September, 1941
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Holy Spirit never exalts Himself nor any human being; He directs attention' to Christ. The witness is to be given in all the world. The constancy of the power is guar anteed by the continuous presence 'of the. Holy Spirit within the born-again one. The Spirit dwells in each one. He never departs from the believer. III. I mparting K nowledge (Rom. 8:26-28) The natural man is so darkened in mind that he does not know even how to pray (v. 26). It is little wonder that pagan ,people resort to charms and in cantations, and so-called civilized people turn to formulas and ceremonies, the While thinking they are praying. But the Holy Spirit makes interces sion according to the will of God; hénee. His prayers never fail (v. 27 f cf. 1 John 5:14). He knows the will of God be cause H e‘knows the mind of to them who are the. called according to his purpose. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit o f the Spirit is love, joy , peace, long-suffering:, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, tem perance: against such th®ye is no law. 24 And they that are Christ’s have erucified the flesh w ith the affection s and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also w alk in the Spirit. 20 Let «is not he desirous o f vainglory, p rovokin g one another, envying one an other. LESSON TEXT* John 3:5-8; A cts 1:8; R om . 8:26-28; Gal. 5:22-26. GOLDEN T E X T i “ As many a« are led by the Spirit o f God, they are the sons o f God” ( Rom. 8:14). DEVOTIONAL READING: John 14:12-21. Outline and Exposition I. I mparting L ife (J ohn 3:5-8) S PIRITUAL life is Imparted only agency of the Holy Spirit. There may be great improvement in the life ob tained by natural generation; the “flesh” may attain lofty heights of culture, and even embrace religion, yet "that which is born of the flesh is flesh,” never changing in essence whatever its condition. As a piece of brass remains brass, whether it is fit only to be thrown away as worthless junk or whether it is capable of being molded into an ex quisite work of art—so the "flesh,” whether cultured or ignorant, remáins only flesh. The work of regeneration, is as in visible as the wind; it is felt but not seen. The Holy Spirit imparts a life that is- hidden from human eyes but manifest in human actions. The work of regeneration is as indispensable for life in the spiritual realm as the wind is indispensable in the physical .realm. In the natural sphere, men cannot give themselves birth, and neither can they do so in the spiritual realm. Just as cer tain laws, governing the elements, must be obeyed if one is to share the benefits o f, their power, so there are laws gov erning the operation of the Holy Spirit. The first law is that of obedience. Our Lord in reality told Nicodemus to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” as personal Saviour. By means of this ac tive faith is brought about the impar- tatiori of life by the Holy Spirit. H. I mparting P ower (A cts 1:8) The power spoken of here is given only to those to whom spiritual life already has been imparted by the Holy Spirit. Because the spirit of the evil one •is also at work in the world, it must be remembered that some mani festations of supernatural power are to be attributed to Satan, the archde ceiver. This passage teaches that divine pow er is granted to the believer to enable him to bear witness for his Lord. The ! For the Internationalisms— - Sunday School Lessons MANUA L OF One picture is worth 10,000 words,** : rl 'EACH, the younger chil- • dren by means of this new, instructive» fascinating meth od. Cut-outs enable you to hold the interest bycombining word with action. 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