T-HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1841
You can see how important they are and how hard they are to keep, too. They are so important that even people who do not love God find they are the best rules to follow, so that most of the laws of our land are made around the Ten Commandments. God said in His Book that a time was coming when He would write His law in our hearts instead of upon tables of stone. He did this when He sent Jesús- into the world. The Lord Jesus is balled the “Word" in the Bible. When God writes His Word on our hearts, as we take Jesus into them, we find that what was hard to do before, be comes easy, because Jesus does it for us. Jesus said the greatest commandment of all was to love God with every bit of ourselves, and our neighbor as our selves. Nobody but Jesus Himself could keep such a commandment as that. Won’t 'you let the Lord Jesus come into, your heart so that when people look at you they will see God’s law written there ? ' Object Lesson A L adder T hat L owers OBJECTS: A pair of scissors and three pieces of fairly strong paper 6x12 inches in size, colored yellow, green, and black. (Paste the sheets of paper-to-
Cut horizontally along the middle section about a quarter of an inch from the flat roll on both sides’ of it. Pull down on the flat- black roll. This will make the ladder.] . ’ This is the drunkard’s, ladder. The top is yellow. When people say that a per son is “yellow,” they mean that he is a coward. Young people who drink whis key often think they are showing brav ery by drinking, but in reality they are cowards and cannot bear to have their companions laugh at them. Another color in this drunkard’s lad der is green. People often •are called '‘green" when they are ignorant or lack experience. Often a person will drink whiskey because he ignorantly believes that it will help him. The Word of God warns us about this ignorance: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is de ceived thereby is not wise” (Prov. 20:1). The last color in the ladder is black, the color which speaks of •,sin. Many crimes have been committed by people who were drunk. Drinking can lead to all kinds of sin, and many times people under thè'influence of liquor, do wrong things that they would not agree to do otherwise.
gether lengthwise -in the order men tioned, making the total' length about thirty-six inches. Begin with the free end of the: black and make five or six very small folds. Press this roll flat so that it will not unwind. Then continue by majcing a larger round roll, about the size of the middle finger, with the remainder.) • LESSON: Would you like to watch me make a ladder? Most ladders are used to climb up, but I am sorry to say that this one reminds us of a ladder by which mahy people climb down. [Arrange the roll so the flat portion inside will be at the bottom. Cut down from the top of the round roll to, but not through, the flat roll. This should be done twice, two inches from each end, leaving a space of two inches in the middle. Bend the two outside sec tions at right angles to the middle sec tion, forming an inverted “U” shape.
We should be brave and wise, and re fuse all kinds of liquor. Then we will never place our foot on the drunkard’s ladder which leads downward. T OO L S FOR THE STUDENT
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