TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1941
“ The GREATEST Thing in the Universe” Is the title o f a new book on Bible Number«. An' original study that is a spiritual feast. Tells about 888, 686, and other ' numbers. R ecom mended by Dr. Houghton. Dr. Iron side. Dr. Louis Sperry Chafer. F ore w ord by Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D. P rice $1.50 postpaid. W rite the author LeBARON W . KINNEY 18100 Cornwall Rd. Cleveland, Ohio Communion Cups Send for Folder and SPECIAL I OFFER at low prices. Glasses$1.00 I Dozen. Tray and 36glasses $6.50up. | Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED. Aluminum, Wood and Silver-plated ____________ Services. Collection&Bread Plates,Pastor’sSickOotflts, etc.L Thomas Communion Service, Box 1214 Lima, Ohio Then They Began To Sing SONGS IN THE DESERT Third Edition*—- Revised and en larged. 62 special, Inspiring songs: solos, duets, choruses, anthems. In cludes 16 first published numbers such as: “ A fter The W ar Is Oyer,” “ Singing In The. F ire,” “ N othing Im possible,” “ W e W ill Carry On,” “ So Be It tjnto You.” A good variety for many occasion«. 50c Per Copy,'Postpaid CLARENCE E. RANCH, Publisher 81? N, Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. JOIN EMBROIDERY GUILD Needlework either full or spare time. Easy profits. Buy wholesale—sell retail. Show beautiful line of stamped linens, pillow cases, scarfs, tablecloths and many other .items. Also Dress Goods line. Write for FREJE 24-page catalog and easy money making plan. v•. EMBROIDERY GUILD 740 Broadway. Dept. 576 New York, N. Y. Everlasting Praises 189 songs prayerfully and carefully pre pared fo r the church, Sunday-school and revival. Durable .manila binding, 25c each, ¥16.50 per hundred, delivered. Returnable sample on request. TAYLOR’S BOOK SHOP Box 512 T u iw lio u , Ala. No ' membership fee. Raise -money. for your church’ or start your own profitable mggggla business. Sell Stamped Art
C a l v a r y , the abyss of the world’s greatest sorrow, the: summit of the world’s highest Talipes Jesus was born with the shadow of the cross upon Him . . . He rose from the dead glori fied by its sacrifice.—Robert -G. Lee.* Hie Voice of God “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past uhto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son” (Heb. 1:1,2). We are living in the dispensation when God is speaking by His Son.. A president or dictator speaks, and whole nations are alert to hear what he says. But still God speaks to a lost world . . . and the tragedy of our time is that men are not listening to Him. What is your ear most eager to hear—the voice of government, or science, the voice of literature, or art, or business, or the voice of God? •« —Frank E. Gaebelein. The Grave Must Yield! “ Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweet ness” (Judg. 14:14). What is so strong as death ? Yet the strong yields sweetness, for the grave has had too much, although it still ap pears to be unsatisfied. It has one morsel that it has been obligated to give up . . . There is one place on earth where the grave clothes were folded up, and the napkin about the head folded and laid aside/forever . . . And soon the grave will have to deliver up its millions, because it has yielded up Christ.—H. W. Soltau. 15. Faithfulness “Thou hast been faithful . . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matt. 25:21). Across my path, dear Lord, I see The shadows of eternity. Fast passing years their tale have told, ‘ Reprinted from “ Calvary" by special permis sion of Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. IS . 14.
A few the sheaves my arms enfold. Bmt oh, dear Lord, how sweet to know Thy judgments, not as man’s below! The ground of Thy dear, sweet egress Is not “how much?” but “faithfulness.” —V. C. Kelford. . 16. The Way God Measures “ Every man’s work shall be made manifest: fop the day shall declare It” (1 Cor. 3:13). . \ Results are not m e a s u r e d in the sanctuary by any line of ours;’ We owe a Paul and all his marvelous far- reaching testimony to the prayer of a Stephen. The seeming cutting short of a useful life of service was actually the consummation of one of the most blessed acts of service ever rendered to the church, and the day shall de clare its gracious magnitude. —George Cutting. 17. “Men Wondered At” “Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at” (Zech. 3:8). The high priest stood condemned. He was defiled” his garments were stained. The accuser had a clear case against him, but Jehovah, who had c h o s e n Jerusalem, again exercised His divine prerogatives and selected the priest as an object of mercy. He who stood con demned was cleansed, c l o t h e d , and crowned. Thereafter we read of his fel lows, and they were “men wondered at.”-—Neil M. Fraser. 18. The Business of Prayer “Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord” (Zech. 8:21). We must learn to make prayer a business . . . Worldliness inverts God’s order and makes the highest things change places with the lowest . . . If He would but open our eyes to see the value of heavenly treasures and the worthlessness of worldly baubles, the priceless worth of human souls and the divine power of, redeeming blood, it would make us mighty to bring down anew the heavenly fire and the flood of blessing.—A. T. Pierson. 19. No Greater Love “Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). There is one love that craves. There is another love that goes out, as the rays of the sun, desiring nothing in return. The one expects a caress, or a gift, or a similar love as a response. The other finds its joy and its reward in its going forth—-in loving, and giv ing, and- being as a friend . . . The one is the love of man. The other is the love of God.—C. P. Hardin. 20. Our Feet Are Kept “He will keep the feet of his saints” (1 Sam. 2:9).
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