Resumes Win Interviews References Win Job Offers

Chapter 74 Are you protected by your old company’s policy to only confirm the dates and title of employment? Our experience is, that with a little pressure, most managers break company policy and speak their mind to either help or hurt a candidate’s chance at another job. Who from your past job will help you or hurt you - you need to know. Click here to find out what is really being said about you. Is your past boss badmouthing you? 50% of our clients have lost good job offers due to bad or mediocre comments from previous employers. Reference- will confidentially find out what is really being said about you and give you the power to stop it! Click here to find out how! Interviewing well but not getting the job? Maybe it’s something that a past employer or reference is saying. Could a jealous colleague be sabotaging you? Could your past boss be less than happy at your departure? will help you find out. Click here to find out how! Do you have a separation agreement with your past employer? Is it being honored? Is your past employer giving you the professional and prompt reference that was promised or are they saying, “Well according to our agreement I can only confirm that he worked here.” will find out what is really being said and give you the power to enforce your agreement. Click here to find out how! Were you a victim of discrimination, sexual harassment or wrongful termination? Your previous employers could be affecting your new job search through their comments to prospective employers. Don’t let them continue to hurt you and your career. Click here to find out what is really being said about you. Are you being BLACKBALLED? Last year our clients were awarded more than $2 million in settlements. will find out what is really being said about you and give you the power to stop it! Click here to find out how! You’ve put time and effort into your resume, developed your network of possible employers and recruiters , worked on your interview skills - but have done nothing but typed a list of your references. Don’t leave this crucial area to chance. References are the final factor in who gets the job offer. Your past employers - anyone you reported to will be contacted. Do you know what they will say? will find out what is really being said about you.


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