King's Business - 1941-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


September, 1941

Russell; Susanne Rutpchm&n; Olga Schultz; Rosella Thiesen, and Margaret Thome, ’34. The Portland, Ore., Biola alumni meeting was held on July 31 in the Calvary Presbyterian Church, of which Archie McNeill is pastor. It was ar­ ranged by William Lee, ’37, who has been working among Jews in Portland. A number of friends of Biola were pre­ sent in addition to the alumni and stu­ dents mentioned in the following list; Douglas H. (’41) and Mrs. Anderson; Allen (’33) and Mrs. Backer (Elizabeth Renich); Willard (’36) and Mrs. Backer (Evlin Crowe, ’36); Grace BolhoUse, ’32; Miriam Bracken; Doris Craig; Wil­ liam (’37) and Mrs. Lee (Mary Rich­ ards!; Archie McNeill; Pearl Schwartz; Eloise Stickney, ’36, and Donald M. Var­ ney. Willard Backer, 3024 North Halleck St., Portland, Ore., pastor of the Pen­ insular Avenue Evangelical Church, was elected the next president of tlie group. Coming and Going Van V. (’13) and Mrs. Eddings, mem­ bers of the Orinoco River Mission, of which Mr. Eddings is Director, have been spending the summer in deputation work in the East, speaking at such gatherings as the Keswick Conference in New Jersey and the Ben Lippen Con­ ference. They expect to remain on the eastern coast until. December 5, the date set for their sailing to return to Venezuela, S. A. They can be addressed in care of George W. Jackson, 558 3. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Haydon J. Spidell, ’36, Y.M.C.A., 1804 W. Congress St., Chicago, 111.,' was graduated from Wheaton College In August of 1940 and for the past year has been attending the University of Illinois College of Medicine. Isaac (’36) and Mrs. Willems (Winona

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

“The Firs,” the well-known confer­ ence grounds at Bellingham, Wash., formed the setting for a Biola banquet arranged in Dr. Monroe’s honor in the dining room on the grounds. Dr. Mon­ roe showed the Institute slides and addressed the young people of the Lake Whatcom Bible and Missionary Con­ ference twice during his visit. Mem­ bers of the Biola family at the dinner included the following: Grace Baynes; James Baynes; Lionel F. (’33) and Mrs. Brown (Grace Lorimer, ’33); Thelma Drongesen, ’31; Mrs. James Forrester (Melba Walsh, ’36); Oscar T. Gillan, ’27; Esther Gregg, ’32; Ruth Hall; Max M. Johnson; Mabel L. Jordan, ’20; Edwin Knapp, ’39; Mrs. Otho L. Logan (Isa­ bel F. Bateman, ’34); Thelma Lystad; Jack W. (’41) and Mrs. Montgomery (Gene Huntamer, ’4 0 ) Beverly, Pegg, ’33" Marjorie' Rattray, ’31; Chester O. (’21) and Mrs. RuHedge (Helen, ’20); Floyd Walker; Grant and Mrs. Whipple (Bernice Atkinson) and Vivian Wub- bens. - ; « At Turner, Ore., in the American Sunday School Union Camp which was under the direction of Jesse W. Baker, ’28, an Institute reunion was held on July 25. The message and Kodachrome slides of. student life were given by Dr. Monroe. Past and present Institute stu­ dents who attended were: Jesse W. (’28) and Mrs. Baker (Pauline R. Cone, ’28); David (’27) and Mrs. Doerksen (Ruth Dunn, ’33); Emily George; Mar­ tha Gerig; Robert Goertz; David Hamm; Leonard E. (’24) and Mrs. Harms; Alma Hiebert; Titus Nickel; Evelyn

Dean Monroe Addresses Alumni Reunion Groups ■' Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has been spend­ ing the summer in an extensive tour of speaking engagements in the Pa­ cific Northwest area. In ’ carrying out this itinerary, he has met with nu­ merous alumni groups, some of which have a fairly permanent organization with leaders who plan periodic fellow­ ship meetings for Biola graduates. The Biola Alumni Association would t be grateful if all existing groups 'of this kind throughout the country would report the name of the leader to the Alumni Secretary, Helen J. White, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. It would be helpful, if a list of graduates and former students in the local ?weas could accompany this notification. Below are reports of some of the summer’s fellowship opportunities with Dr. Monroe: At Central Point, Ore., in the church of which C. R. Luther is pastor, Biola alumni and friends met for a banquet and program which included testimonies from those who had *attended the In­ stitute. A number of prospective stu­ dents were present also. Keith Fields, ’40, presided at the dinner, and Dr. Monroe gave a devotional message and showed slides illustrating Institute life-. The following former or present stu­ dents living in Oregon attended the gathering: Beth (’40) and Verna Cing- cade (’40); Wolford A. Dawes, ’23, Med­ ford; Keith (’40) and Mrs. Fields (Sara Balzer, ’39), Eagle Point; Betty Gant- enbein; C..R. and Mrs. Luther (Thakla Lang, ’21),- Central Point; Albert F. (’38) and Mrs. Nikkei (Josephine Amend, B. Chr. Ed. ’38), Jerome Prairie; Stanley G. Parrish, ’34; Christine Pear­ son, Medford; Tom H. Shearin, Eagle Point, Ore., and Frances Smith, ’38. Beside the Oregon group, Dorothy Ku- wata of Honolulu, T. H., and E. Wayne Roberts, B. Th. ’41, of Sunnyside, Wash., we.e present. At Everett, Wash., on June -21, a group gathered in the home of Gertrude Vandermeer, ’41; 2917—21st St., for an evening of fellowship. The guests told of their past and present work and o f their plans for the future. A devotional message and slides shown by Dr. Monroe climaxed the event. Those present, all of them f r o m Washington, included: Joseph Kopp, ’38, Hartford; Edna Lin- denstriith, ’35, Everett; Thelma Lystad, Kirkland; Adelle OttoSon, Kirkland; Mabel Pearson, ’39, Everett; George Pugh, Mukilteo," and Gertrude (’41) and Grace Vandermeer, Everett,

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Minneapolis, Minnesota RUIN or RELIEF?

NAZISM caused RUIN and DEVASTATION In the :invaded- countries; but INCOMPARABLE is’ the plight of the MILLIONS of JEWS there be­ cause .of INHUMAN HOSTILITIES and CRUSH­ ING ATROCITIES to which they are subjected. Driven from their homes and business, confined in GHETTOS and deprived of means of livelL hood, they are exposed to STARVATION. Spiritu­ ally benighted without THE GOSPEL—THE LIV­ ING- HOPE, they are In utter despair. “ Is there NO BALM In GILEAD?" Is there NO .Mrs. Leon I. Rosenberg HELP for those starving masses and PERISHING Rev. Leon t. Rosenberg CHILDREN? OUR CHRISTIAN RELIEF The BETHEL MISSION of EASTERN EUROPE, Inc., (founded by Pastor and Mrs. Léon I> Rosen­ berg, who&e activities extend oVer 40 yearsin Russia and in •other Mission fields) is the ONLY GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE in the DARK and STORMY SEA of NAZISMvfor the so gravely afflicted JEWISH MILLIONS, to.'fulfill its EVANGELICAL TASKS of: —BREAKING the BREAD of LIFE to the famished souls of old and young. ----- HELPING to ALLEVIATE the NEED, of the SUFFERING and STARVING,—especially among those of the HOUSEHOLD of FAITH. —MAINTAINING an’ ORPHANAGE and CHILDREN’S HOME for Hebrew Christian .and other destitute boys and girls. THE BETHEL MISSION is a ‘faitii work. YOUR PRAYERS and SYMPATHY are EARNESTLY COVETED for all its activities on the foreign field as well as in the homeland. . : > . . . .: r.-... The "BETHEL WITNESS'" with current news from the MISSION FIELD, is freely sent to »very friend, upon request. / HEADQUARTERS: 2223 Moaré* Street, N. B., Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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