TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1941
which corresponds to Isaiah 61:1, 2 In our Bibles. He finished His ¿‘Siding just before the significant words, “and the day of vengeance of our God” (v. 2). This era in which we live is the “ac ceptable year of the Lord” ; the day'of grace is open for any one who will enter in and be saved. Let us consider the tremendous need of the souls in our community and covenant with God to reach them for Christ. For Those Who Have Topics t YOUR COMMUNITY’S NEED. 1. Your community needs spiritual re sources. The Lord Jesus came to preach to the poor (v. 18). A vast multitude of FREE TRACTS By C. E. Putnam, noted Bible Teacher and Author. “JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES” “ Can Salvation Be Obtained After Death?” “ When, How Can We Become Bible Christians?” ‘‘What Is The Gift of Tongues?” ‘‘Tithing and 7th Day Sabbath Keep- “ God’s I-aw on Marriage and* Divorce.” ‘»«•vation From Beginning to Completion.” lostage Appreciated. We aJso publish more than 20ft other tracts, many illustrated and printed on Rainbow paper. These are also FREE as the liord permits. Send postage for a large sample pnckage. PILGRIM TRACT SOCIETY, Randleman, N, C. FOUR GREAT BOOKS By Mrs. Charles E. Cowman STREAMS IN THE DESERT, For inspiration .......... $1.50 ppd. SPRINGS IN THE VALLEY, For devotion ................ ............_..$ | .50 ppd. I CONSOLATION, For comfort ........................ $1.50 ppd. CHARLES E. COWMAN, Biography, For missionary zeal....................... $1.00 ppd.
Just Off the Press New and Timely Booklet . . . THE FOURFOLD PROPHECY Four interesting chapters: • the Northern Confederacy • the Roman Empire Understand what the Bible has to say about current and future prophetic events. Only 25 c each M I N I S T R Y PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3. Your community needs spiritual discernment. The Son of God came to recover sight to the blind (v._18). He did give sight to the blind, not only to the physically blind, but to those who were also spiritually blind. He does the same today, using His people in this ministry. a. Spiritual b l i n d n e s s is the part of every unregenerate soul (John 3:3; 1 Cor. 2:14). b. Spiritual blindness is the work of Satan, who is a master in the art of deception (2 Cor. 4:3, 4). 4. Your community needs spiritual health. Sin always leaves its victims bruised and crushed. The Lord Jesus came to set at liberty them that are bruised (v. 18). hy Herbert Lockyer • the Palestine Conflict • the Return of the Lord people have no thought about eternity; they spend time and energy amassing what part of this world’s goods they can obtain, while all the time they are spiritually poverty-stricken. a. Many people are poor in right eousness; apart from God’s imputed righteousness through faith in Christ, they shall die in their sins (2 Cor. 5:21). b. Many people are poor in peace; and apart from having peace with God through Jesus Christ, they never can have peace for the s o u l (Rom. 5:1; 14:17). c. Many people are poor in hope; and until they have the true hope through faith in Christ, they can have no hope beyond the grave (Eph. 2:12; Rom. 15:13; cf. Heb. 10:27). 2. Your community needs spiritual freedom. Christ cam^ to proclaim re lease to the captives (v. 18). Consider how sin enslaves its victims and how it causes them to ruin body, mind, and soul (Eph. 2:1-3; Mk. 5:1-20; John 8:31-36).
H. MEETING YOUR COMMUNITY’S NEED. - 1. You. must depend upon the Holy Spirit and live a Spirit-filled life. Apart from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, even as Jesus was anointed, your wit ness will be powerless and fruitless (Acts 1:8). 2. You must realize that you are per sonally responsible for the community in which you live. The preacher cannot do everything. As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we who are His must do all that we can, where we live, to make' Christ known (2 Cor. 5:20; Matt. 28:19). 3. Your life at home has an influence in your community. Christ was in the place where He had lived as a boy; He was not ashamed of His testimony there because His life had always been with out sin (v. 16). You can meet your community’s need by living for Christ where you are (Matt. 5:16). 4. You must support the work of your church. Our Saviour went “as his cus tom was, . . . into the synagogue on the 1. In meeting your community’s need, you will be laying up for yourself treas ures in heaven (Matt. 6:19, 20). 2. You will find yourself being used of God in the salvation of others. 3. You will be instrurflantal in open ing the blinded spiritual eyes of some in your community. 4. You will help to comfort broken hearts and to bring joy and peace where there was once only sorrow and despair. BIOLA’ S WORLD-WIDE PRAYER CIRCLE Students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are nearing the close of a summer varied by special forms of Christian service and by secular em ployment that has enabled them to pre pare for their winter’s school expenses. As they enter the new semester, they are as dependent as ever upon the faithful intercession of the school’s prayer warriors. Prospective new stu dents, in particular, need prayer as they consider the Lord’s call and as they ■face personal problems connected with enrolling and* securing necessary em ployment. A friend of the school who has re tired from missionary work among' Mexican people has suggested special prayer that the Lord may call some of Southern California’s Mexican young people to come to Biola for training to serve among their own people. Persons desiring to enroll in Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle by choosing a specific hour each week for interces sion .for the school may notify the Prayer Circle Secretary, Miss Chris tina J. Braskamp, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. sabbath day” Jv. 16). m . THE RESULT.
Liberal terms to book missionaries. The Oriental Miislonary Society Publishers
900 N. Hobart Blvd.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
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