King's Business - 1941-09

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


September, 1941

Plow a Deep Furrow

• '■ J ^ U R M O IL of war-time defense activity , . . millions of young men called into Army camps A . . . other millions in the armanent industry . . . adjustments for farm labor . . . young women learning new skills, undertaking the tasks of men. .'. . But who will prepare for the future of the Lord’s church? W ho has the patience and foresight to “ plow a deep furrow,” faithfully and quietly studying the W ord of God in preparation for a' future .harvest of souls? True, no Christian young person in America can

foresee his or her course four years in advance in days, like these. But ‘may it not be that God is calling you to begin definite Bible Institute training, with a steadfast purpose to continue therein just as long as H e thus leads? Every precious hour devoted to the revealed will of God will be an invaluable preparation for whatever darkness may be ahead. W ill distressed men and women and young people be able to come to you for help tomorrow, next year, four years from now?

TAKE COLLEGIATE WORK At The Bible Institute of Los Angeles This Y e a r Registration Dates— September 15 and 16, 1941

view to fitting the student for pas­ toral work or other special Chris­ tian service. This course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Theology. There are also four-year courses leading to degrees in Christian Ed­ ucation and Music. A foùr-year .Missionary Course leads to a diploma. A three-year Général Course and three-year courses in Christian 'Education and

Much prayer and planning have been s p e n t in preparing for min­ isters and missionaries a course that Will supply something like seminary training. Accordingly, the school .offers a four-year Bible Collegiate Course, in which Sys­ tematic Theology, Pastoral Theol­ ogy, Apologetics, Advanced Homi­ letics, Biblical Languages, and re­ lated subjects are included, with a

Music are all diploma courses. Private lessons in piano, organ, voice, and accordion are offered at nominal fees. No tuition charge. Low registration fees. An employment office seeks to procure work for students who need thus to defray expenses. Our new pictorial catalogue will be mailed to you upon request.

For information, address Office o f the Registrar The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California “ Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed , .

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