Resumes Win Interviews References Win Job Offers

would that convey? In today’s highly competitive job market, people pay so much attention to their resumes and interview skills but, unfortunately, many fail to nurture their professional references that can make or break a successful job search.” To enhance the chances of always landing the next job one wants, Allison suggests job seekers of all professional backgrounds follow these “Golden Rules of Job Reference Etiquette”: 1. Call your former bosses and ask them if they are willing to provide favorable job references on your behalf. As an additional courtesy, offer them an update on your career. 2. Let your references know each time you give out their contact information and thank them for their efforts. 3. Keep your positive references informed of your career and educational progress. They will be more inclined to see you in a stronger light as you progress. 4. Note that spending time communicating with your prospective employer takes valuable time from your references’ workdays. If you plan to use these positive references over the years, you need to give something back. For instance, each time your reference supports you with a new prospective employer, send them a personal thank-you letter or (at a minimum) an email. Better still, send a thank-you note with a gift card for Starbucks, or offer to take your former boss to lunch/dinner. 5. If you win the new position, call or email your former boss and thank them again for their support. Also, let them know your new contact information. The most important rule for job seekers is to never leave your professional references to chance. If you are not 100 percent convinced that your professional references and past employers will relay positive comments about you to prospective employers, consider having them checked out. A professional reference-checking firm can either put your mind at ease, or supply you with the critical information and evidence that may be blocking your job search efforts. So, what happens if a professional reference is indeed providing unfavorable or inaccurate information on a candidate to a prospective employer? Note there are indeed available remedies for such situations. “Our firm hears poor to bad references daily,” says Allison. “We work with clients to explore the options available to them to assure their professional references portray them in the best light possible. The key is to first know what people are saying about them and then proactively addressing the situation as necessary.” CHAPTER 6 Good News for Bad References – How to Neutralize Negative Input Picture this scenario: you’ve been seeking new employment, but without success. Your employment credentials are excellent, and while you’ve been able to land the interviews – sometimes more than one with a prospective employer – that job for which you’re well qualified continues to elude you. Even more ominous, you may have been assured that the job is virtually yours and that completing the hiring process is a mere formality, and then … the trail goes cold, and the call-backs cease. Sound familiar? If it does, reference checking company Allison & Taylor Reference Checking says you likely have a negative reference that is limiting your chances for employment. What can you do about it? The first step is to confirm that you do indeed have a problem with at least one of your references. Do an honest self- assessment of your references that are most likely to be called by prospective employers. Did you depart on good terms with them? Is there anything unflattering that may have made its way into your personnel file, accessible by an HR


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