King's Business - 1941-09

! PIPE -TONE FOLDING ORGANS . . . the LAST WORD In substantial, co n v e n ie n t folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO.


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A New Book for Christian Workers "PREACH THEWORD" 125 Sermon Outlines

By Rev. Fred Rader, for nearly 50 years Baptist min­ ister at New Brighton, P a.; consisting of the very choic­ est of sermon outlines; fresh for the present day; funda­ mental and spiritual. “ The best since the days of Spur­ geon.” —Mel. Trotter. Intro­ duction by Dr. J. H. Cable, Nyack, N. Y. Price Only 50c per copy


I S teady I ncome n m e f c a e a f c e Wheaton College Life An­ nuity banishes worry and provides you (and survivor) an assured income for life. Explan­ atory booklet, "Pleasant T om or­ rows,” free. Write today. A Life Income from A Living Investment Life’s crowning joy is help­ ing others. Here is a way to make your own future securewhilehelpingworthy young folks get aChristian education.Wheaton stands for the historic Christian faith and its students are active in spreading the Gospel. Hundreds of its graduates are missionaries. While helping prepare young people for Christian leadership, your Wheaton Annuity gives you steady, generous income, reduces taxes, avoids loss, saves ex­ pense and litigation. Mail Coupon for Free Book - Wheaton Students in Fireside “Sing”

A Message for Every Churchgoer This is the time of the year to plan the lesson helps for your Sunday- school. W ou ld you like to furnish the leaders and pupils in your church with true-to-the-Word lesson expositions — A N D M O R E ? What of the need for bringing a Christian testimony into the home? T H E K IN G ’ S BUSINESS Bundle Plan provides the answer. This economical plan enables pastors and superintendents to let their Sunday-school teachers and whole households use T H E K IN G ’S BUS I­ NESS in studying the International Sunday School Lessons. (See pages 343 to 352.) But a glance through this issue of the magazine reveals also how much “ more” is offered— in challenging feature articles, devotional readings for the family altar, stories for children, and notes on Christian Endeavor topics for the young people. Group orders for regular delivery of bundles of magazines are com­ ing from city churches, from rural and mountain communities, and from distant American outposts such as the Canal Zone and Hawaii. Investigate the prices listed below', and ask yourself whether this may not be just the spiritual help the homes and classes in your church need! KING’S BUSINESS Bundle Prices Monthly Number Each One Mo. Three Mos. Year . Bundle 10 $ .07 $ .75 $2.00 $ 7.50 Bundle 25 .06 1.50 4.00 15.00 Bundle 50 .05 2.50 7.00 25.00 Postpaid to one address in U. S. or possessions. The above rates do not apply to bundles to be delivered by mail within the delivery districts of the Los Angeles Post Office. Add 2 cents per copy for postage to such addresses. NOTE: Magazines may he ordered *or year and bundles paiil for as received. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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