiring about their willingness to actually be a reference is an important step. 4. Verify that you have all information for your references listed correctly; the correct spelling of their name, current title, and up-to-date contact information. 5. Remember reference letters obtained really don’t matter, unless the company goes out of business and none of your people are to be found. Everyone knows it’s very easy to make up letterhead and a reference. Etiquette may be forgotten by some today and noting what is appropriate is a smart decision. Allison & Taylor Reference Checking notes that approximately half of all reference checks they conduct reveal negative input from the references. Don’t neglect your references; an appropriate holiday greeting is always a good idea to help cultivate and maintain professional relationships. CHAPTER 51 Do Holiday Greetings Endear You to the Boss, Former Boss & Colleagues? 52.7% of Bosses Say Yes, More Likely To Do Future Business With Personal Touch ‘Tis the holiday season: the time for gift-giving and holiday cards for family and friends. But what about the boss? Is it appropriate to send your boss, former boss and members of your management team some sort of holiday greeting? If so, is it better to send a quick email with holiday wishes, or is a traditional paper card the way to go? Reference-checking firm Allison & Taylor Reference Checking confirms according to a recent survey, that yes, it good idea to send your boss a holiday greeting. An appropriate greeting makes an impression; in fact, 52.7% of holiday card recipients indicate they are more likely to do future business with a company (or an individual) that sends holiday greeting cards. 5 excellent reasons to send a holiday card: 1. It keeps you front and center. Connecting with your boss (or former boss) will help keep you in their awareness, mitigating “out-of-sight, out-of-mind”. 2. A personal touch. Sending your boss (also former bosses, colleagues, suppliers, etc.) a card demonstrates a personal level of commitment to accompany your business relationship. 3. Professional networking. Staying in touch with bosses and colleagues via a holiday card is a subtle yet effective method of networking. 4. Maintaining relationships. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with your boss, co-workers and former bosses is key to success in your career. 5. Staying in good graces. Keeping prospective employment references (particularly former bosses) happy is critical to your future employment success. Etiquette may be forgotten by some today and noting what is appropriate is a smart decision. Allison & Taylor Reference Checking notes that approximately half of all reference checks they conduct reveal negative input from the references. Don’t neglect your references; an appropriate holiday greeting is always a good idea to help cultivate and maintain professional relationships.


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