King's Business - 1941-09

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Pleasant Tomorrows” fully describing the advantages of WHEATON Annuities sent FREE,no obligation.Write today. Wheaton C O L L E G E Wheaton, Illinois Dept.KB-91

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TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1941

The King's Business The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. LOUIS T. TAJ.HOT • MILDRED Id. COOK ■Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor

A-Millennial? Pre-Millennial? Post-Millennial?

Motto : " Unto him that loved us. and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5),

Volume XXXII

September, 1941

Number 9

If you are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some time ago. The re­ sponses from those who had sent for it were filled with gratitude to God for a new revelation that had come' to them; almost every one said in effect: “This should be read by every Christian in America.’’ So I am making t h e s a m e announcement once again: I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the coming of the King, and I am doing my part to accom­ plish it. Whether I reach you depends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, “ 1■am a pre- millenarian; send me your message.” . If you are not a pre-millenarian, please do not answer this advertise­ ment. And may I remind you also of the continuous needs of our missionary undertakings? In the spirit of Isaiah 40:1-2, we stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between a misrepresented Christianity and a misled Judaism. In this ministry of reconciliation (n Cor. 5:18) your faithful, prayerful undergirding is needed far more than you will ever know this side of eternity. Our work merits your every confi­ dence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and in gift is always welcome and appreciated. Our monthly publication, THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, is of course sent to all contributors.

TABLE OF CONTENTS • Cover Photograph by Ransom D. Maryin, Staff Artist

Around the King’s Table :—Editorial ............................................ 331 Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert ...................................... 332 The Christian and the Food Problem— William L. Pettingill.... 333 Getting the Best of Loneliness— Clarence Edward Macartney.. 334 Surprising Results from Simple Concentration— K. Owen White ...................... .................................................. 336 The Rapture— How Near?— Joseph W . Arnett ................... 337 The Infilling of the Holy Spirit— Ruth Paxson ............. ........... 338 The Pure in Heart (A Story)— Bertha B. Moore .............. . 339 Junior King’s Business-— Martha S. Hooker .................................: 341 International Lesson Commentary .................................... ............. 343 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Annabel Lee Crumly, Lyman M. Wendt, Sterling F. Keyes, Chester J. Padgett.. 353 Daily Devotional Readings .............................1-.............................. 359 Child. Evangelism— Under Difficulties .............................'........... 362 Bible Institute Family Circle ........................................ ......... . 365 Our Literature Table ....................................................................... 367 SUBSCRIPTION PRICK! „ „„ ■ ‘The K ing’s Business” Is published monthly. $1.00—one year; $1.50—tw o years; 50 cents—six m onths; 10 cents—single copy. Clubs o f five or more at special rates; w rite for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. 'I t requires one month for a change o f address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express or post office money order payable to “ The K in g ’s Business.” Date of, expiration w ill show plainly each month on outside wrapper or cover o f magazine. t ADVERTISING—For inform ation with reference to advertising in “ The K in g’s Business,” address - the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative, R eligious Press Association, 1601 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS—“T h e-K in g ’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the post office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act o f February 28, 1925. em ­ bodied in paragraph 4> section 538, P. L. and R., authorized O ctober 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. THE KING’ S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS

J. Hoffman Cohn, American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc., 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

Dear Brother: I am a pre-millenarian; herein r enclose 10c: send me your message. I also joyfully .enclose $ my fellowship with you in your world-wide Gospel mlnistrv to Israel.

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TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


September, 1941

Plow a Deep Furrow

• '■ J ^ U R M O IL of war-time defense activity , . . millions of young men called into Army camps A . . . other millions in the armanent industry . . . adjustments for farm labor . . . young women learning new skills, undertaking the tasks of men. .'. . But who will prepare for the future of the Lord’s church? W ho has the patience and foresight to “ plow a deep furrow,” faithfully and quietly studying the W ord of God in preparation for a' future .harvest of souls? True, no Christian young person in America can

foresee his or her course four years in advance in days, like these. But ‘may it not be that God is calling you to begin definite Bible Institute training, with a steadfast purpose to continue therein just as long as H e thus leads? Every precious hour devoted to the revealed will of God will be an invaluable preparation for whatever darkness may be ahead. W ill distressed men and women and young people be able to come to you for help tomorrow, next year, four years from now?

TAKE COLLEGIATE WORK At The Bible Institute of Los Angeles This Y e a r Registration Dates— September 15 and 16, 1941

view to fitting the student for pas­ toral work or other special Chris­ tian service. This course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Theology. There are also four-year courses leading to degrees in Christian Ed­ ucation and Music. A foùr-year .Missionary Course leads to a diploma. A three-year Général Course and three-year courses in Christian 'Education and

Much prayer and planning have been s p e n t in preparing for min­ isters and missionaries a course that Will supply something like seminary training. Accordingly, the school .offers a four-year Bible Collegiate Course, in which Sys­ tematic Theology, Pastoral Theol­ ogy, Apologetics, Advanced Homi­ letics, Biblical Languages, and re­ lated subjects are included, with a

Music are all diploma courses. Private lessons in piano, organ, voice, and accordion are offered at nominal fees. No tuition charge. Low registration fees. An employment office seeks to procure work for students who need thus to defray expenses. Our new pictorial catalogue will be mailed to you upon request.

For information, address Office o f the Registrar The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California “ Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed , .

September, 1941

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief

“ MY Peace” “MY peace 1 give unto you” (John 14:27). What is this peace-which the Saviour distinguished from every kind of peace that men pursue in the world? ,What do men want more than peace? Individually and nationally, men are constantly in the- search for some secret of peace. There is a sort of tranquillity —a lessening of friction—which men find by accommodating themselves to the world, adjusting themselves to cir­ cumstances or repeating some shibboleth devised to take the mind off the dis­ turbing things. Some find what they call peace by denying the reality of sin, sickness, death, or annoying situa­ tions. Others seek peace by giving full­ est gratification to their desires or in the comfort of plenty and pleasure. Nationally, we fight wars to secure peace. We arrive at an armistice which appears to be an opportunity to find peace. But meanwhile, war has sown so much bitterness and propagated so much prejudice, that it is but a matter of a short time before men are again at one another’s throats. All man’s schemes to devise peace are delusive. A soft couch cannot give ease to a fever-wracked body. Real restfulness must be produced from with­ in. There can be no enduring peace for any person until he has satisfaction with his inward state. How can such peace be found? “MY peace” Is something the Lord Jfesus Christ offered the world, and It is to this hour something that admits no comparison. Contemplate the story of His life. He was at peace whether on mountain top or in the storm on the lake. He was at peace as He taught by the sea, at peace when He was hooted by the mob. He was at peace with His disciples in the upper room and at peace in the judgment hall with the mob shout­ ing “Crucify him.” He was at peace at the Joyous marriage feast, and at the grave of Lazarus. "MY peace” ! And that same serenity He had in dan­ ger, in sorrow, and in all kinds of trying circumstances is the peace He says we can have. How is it communicated? “Come unto me,” He said, ". . . and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). That is “peace with God”—justification—re­ moval of the .burden of guilt through the work of reconciliation wrought at the cross (Rom. 5:1). That is the founda­ tion of peace,

But, He continued: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, . . . and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt 11:29). This is "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding”—the result of making Christ the solution of every problem through prayer (Phil. 4:7). This secret of peace—for every situation—He has given to His own, and His Repre­ sentative, the Holy Spirit, communicates it and makes it real. —Keith L. Brooks. Tact and Contact Christian workers, eager to witness for their Lord and Master, must ever remember the connection-between “tact” and Vcontact,” Some there are who do not want for contacts. Scores of oppor­ tunities come their way for the winning of souls for Christ, but want of tact makes many a contact fruitless. On the other hand, a soul-winner with God- given tact will gather the utmost good from the most casual' contact with a lost soul. Christians should pray for a gracious spirit in dealing with others. T. T. Shields tells of an elderly ac­ quaintance of his who was leading devo­ tional exercises in a large denomination­ al convention. During his prayer, he be­ came most practical: “Lord, give us tact —not tacks, Lord, but tact.” Tacks serve a useful purpose when rightly employed. But in the most delicate Work of witnessing for Christ, we have to guard against being tack-like—too short and sharp and pointed. The Gospels reveal how tactful the Lord Jesus was in dealing with the needy. For example, He met the woman at the well on her own level of under­ standing. To have broken in upon her thinking1, aii at once, with the exalted truth of spiritual worship, would only

have baffled her mind. She had come to draw water, and Jesus Christ started right there. "Give me to drink,” He said. And on He went, coming quickly to-His message regarding the well of living wa­ ter within the heart. Many a soul fails to be won for Christ because of the unwise, tactless approach of some overzealous Christian worker. It has been said that if we would “win some one, we must be winsome.” None of us is without daily contacts. We have them wherever we may live and labor. Studying our contacts, however, let us pray for tactfulness as we seek to make the utmost of an opportunity of reaching others with the gospel. If, as the Oxford Dictionary expresses it, “tact is the delicate perception of the right thing to do or say, adroitness in dealing with others or with difficul­ ties due to personal feeling,” then, if we would be effective in dealing in spir­ itual matters, we shall have to look away from ourselves to the Lord Him­ self. Lacking necessary wisdom, we have only to ask God for it, and as James 1:5 states, a liberal portion will be granted. “ No Peace Without Power” In the last issue of Fortune maga­ zine, devoted to the one subject of “total war for the United States,” a section was given to a particularly striking display of posters. Whether or not one agrees with the purposes to be achieved by these interest-compelling drawings, there is no doubt about their forcefulness. “No Peace Without Power” was the bold white-lettered caption across two pictures: one of a mother frantically clasping a child in the shadow of an ominous onrushing missile of war; and the other of a woman confidently hold­ ing a laughing child while abdve them fly the protective planes of their nation. The conception of “peace” that was in the artist’s mind was, of course, a national and international enjoyment of the cessation- of war. How the world longs for peace! In a striving after it, men are warned on every side that if the power of the invader is to be warded off, there must be a tremendous in­ crease of national defenses. To get this idea into the minds and h e a r t s of citizens, thousands of dollars are will­ ingly spent. One could wish that some such eon-

September, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D, C., and San Diego, California

certed zeal might be shown by those who know that there is no deep, spiritual, abiding peace in any human heart without a yielding to the power —the absolute authority—of the; only One who could say: “All power is given unto me.” Many a person is invaded by destroying enemies that would rob him of his very soul, and all because he simply'will not acknowledge the neces­ sity for the increase of the authority, in his own life, of the sovereign Lord Jesus Christ." And one wonders also: Do Christians really have the peace they talk about, if the power for witnessing is not in­ creasing ? To Stimulate Efficiency One of the large department stores of Los Angeles—Bullock’s—employing 3,000 individuals regularly and many more On special occasions, finds it profit­ able to keep, one question constantly before the persons who represent the firm. The words are neatly printed and p o s t e d in places where employees gather: “Have YOU Made a New Friend for Bullock’s Today ?” The leaders of the organization recognize that the. reputation of the firm is largely in the hands of its repre­ sentatives. More than that, the extension of good will in the company’s favor— . if such is to be enjoyed—is likewise within the power of these same in­ dividuals. It Would be a good thing if every Christian had a similar question before him: “Have YOU Made a New Friend for the Lord Jesus Christ Today?” Courtesy and Christian solicitude for the souls of others would mount if every believer would put forth an honest effort to answer that question affirma­ tively, by the grace of God. And how the gospel would “rim and be glori­ fied” if the witness to Christ’s saving power were extended to “ a new friend" every day!

support the idea of Divine Providence. Science can see no further'than a “great mathematician” -as the supreme reality of the universe. , A “great mathematician” would fit in with the scheme of almost any great militarist. A God who is just math­ ematics and physical force and power might well be “adopted” as the god* of a government of blood-and-iron. Even the atheist-communists might “com­ promise” on a “god” who, being desti­ tute of a moral nature, and having no further function than presiding over the physical forces of the universe, could hardly be conceived as being at odds with a government founded on brute terrorism. Such a concept of Deity may be in “accord” with the spirit of the times. But what is needed by the nations of the world today is a recognition o f the God who will transform the spirit of the times. The nations are hurtling toward war, destruction-, and death. What is needed is not a God who will “keep in step” with this procedure,, but a Saviour that will uplift and save men out of -this situation. The so-called “god? of science, as conceived by Jeans and others?; can hardly function as anything else but a force to “ egg on” the militarists whose, trust ’ is in machine guns and their knowledge of mathematics. The God of the Bible alone can alter this situation, as He becomes a living reality -in the hearts of men. The militarists need to know that the Supreme force of the universe is spiritu­ al. They need to know thgt God is justice; and that every man shall be called upon to make an accounting to God. They need to know that, because God is justice, God is also love; because. God’s justice is so holy and so high that no man of himself and his own efforts could satisfy it, God’s only Son, our Lord, was made justice nd right­ eousness for us, in order that—through Him—we might be fou~d guiltless be­ fore the bar of divine Judgment. THE PLAGUE OF PAGANISM: • The annual report of the Legion of Decency, which was organized to com­ bat indecency in motion pictures, wains that a more virulent form of immoralisha and Communism is infecting a growing number of current films. The report [Continued on Pape 340]

DEMOLISHING DEITY: Atheists of old would deny the existence of God, forthrightly, dogmatically, and com­ pletely. They were at least honest about their disbelief. Modern unbelievers, however, simply demolish the God of our fathers and then attempt to “re­ construct” Him according to their own tastes. They are willing to accept a god—provided he is one made in their own intellectual and imaginative image. Man in his natural state is deter­ mined to change everything except him­ self. He is determined to blame every­ thing — except himself — for his lost state. Hence, we have the revolt of the natural man against -society, against authority, against government, finally, we have the revolt against God! Man decides that the God of ou r. fathers does not suit the “modem need"; He does not fit in with the modern way of life. Hence, He must be revised, changed, reconstructed in consonance with the modern mood. A liberal religious magazine recently had a sort of “free for all” symposium on the subject of “modernizing” God. Several of the contributors favored Jeans’ idea that, in the ’ight of mod­ em science, we must recognize God as a “great mathematician.” The God of our fathers was a great mathematician, but He was much more: He was their heavenly Father, who careth for man, who sent His Only Begotten Son to die in the stead of sinful man. But science, contended these writers, cannot accept such a concept of God. Nature does not

A Gift of Faith By BERTHA H. PENTNEY* He gave me faith to trust Him when the way was dark and drear And earthly hopes lay shattered at my feet; I felt His love surround me, and I knew that He was near; I sought His will—His fellowship was sweet. And now, with Time’s revealing, I can see the way He led Is all my gain—-a greater good I’ve found. What matters that MY little plans and self-raised hopes are dead ? ’Tls that I might in better things abound. O Love of God, that lays in store the good I cannot see, And leads my way far better than I know! Even through pain, or darkness, my Lord shall give to me A gift of faith to trust Him as I go.

*Member of Faculty, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.'

— x-'noto Dy Jti. Armstrong- R ooerta The Christian and the Food Problem By WILLIAM L, PETTINGILL Wilmington, Delaware Who Is a Christian?

A CHRISTIAN IS A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN BORN TWICE. No one is a Christian just because he professes to be so, nor because he is a member of some church. It is just as true today as A CHRISTIAN, THEREFORE, HAS WITHIN HIM TWO LIVES. First, there is the natural life, and second, there is the s u p e r n a t u r a l . This second life is divine, for it is the life of God ALL LIFE COMES FROM LIVING SEED. Our natural life is communicated to us from our natural fathers and mothers through natural seed; our su­ pernatural life is communicated to us through the seed of the Word of God. “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth” (Jas. 1:18). We have been “born again . . . by the word of God” (1 Pet. 1:23). OUr natural life comes from corrupt­ ible seed; our supernatural life coinés from incorruptible seed. Our earthly parents have transmitted to us the only

when it was first written that in order to be saved, “ye must be bom again” (John 3:7). The popular teaching' of the universal fatherhood of God and universal brotherhood of man is false. Himself implanted by regeneration in man. All life must come from life. Our natural life came from the natural life of our earthly parents; the supernatural life comes from our heavenly Father. life they had, and this was corruptible life, inherited from countless sinning human ancestors. Our heavenly Father, however, has transmitted to us His own life, forever free from corruption. Our natural life, because it comes from corruptible seed, is itself corrupt­ ible, and is therefore temporary; our supernatural life, because it comes from inCorruptiblè seed, and is itself incor­ ruptible, is therefore eternal and will never corné to an end. Christ gives to His sheep “eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28).

What of His Life?

How Is Life Communicated?

How Is Life Maintained?

ALL LIFE DEMANDS FOOD. The nat­ ural life must be nourished with food, and likewise must the supernatural 111« be nourished with food.

The natural life is sustained by food coming up out of the dirt. Every bit of food we have ever eaten for the [ Continued on Page 363]

September, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Getting the Best of Loneliness By CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

through it the deep, diapason note of loneliness. Man was made for man, and it is not meet for him to be alone. It has been well said that he who loves solitude, that is, permanent, unbroken solitude, must be either a beast or a god. The spirit of loneliness unrelieved, and uncontrolled, has a tendency to para­ lyze the energies of life and reduce one’s efficiency and one’s usefulness in life. Loneliness, too, especially the loneliness of a great city, if not dealt with, is likely to open dangerous gates and doors of temptation. It is an important vic­ tory in life to get the best of loneliness. How, then, can we get the best of this kind of loneliness, the loneliness of absence of friends? One way to do this is by the spirit of friendliness. It was said long ago, but still it is true: “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly.” The kindly, warm outlook toward other lives opens the way for pleasant, human relationships; and the best place to make stich contacts is in a Christian church. One of the deepest satisfactions of min­ isters of wide experience is the tes­ timony which they receive through the years from those who found escape from loneliness in the friendly atmosphere of the church. Some are those who have come in and taken an active part in the work of the church, who are well known to the minister; others have slipped quietly into their pew at the morning or evening service, and in the worship of God’s house and in the medi­ tations of the preacher, had their hearts warmed and their faith in God estab­ lished. The Loneliness o f Sorrow There is no doubt about that kind of loneliness. Many who have been bereft of their friends have said to me that the hardest part to bear was the lone­ liness of it. We say, then, to our faith, “Hast thou a medicine for this kind of loneliness?" To get the best of this kind of loneli­ ness do not cling to sorrow, and, in a sense, worship it> I n s t e a d , the soul

the lamp of his library, have come back to. me: “Now I am all alone.” Any series of meditations on the Subject of facing’ life and getting the best of it, without a sermon on loneliness, would be obviously incomplete, for loneliness is one of the deepest shadows cast upon our world. There is no doubt that a great part of the appeal, the universal appeal, of Robinson Crusoe, is not in his adventures and his clever devices to arrange and regulate his life, but in his lone­ liness. That strikes a universal chord. The Loneliness o f Place and State There is a loneliness of place and state. By that I mean the

N OW I AM all alone.” I sat with a physician in his library. I was speaking the usual words of sympathy and condolence. He gave me a brief history of his sister’s illness, their past fellowship, and then concluded With these words, “I am all alone now.” On the desk was the framed photo­ graph of a beautiful woman. I lifted it, and glancing at it, asked him, “Another sister?” # “No,” he answered, as the shadow of another and earlier, perhaps deeper, sorrow came over his face. Then again he said, / ‘I am all alone now.” His words followed me to the vesti­ bule, down thesteps, around the comer, down the avenue, back to my own home. Sometimes, as I pass down the crowded street and see some face shrouded with loneliness (and how many such there are in the great city with its teeming thousands!) or as I have spoken a word of encouragement to one who has been left to be brave alone, the words of that physician, spoken to me as he sat there, with his pale face lighted up by

absence of friends and intimate relation­ ships in life. In that respect, the noisiest and busiest and most inhabited places may be the loneliest places. A celebrated war correspondent of the Civil War had a home in a lonely and remote part of beautiful South Mountain. A friend of this man once met him hurrying through the railroad station in New York, ■and asked him where he was going. “I am going down to the mountains in Maryland,” was his answer. “It is too lonely here in New York.” The lonely mountain home was not a lonely place, to him, for he had in­ timate relationships there and friendly, neighborly fellowship. If I were a composer, I should like to compose an anthem on the voice, of the cry, of a great city. In such an anthem there would be the note and chord of ambition and mounting de­ sire, the major chord of hope and worship, the minor chord of guilt and sin and fear and sorrow, the penetrat­ ing note of pain, the low-sounding chord of despair, the strident, piercing note of greed, the howl of hate. But no anthem of the city would be com­ plete which did not have sounding

•Pot/or. First Presbyterian Church,

September, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


can find solace 1ft Christian fellowship and in kind deeds for others. Margaret Ogilvy, in that beautiful tribute of a famous son to his mother, was the one to whom all the-women in the village went in their time of trouble and of sorrow. The son used to wonder at it. Then he remembered the great sorrow that had come into his mother’s life in the death of her first-born, and he understood how it was that she got her soft voice and tender ways. It is always good to think of the sor­ row of others. A. poem entitled “The Bridge,” tells of a man whose heart was hot and restless, and who thought to end his life. Ue .went out on the parapet of a bridge to do so. But hear­ ing a. clock/ in the steeple strike the hour, he began to think of the great number of burdened and sorrowing souls whp had passed over that bridge before’ him. As he thought of the sorrows of others, the burden of his own sorrow fell from him. In the time of sorrow, let us fall back upon the friendship of God. 'We often use the words, “T h o u God seest me,” as words to warn ourselves and others from temptation and sin. But that is not the way in which those words were rfirst used. Hagar, the handmaiden of Abraham, had been driven out from Abraham’s home by the jealousy and :anger of the barren Sarah. The unfor­ tunate girl lay in despair in a lonely place in the wilderness. And it was there that the angel of the Lord came to speak to her, to comfort and cheer her, and to t$ll her of the coming birth of Ishmael. So moved and so grateful was Hagar, that she called the name of that place where God spoke to her, "Thou God

seest me: For she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?” And the well by which she was resting when the angel appeared unto her was called “Beer-lahai-roi,” 'which means “the well of the Living One who seetlL me.” Never forget that in the desert of your sorrow is the refreshing well of the presence and comfort of God. The Loneliness o f Temptation This is the most powerful and danger­ ous kind of loneliness. -Our Saviour knew what that kind of loneliness was. When lie was tempted of the devil, He was alone in the wilderness. And again at Gethsemane, He left'the eight disciples near the entrance, and took the remain­ ing three a little farther with Him into the garden. Then He separated Himself even from these by. the distance of a stone’s cast, and there He entered into His agony and trial. The _experience of temptation is one that wç cannot share with others. A1-. ways there is a stone’s cast between the soul and the nearest and the dearest friend, when wë enter thé garden Of temptation.' There may be warnings and prayers and sympathy, but when the hour of battle strikes, we fight alone. We are as solitary as Christ was when Satan assailed Him in the wilderness. The spene of the temptation may be a busy office, a remote study, a crowded thoroughfare on the street, or a lonely country lape,. but always the name of that place is desert. But we have the divine recipe and the divine example às to how to get the best of temptation. It is by watch­ ing and by prayer. That was the method of Christ, and He offers you that same,

weakness and cowardice, he heard the cock crow and went out into the night to weep bitterly. That was the kind of loneliness that Judas knew, when, hav­ ing received the sop, he went immedi­ ately out and "it was night,” a dark and lonely night of sin. How cam the soul get the best of that kind of loneliness ? There is only one way—it is by repentance, by returning to God and by receiving His forgive­ ness. How the loving voice of Christ sounds out through the dark and lonely night of sin, calling the sinner back to Him! “Let the wicked forsake his way,' and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” The final penalty upon sin is un­ broken loneliness, separation of our soul from God. But Christ on the cross tasted that Cup o f bitterness and separation for you and me wjien He cried out, “My God! my God! why hast thou forsaken me!” He passed out into that awful loneliness that you and I might- never enter its eternal gloom. The one loneli­ ness to fear and to dread is the loneli­ ness of' sin, and for that there is the great; remedy of repentance and for­ giveness. The Loneliness o f Virtue But there is a noble loneliness of the soul, the loneliness that sometimes comes in the path of duty, the loneliness that comes as a price of conviction, the lone­ liness of dissent from what is sinful. I imagine that Vashti, the queen of Ahasu- erus, was lonely after she had been de­ posed from her high office and sep­ arated from the Persian court because she refused to expose herself on the night of that drunken banquet,- when Ahasuerus entertained a thousand of his lords. But ft was a queenly and honor­ able and immortal loneliness, the price of honor and of self-respect. Every one has some kind of burden. Loneliness may be yours, the one that God has chosen for you. It is a part of your discipline and probation in life. Therefore, do’ not complain about it, but bear it with courage and patience and fortitude. Remember, too, that you are , not the only lonely person who has passed through this world. Some of the greatest benefactors of mankind have been lonely men. Christ Himself was the Man of sorrows, the Man who said, “I have trodden the winepress alone.” , /. It was Christ, too, who said, “And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.” He came that we might realize to the full the friendship of God. It was said of Abraham of old that he was the friend of God. What was true of Abraham, through Jesus Christ can be true of you. You, too, can be the friend of God. And where the friend­ ship of God is, -there we can pass tri­ umphantly through every lonely valley and drink every appointed cup.

• C r u c i f i e d between two thieve«, the Son of God on that central cross “ pasted out into that awful loneliness of separation from God, that you and I might never enter its eternal gloom." ■ But what about those who have failed to find victory, those who have not availed themselves of the spiritual weapons which were at their command and, conquered by temptation, have fallen into sin?. Ah, t h e r e is t h e deepest and darkest kind of loneliness. T h a t was the loneliness that P e t e r knew, when, having cursed his Lord in a m o m e n t of sacred Sword, with which, by obedience to God, and by strong a n d earnest prayer He got the v i c t o r y over temptation.

September, 1941


T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

Surprising Results from Simple Concentration

By K. OWEN WHITE* Atlanta, Georgia

W HAT WILL lead to the salva­ tion of souls, will unify a con­ gregation, and will stimulate fying answer to this question came ■ to our church through an experience which was begun as an experiment, and which concluded with the manifestation of a gracious spirit of revival. The suggestion came to us: Why not concentrate study for a time on one particular book of the Bible? Acting on this suggestion, we chose the book of Luke, since the International Lesson Committee had allotted six months for the study of Luke’s Gospel in 1940 and 1941. The Program as a Whole Believing that church-wide emphasis upon the study of one book presented wonderful possibilities, I urged my peo­ ple to cooperate in this effort. They responded with such unanimity that it was easy to see that the idea appealed to them strongly. While holding firmly to the acceptance of the whole Word of God, the members of the' congregation have come to feel a special sense of satisfaction in the thorough considera­ tion of the portion assigned. This was the program, in the main: 1. The study of the Gospel of Luke throughout the Sunday-school, following the International lessons. 2. Sermons based on the Gospel of Luke every Sunday for six months. 3. A series of evangelistic services to be held early in October (the first month of the special studies), with every mes­ sage from the Gospel of Luke. *Pastor, Kirkwood Baptist Church. Dr. White , who obtained the degree of Doctor of Philos­ ophy from the Baptist Theological Seminary in 1933, was graduated from the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles in the Class of 1922.

Juniors and Intermediates were encour­ aged to take notes on the sermon out­ lines. Many of them did so. A great many children and young people at­ tended all the services, including prayer meetings. The number of Sunday-school pupils staying for the eleven o’clock service was materially increased. In the Sunday morning services of the church, I sought to preach on passages which had not been discussed in the Sunday-school lessons. T h i s arrange­ ment made possible a fairly thorough study of the whole Gospel for those who attended both church and Sunday-school. It was found that these messages pro­ vided naturally for an application’s be­ ing made to important current events. Moreover, practically every phase of life was touched as this portion of the Scripture was considered expositionally, and several pressing problems of mem­ bers of the congregation w e r e ap­ proached easily, and the Scripture made its own appeal. Results o f the Study There can be no question that the church has been greatly strengthened by its consistent, continued consideration of one particular portion of Holy Writ. Throughout the entire period of the study, scarcely one Sunday passed with­ out there being conversions and addi­ tions to the church. At Christmas time, the organizations of the church demon­ strated a spiritual fervor never before seen in their observance of that season. The attendance at all services on Christ­ mas Sunday was the. best in the history of the church. The offerings of the peo­ ple were far above the previous average. \ There was a different spirit in it all. A series of evangelistic services was planned to be held immediately follow-

4. All prayer meeting .messages for six months to deal with the doctrine of prayer as it is taught in the Gospel of Luke. 5. A preliminary w e e k - d a y study course lasting for one week, for the entire Sunday-school before the six- months’ course began. 6. Distribution of paper-bound copies of the Gospel of Luke to every member of the church and Sunday-school, with the challenge to read the book through once each month. Carrying Out the Program A month or six weeks were spent in seeking to create interest in and en­ thusiasm for the project. This effort was necessary, for it is always hard to im­ plant new ideas in the minds of a large group of people. The study of Luke’s Gospel was to begin in October. In Sep­ tember, we distributed 1,800 copies of the Gospel to our people. Late in Sep­ tember, we held our week of preliminary study, having classes graded for all ages. The results were beyond our expecta­ tion. There were 533 persons enrolled! The State Secretary said it was the largest Study Course ever held in a local Baptist church in Georgia. (The membership of the church is 2,420, with about 1,800 of this number resident in the community.) About the middle of October, we en­ gaged in a week of revival services, with the pastor preaching each night from Luke’s Gospel. These services re­ sulted in several professions of faith and a great awakening of interest on the part of the members. The young people were asked to make large posters featuring the study of Luke. Their work was original, unique, stimulating, and thought-provoking. The

individual Bible, study ? One very satis­

September, 1941

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ing the six-months’ period of study. Our people were called to prayer and per­ sonal work for a month previous to the beginning of these meetings. More of them volunteered to do personal work than ever before. “Andrew Clubs” were formed, and the members, going two by two, ^ent everywhere they could, wit­ nessing for Christ. The meetings began with a record attendance, and for two weeks the' auditorium was unable to care for the crowds adequately. On the part of the members, there was an evident burden of prayer for the lost. Our guest preacher was an earnest, powerful preacher of the gospel of Christ, true to the Book. What hap­ pened? The answer is cause for praise to God: During those two weeks, ninety- two persons united with the church, about sixty of them coming on confes- Y | -^HESE are days in which many Christians are looking with eager 1 expectancy for Christ’s coming. Let us notice that there are to be two phases in His second coming—the first, when He meetjs the saved in the clouds, and the second, when Hé returns with His saints to the earth. When the Lord Jesus returns for His saints at the close of this dispensation, He shall not, at first, touch the earth. The righteous dead of all ages shall be resurrected, the living saints immediate­ ly translated, and they shall be caught up together to meet Christ in the clouds (1 Thess. 4:15-17). The saints shall then enter with Him into heaven for the marriage supper, of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9), at which time they shall be re­ warded for their works (Rev. 22:12; 1 Cor. 3:12-15). Those left on earth shall be involved in unprecedented tribulation (Matt. 24:21)- for a period of seven years. At the close of the seven years, Christ with His saints shall descend with power and great glory to the earth. (Mk. 13:24-26). While the word “rapture” does not appear in the Scriptures, it is used by Bible teachers to designate the first phase of our Lord’s second coming, at which time “the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:16, 17). The word itself is derived from “ rapio.” a Latin term meaning “to seize quickly or suddenly” or “to snatch away.” Paul gives us this illuminating de­ scription of the rapture: “For this we say unto you by the word o f the Lord, that we which ¿re alive and remain unto the coming ’ Parlar. (.’ruled Brethren Church,

sion of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many are saying that this was the best evangelistic meeting held in the church for years. Personally, I feel that the result is largely due to the church­ wide emphasis upon the study of God’s own Word. The Word is “living and powerful” and will accomplish t h a t which He pleases, if we give it oppor­ tunity to work. With new vision and courage, the church is now launching a building pro­ gram to erect a new auditorium that will seat 2,000 people. It is with humil­ ity and with joy that we bear testimony to the working of the Spirit of God in our midst, through the study of the Word of God. And it is with earnest desire that we pray that others also may come to share this gracious refresh­ ing from the Lord. of the Lord shall not prevent [pre­ cede] them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which- are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in .the air: and so shall we ever be with thè Lord” (1 Thess. 4:15-17). The apostle also tells us how this shall take place: “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep [die], but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Cor. 15:51-53). It is evident from the above Scrip­ ture portions that the' saved who are living at the time of Christ’s return shall not die,i but their bodies shall be translated immediately from sinful into heavenly bodies. Also it is clear that the “dead in Christ”. including the saved of every dispensation—“shall be raised incorruptible,” having part in the first resurrection. The living* skints shall not precede the “dead in Christ” but “shall be caught up together with them.” • When Christ, the Bridegroom, returns for His Bride, the church, the period of great tribulation shall - be ushered in immediately. A striking picture of what will happen is given in Luke 17:34-36: “I tell you, in that night there , shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other

shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” At the time of the rapture the earth shall be ushered immediately into the great tribulation. Rapture o f Individuals While the rapture may seem fan­ tastic to some, let us remember that “with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Further, the Word of God teaches that several men already have been raptured. Take Enoch for exam­ ple: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” (Gen. 5:24). We are informed in Hebrews 11:5 that Enoch did not die, but was tured: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; arid was not found, because, God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” We likewise have the account of Elijah as going “up by a whirlwind into heav­ en” when the fiery chariot appeared .(2 Ki. 2:1, i l ) . With these we have also the record of Philip, whom “the Spirit of the Lord caught away.” Please note that although Philip was raptured—“caught away” (cf. Acts 8:38-40)—he was neither trans­ formed nor taken into heaven, as we expect to be when the Lord Jesus re­ turns. God píaced Philip in another part of the Country.' Paul gives us this glowing picture of one who had been raptured: “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I can­ not tell: God knoweth;) such a one caught up to the third heaven. , And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) how that he was caught up into paradise, ¿nd heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Cor. 12:2-4). ’ Our Part The return of Jesus Christ for His church is our blessed hope—indeed, our only hope. And it is evident, praise God, that we are living on the very threshold of His return. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Lk. 21:28). Our souls were saved when we believed and repented; however, our redemption will not be complete until Christ re­ turns to redeem our bodies also, at which time “this corruptible must put on incorruption.” Not only will the rapture complete our redemption, but it will also deliver us from the great tribu­ lation. “Watch ye therefore,' and prav always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Lk. 21:36). In view of our Lord’s soon return, [ Continued on Page 364]

The Rapture—How Near? By JOSEPH W. ARNETT* Circle, Montana

September, 1941

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The Infilling of the Holy Spirit

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[In the previous studies in this series. Miss Paxson has been showing that by accepting Christ as Saviour, a sinner passes from the realm of Satan, thl wotid, and the flesh, into the sphere of Christ, the Church, and the Spirit. Thus positionally sanctified in God’s sight by the blood of Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is ready for the experience,of progressive sanc­ tification through the Holy Spirit’s working. The author has shown from the Word that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an, initial experience which oc­ curs at the moment of the new birth, upon one’s acceptance of Christ. The infilling by the Holy Spirit, however, is a special experience, the Scriptural conditions for which are discussed in this present article .— E ditor .] “ Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). I S THE FULLNESS of the Holy Spirit optional? May I choose whether I will be filled or not ? Look at what the Word of God says to those whom Christ has saved: “Be filled with the Spirit.” As I read that, it is a command. I ask you, parents, do you give your children the right to choose what command they will obey ? Our heavenly Father expects us to obey. Now there are certain commands we would be perfectly willing to obey, such as, “Thou shalt not kill.” I have no difficulty with that one. I never saw anybody I wanted to kill. Probably you have no difficulty with that command, either, but here stands this one: “Be filled with the Spirit.” “Oh, no, Lord, that will make too many demands upon me,” some one may be saying. “There is too much I will have to give up. I will have to be too holy. Oh, I d'on’t want that, Lord.” again. I believe He is going to hold you and me accountable for our ignorance. Oh, I long to make a special plea to pastors, to missionaries, to any Bible teachers, to any Sunday-school teach­ ers, to any workers among young peo­ ple—I plead with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for His sake, to give this teaching concerning the Holy Spirit to those who are under your care. Give it to a person as soon as he becomes a Christian! Paul was filled with the Spirit three days after he was reborn. Why do we think there must be a period, a long period, before a person is prepared for this infilling? Out of my experience, I am finding that the person who has been able to accept the Saviour by faith and knows that he has the forgiveness of sins by faith, and that he is justified by faith, is just as able to accept the wonder­ ful truth that he is sanctified by faith, that he may receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit by faith. And I find that a new convert does it more easily than does some one whose life has become so [Continued on Page 357] Sixth in a Series on wThe Holy Spirit in the Lite of the Believer 99 Just as the greatest sin of the sinner is the rejec- * tion of the Saviour, sp the greatest sin of the Chris­ tian is the refusal to be filled with the Spirit. For disobedience here is the reason that the Christian is unable to c e a s e from committing other «tins. “Is such fullness need­ ful for me?” some may be saying. “Can I not get along without it? ” You can. You can limp along. The lack of this wonderful experience of His infilling will not keep you out of heaven. There are many Christians who are content to know that their past is taken care of, their sins are forgiven and ho condemnation will be theirs. The arc satisfied with being sure that the are going to heaven, and that their future is secured. But remember that the Church, which is Christ’s Body, is the fullness of Him who filleth all in all (Eph. 1:22, 23). Are we going to be so insufferably selfish that we want everything from Christ that will cover the past and will secure the future, and yet in this brief time we have to live down here on earth we will refuse to Him a life utterly emptied so that He can fill it and use it? Blessings Lost Through Ignorance What are the causes of the lack of fullness in the Church and in the Chris­ tian ? For one thing, we are ignorant. In Christ we have the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and in the Holy Spirit we have the One who makes that full­ ness ours—and we do not know it. “ Know ye not God says again and

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