September, 1941
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Out of the mouth of babes and suck lings thou hast perfected praise?” Let us remember to praise and tHank the Lord Jesus for the many things He has done for us, and especially for being a Saviour for little children!—M. S. H. Memory Work Who is the only way to God the Father? , . John 14 >6: “JesUs saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me;” What does Christ do for those, who receive Him? John 1:12: “But as many as received hint, to them gavé he power to become the sons of God, even to them that be lieve on his name,” lyhat do we need to have the Lord “show” and “teach” us? . Psalm 25:4: "Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.” Who has perfect peace? Isaiah 26:3: “Thou wilt keep him' in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed, on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” When is Jesus Christ the same? ' Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever/’ [ D e t a i l e d suggestions concerning m e t h o d s of using these verses on. 3” x5” memory cards, with the question and reference given on one side and the full verse filled in by the K. Y. B. C. member on the reverse side, ap peared in the June issue of the Junior King's Business .] New K. Y. B. C. Members The follow ing: have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members o f the Know T our Bible Club: ' CERES, CALIF.: Shirley. Barrow s (Mrs. C. T. Barrows, parent). KRYPTON, KY,: Helen and Marcus Napier and Verna. W itt (R uth Marie- Campbell, teacher). PASADENA. CALIF.: B illie Sevadjian (Mrs. Amel Anderson, teacher). PH ILADELPH IA, PA .: Mary Laskgy (W ilhelm ine W ieboldt, leader). SAW Y E R S' BAR, CALIF. : '» D orothy B aker; Freda B esselman; B illy and Bobby B lack; D orothy Cranter; Erlene, Merle, and Yvonne Fairless; Francis F rost; Billie. K irby ; Barbara and Bill N ew ton; Alma. D orothy, Gladys, and Henry R obinson; Shirley Sickles; B ob 1 Smith;. Edna Jean Stearman; Bill Todd, and , E va W ilson (Mrs. F. -H. H oyer and Mrs. E. C. Dick,. teachers)..- How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o become a member o f the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel a c cording to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel o f John which w ill be sent upon request. W hen the Gospel has been read, and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor o f the Junior King*« Business, a K . Y. R. C. pin will he mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share, the cost o f these snpplies. a àì the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each——in quantity* three cents: pins, w ithout postage, tw*». cents each. How ever, no one is to do w ithout a Gospel nr pin because o f lark o f money. Address: Junior K ind’s Busi ness, 558 5. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif
add the number of Philistines Samson killed with a jawbone (Judg. 15:15). The answer to the above is the same as the number of camels Job had be fore the Chaldeans took them. Who Am 17 1. I ani a priest. 2. My two sons caused me great sor row because of their evil ways. 3. The child Samuel ‘‘did minister un to the Lord” before me. 4. You can find me in the opening chapters of 1 Samuel. Who am I?
parents were not Christians and that they objected to her attending Sunday- school. The p a s t o r with deep earnestness in his voice said, “ I c e r t a i n l y do think you should receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today.” And with verses of Scripture he sought over the tele phone to show her her need of im mediately accepting t h e Lord' as her Saviour. - As the pastor further pressed her to make a decision for Jesus Christ, she replied that she would come out. to church and perhaps she would ac cept the Lord. He again tried to. get her to give her name, but she would not tell him. He did learn, however, that both she and her friend were twelve years old. She hung up rather sud denly, and Mr. Blake was left wonder ing who had called him. He searched his files in an effort to think who she might be, but to no avail. However, Mr. Blake knew that though her name was not known to him, It was known to God the heavenly Father, and he sought the Lord in prayer to save the one who had called cm the telephone. The days passed by without any further word that would clear up the mystery, and then one Sunday morn ing two girls Were seen sitting side by side in church. Both were about twelve years old. And as Mr. Blake preached, the Lord spoke to one of the girls, and, encouraged by her companion, she walked to the front of the church and accepted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. It was the girl who had telephoned! How the pastor's heart rejoiced! And the friend whose, life had proved a testimony of her faith was very happy, too. The angels rejoiced also, for an other lost sheep had been found by the Good Shepherd. Bible Arithnjetic To the number of men cast into the fiery furnace (Dan. 3:20), add the num ber of stones David took out of the brook when he went to meet Goliath (1 Sam. 17:40), add the number of measures of barley Boaz gave Ruth (Ruth 3:15-17), add the number of spies sent into Canaan (Num. 13:4-15), add the total number of t i m e s the Israelites marched around Jericho in the full seven' days (Josh. 6:3, 4), add the number of pieces of silver Joseph's brothers received when he was sold into Egypt (Gen. 37:28), add the num ber of books in the New Testament, add the number of pieces of silver Judas received for betraying Christ (Matt. 26:14, 15), add the number o f books in the Old Testament, add the number of persons on the vessel when Paul was shipwrecked (Acts 27:37), add the num ber of men G i d e o n finally selected (Judg. 7:1-6), add the number of foxes Samson sent into the fields of the Philistines (Judg. 15:4), add the age of Methuselah when he died (Gen. 5:27),
Praise Ye the Lord! “Praise Him, praise Him, All ye little children; God is love, God is love. “Thank Him, thank Him, All yé little children; God is love, God is love.”
Have you ever sung this song in your Sunday-school? -Did you know that God wants boys and girls as well as grown up folks to praise Him and thaiik Him? Let us take our Bibles and read, together Psalm 148. You will notice that it is a Psalm of praise. Every created thing from in thé' “heights” of heaven down, is commanded to praise the Lord. Men of all ranks and stations in life are commanded to praise Him. Let us read verses 11, 12, and 13 aloud: “Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: Let them praise, the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.” Did you notice that children are men tioned specially ? The Lord desires praise from the boys and girls. And how great ly they should praise Him, when they remember that the Lord Jesus is the children’s Saviour! While here upon earth, He included the children in His gracious invitation: “ S u f f e r [which means ‘let’ or ‘allow’] little children . . . to come unto me” (Matt. 19:14). Surely, the children should praise ,and thank Him for loving them and dying upon the cross of Calvary for them. I am glad to tell you that in Matthew 21:15, 16 we read that it was little chil dren who v/ere the last to shout in joy ful praise to the Lord Jesus before He went to the cross. These were t h e i r words: "H o s a n n a [which means ‘Praise’] to the Son of David.” This praise of the Lord Jesus displeased His enemies, the chief priests and scribes, but He said: “Yea; have ye never read,
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