T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1941
18:19, 20), young people’s meeting, church services, Bible school, 5. Stewardship—‘"Hie Acid Test” (Prov. 11:24, 25; 1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 8; 9:6-10). OCTOBER *12, 1941 OTHER CHURCHES IN OUR COMMUNITY R omans 12:4-13 By Lyman A. Wendt Introduction Most of the Protestant churches in our community will belong to one of three divisions: (1) Calvinistic, (2) Arminian, or (3) Lutheran. There prob ably will be also a Catholic church, besides several cults and sects which cannot be classified properly in any one of these main divisions. This topic af fords an excellent opportunity to in vestigate the work and’ doctrinal differ-, ences of these various groups. Most of us never stop to analyze why we are Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc. In what points do we differ? Are there points on which we all agree? Is there duplication of our work ? Are we ac complishing God’s purpose for- our church ? ]Does_our_(^ren " ¿how evi- spiritual life and power? -Is jr church a real, vital force in pur immunity? These points and others can be con- siered in brief topics under such head- igs as those listed below. For Those Who Have Topics I. GIVE BRIEFLY THE CHIEF DIF FERENCES BETWEEN: Calvinists (Baptists, Presbyterians, etc.). Arminians (Methodists, Nazarenes, etc.). Lutherans. Catholics. 1. Public librarian will give assistance. 2. Consult encyclopedia and your pastor.» Illus.: Some one has expressed the situation in this humorous manner: ‘‘A Methodist knows he’s got salvation, but is afraid he will lose it; and a Presby terian knows he can’t lose It, but is scared to death for fear he hasn’t got it.” Another phase of the Calvinist-Ar- minian issue is related to the matter of election to salvation. It has been sum marized thus; “We’re all Calvinists when we pray, as we cry, ‘Lord, save that man.’ And we’re all Arminians
when we are at work, as we tell that same man, ‘It all depends on you—on what you do about accepting Christ as your Saviour.’ ” The issue is of qourse more complicated than either of these illustrations indicates, and there is need for a balanced understanding of the Word of God if our message is to avoid harmful extreme views that disregard the Lord’s revelation as a whole. , H. DISCUSS THE LOCAL SITUA TION: 1. The number of churches in the community compared to the population. (Is it overchurched or underchurched?) 2. Obtain a city or district map from your Chamber of Commerce or City Engineer,.or make a rough sketch on blackboard. Locate churches in your community. This may lead to the dis covery of a section of your town which is unevangelized. HI. THE TRUE CHURCH AND IN DIVIDUAL LOCAL CHURCHES. Some points of contrast between “the church which is his body” (Col. 1:18; Eph. 5:23-27, 32) and the churches of our community are as follows: 1. We are bom into the one (John 1:12, 13; 3:3-7); “join” the other. Since regeneration is the door of entrance into the family of God, there is danger of ■mumiinyinhaglr /»« church ’ “increasing the membership,” and com-1 ing in by “some other door” than byJ the new birth. Note John 14:6; Acts! 4:12. Challenge your own heart and* that of members of the society with the question, “How did I come in?” 2. Christ is the Head of one (Heb. 3:6; Eph. 5:23); pastor, official board, etc., the head of the other. 3. “Faith” is the characteristic "lm.'.-i as seen by God, for membership in the one (Gal. 6:10; cf. 3:26); any one of several, observances admits to member ship in the other (“by letter,” baptism, confirmation, etc.). For the Leader 1. Examine the various shades of doe- trinal interpretation which' give rise to the various “denominations” within the larger classification groups. Attempt to justify these differences of opinion from the Word of God. 2. Discuss the possibility of coopera tion with other churches in the com munity. Could it be done without com promise on vital issues? Would it in crease or decrease our effectiveness and testimony? (Lead your group carefully in considering what constitutes permis sible “tolerance” on the part of a true Christian. Show that “harmony” would come at too high a price if it required compromise on the deity of Christ, on His deliverance from sin’s penalty and power by His death and resurrection, or concerning the authority of the Word of God.) 3. Do not permit the meeting to close without making clear that to gain its right to the title, a “church” must be founded on Christ! (Acts 4:12). —“
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