September, 1941
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
The way is slippery, and our feet are feeble, but the Lord will keep our feet . . . He will keep our feet from wandering, so that we do not go into the paths of error or courses of the world’s custom. He will keep our feet from swelling through weariness, or blistering because of the roughness and length of the way . . . With such a promise as this, let us run without weariness, and walk without fear. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 21. Spiritual Development “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord . . . increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10). Food, light, warmth, society, exercise, rest—let the spiritual life have these as freely as we give them to the bodily life, and holiness asks no more. Desir ing the sincere milk of the Word that we may grow thereby; walking in the light as He is in the light; warmed with the glowing love of Jesus filling the soul; running gladly in the way of His commandments; resting in the care of. the gracious Lord who careth for us—this is to insure the all-around de velopment of the life of God within us. ---Mark Guy Pearse. 22. The Bight Message “I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). Paul did not preach Jesus, nor Jesus Christ; he preached Jesus Christ cruci fied. It is easy, in dealing with people, to omit the essentially Christian mes sage and simply to glorify Jesus as a great Teacher. The cross is the center —the pivot, the goal—of all true preach ing; and unless we, carry the heart of our message to the heart of the world, our preaching will be futile. —Amy Carmichael. 23. God’s Time “Today if ye will hear his v o i c e , harden not your hearts” (Heb. 3:15). God has only one time, that is, today. I read of t o m o r r o w in the Bible. Pharaoh wished the frogs taken from ■him, but tomorrow. Tomorrow is man’s time. Now, today, is God’s . . . God is waiting on you. He is calling you. He is beseeching you, and this is His one request: Take My Son whom I have given. He cries to every accountable and rational soul in this world. Will you have'Him?—W. P. MacKay. 24. Being Sure “I know whom I have believed” (2 Tim. 1:12). GOD LIVES! Those who are quite sure Cannot have a lonely day. GOD LOVES! Those who are quite sure Show His love upon life’s way.
GOD SEES! Those who are quite sure See Him also everywhere. GOD HE^RS! Those who are quite sure Often speak to Him in prayer. —Selected. Walking with God “Enoch walked with God: and he was hot; for God took him" (Gen. 5:24). Perhaps we can picture in s o m e measure what the manners of a man who walked with God for three hun dred years would be likft if we closely analyze the ways of the Son of God on earth. The combination of absolute transparent simplicity with unassumed and therefore natural dignity, the out ward grace and courtesy, the inward peace and calm, the sweet reasonable ness of the true Christian character, would all be seen in these God-given manners.—A. T. Schofield. 26. Communion and Power “Them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven” (1 Pet. 1:12). Charles G. Finney used to discover that sometimes his p r e a c h i n g was mighty in its influence to convict and c o n v e r t sinners. At other times he seemed to be firing only blank cart ridges. The results depended entirely upon his own spiritual condition, upon his nearness to or his absence from God. When he was in close communion with God, the currents of power were mighty and irresistible. When his con nection with the Lord ceased . . . his lifting power was gone. —Theodore L. Cuyler. 27. We Belong to Him “As servants of Christ, doing the will of God,from the heart” (Eph. 6:6). Paul describes us as slaves of Christ. Not only does our property belong to Him; we ourselves belong to Him. We are His, without qualification and with out reserve. Our bodies belong to Him, with the muscles which we use in phys ical labor; and our minds belong to Him, with the knowledge . . . with which we conduct our business or dis charge the duties of our profession. We are not our own; we are the slaves of Christ.—W: R. Dale. 28. Desiring and Seeking After “One thing have I desired . . . that will I seek after” (Psa. 27:4). The words of the text not only sug gest, by the two tenses of the verbs, the continuity of the desire which is destined to be granted, but also, by the two verbs themselves—desire and seek after—the necessity of. u n i t i n g prayer and work . . . Dear friends, if we truly wish this desire of dwelling in the house of the Lord to be ful filled, the day’s work must run in the 25.
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