T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1941
blue circle reminds us of God the Father who provides for us. Louise, do you think you can tell us who the red circle represents ? "It stands for the second Person of the Trinity—the Son of God, who offers pardon to those who trust Him as Sav iour.” We are to learn today about the third Person of the Trinity—the Holy -Spirit. This green circle has the words “HOLY SPIRIT” written on it. Beneath these words, we find' the word “Power.” The word "Power” is found on page 539 of this dictionary. I hold in my hand a bottle of gasoline.
Modern engines develop great power by using gasoline. We will place this green circle to the left of the triangle. In thinking of the Holy Spirit, we should never forget that He gives power to those who are the children of God by faith'in Jesus Christ, We read_ in Acts 1:8, “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." In thinking of the Trinity, let us re member that God the Father makes "Provision” for all our needs; that God thè Son offers "Pardon” from sin; that God the Holy Spirit gives “Power” to live and witness, and that the Three are One.
A Worthy Investment MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OFTHEBIBLE Interdenominational— Evangelistic 703 N. E. Multnomah Portland Oregon 'Rev. B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D., President. Rev. John G. M itchell, D.D.; V ice-P res. Rev. Simon E. F orsberg, Dean Standard Three-Year Courses Intensive Bible Instruction Free Tuition *Tmpress Bible Thoughts on Their Minds As They Sew EILERS’ SEWING TEXT MOTTOES Size 6 $4 x 8 Heavy stock. Sm " READER, áre you interested enough iii Biola to ■patronize King's Business* advertisers? Hooker's Electric Shop will give 10% discount on electrical -merchandise and supplies. Call, Write or Phone TUcker 9976 700 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. GIFTS FOR MISSIONARIES Many missionaries write us that THÈ KING’S BUSINESS ,is most helpful in their work on the field. Why not pro vide a subscription for some missionary or needy Christian through our Free Fund which is maintained for this pur pose? KING’S BUSINESS FREE FUND 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif. holes In card ma sewing easy. E sign is printed them. • 47 designs 2 Cents Each. If page catalogue fr A. H. FILERS 1124 Pine S T . LO U IS ,
OCTOBER 26, 1941 CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY REGARDING BEVERAGE ALCOHOL , . D euteronomy 5:32, 33; 11:26-28; I saiah 28:1-6; H abakkuk 2:12
exhortation (vs. 32, 33). It will be noted that the command was for positive obe dience, rather than mere negative as sent. The instruction to the people was: “Walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you,” to find peace and plenty, safety and security, and permanent possession of the land. n . T he C hoice (Deut. 11:26-28) The children of Israel were given a clear-cut choice between obeying and disobeying God. If they would obey, blessing would follow; if they disobeyed, suffering would result. God’s promises of evil are as certain of fulfillment as are His promises of good. This truth has an application for mod ern people as truly as for Israel. God’s rich blessing awaits the individual or the community that honors Him; His right eous punishment awaits the one that flouts and disobeys Him. God the Crea tor has authority over Civic as well as personal affairs, and He will hold lead ers responsible who disregard and deny Him this authority. Because of the widespread Idea that making money is the supreme objective of human life, and because of the enormous profit to he acquired in the liquor traffic, civic au thorities are tempted to overlook their responsibility to the Creator, and to permit a traffic that ends in commu nity downfall. i.ti i j i ) n íj /.¿.no N OHTEOUSnESS EXflLTETHA nRTIOrfc BUT Sin 15 REPROACH TO fiflMPEOPLE’
Deuteronom y 5:32 Y e «hall observe to do therefore a« the liord yoiir God hath commanded yon: ye «hall not tnrn amide to the righ t hand or to the left. 33 Ye «hall walk in all the w ay« which the Lord yoiir God hath commanded you» that ye may live, and that it may be vVell w ith you. and that ye may p rolon g yonr days In the land which y e'«h all possess. 11:26 Behold, 1 set before you this day a blessing and a curse: 27 A blessing,, if ye obey the com mandments o f the Lord your God, which 1 command you this' day: 28 And a curse, if ye w ill not obey the eodimam lmeiits o f thé Lord yonr God, but turn aside out o f .-the way which 1 com mand yon this day, to g o after other gods, w hich ye have not known. Tsaiah 28:1 W oe to the crow n o f pride, to .the drunkards o f Rpliralm , whose g lor ious beauty is a fadin g flow er,*w hich are on the head o f the fat valleys o f them that are overcom e with w ine! 2 B ehold, the Lord hath a m ighty and stron g one, w hich as a tempest o f hall and a destroying storm , as a flood o f m igh ty waters overflow in g, shall cast down to the earth wltl| the hand. 3 The crow n o f pride, the drunkards o f Ephraim , shall be trodden nnder feet: 4 And the glorious beauty, which is on the head o f the fat valley,, shall he a fadin g flow er, and as the hasty fruit be fo re the summ er; which when he that looketh upon It seeth, w hile It is yet in his hand he eateth it up. 5 In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glor^r, and for a diadem of «beauty, unto the residue of his people, 6 And fo r a spirit o f Judgment to him that sitteth In jndgm ent, and fo r strength to them that turn the battle to the gate. Habakkuk 2:12 W oe to him that hulld- eth a town w’lth blood, and establlsheth a city by Iniquity! GOLDEN T E X T : .«R ighteousness exalt- eth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” BIBLES • TESTAMENTS W e carry one o f .the largest stock s west o f the M ississippi R iver. A lso religious and temperance books. Write, phone, or call Muluul 3820 RELIGIOUS BOOK SHOP "THE GLORIOUS ’% ego T y eo — to ■— flnjnHERjtáflCE - THAT FflOETH DOT SLUftW" IFit. |, 352 So. Spring St. 1-n. Angele«, Calif.
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