King's Business - 1941-09



September, 1941

Tinsley, ’86) peached Venezuela In Feb­ ruary and have been studying Spanish under Charles (’36) and Mrs. Olvey, who are also members of the Orinoco River Mission. Their mail address is Apartado 75, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, S, A. Lester (’36) and Mrs. Wuthrich (Agnes Harder), five and a half months after reaching China to engage in lan­ guage study at the College of Chinese Studies, Peiping, N. China, had to leave for the Philippine Islands where they and other new missionaries are con­ tinuing Chinese language study under the auspices of the Peiping College. Their address is P. O. Box 131, Baguio, Philippine Is. Mr. and Mrs. Wuthrich are serving under the General Confer- ende Mennonite Board. Alice P. Foote, ’32, of the Bolivian Indian Mission, returned on furlough from her work at Cochabamba, Bolivia, S. A., in June and can be addressed at Route 1, Box 780, Ceres, Caljf. Dorothy Black, B. Chr. Ed'. ’40, sailed August 1 from New York, N. Y., for service under the Orinoco River Mission in Venezuela, S. A. Her address is to be Casa Evangelica, Puerto la C r u z , Estado Anzoategui, Venezuela, S. A. Stewart (’33) and Mrs. McDougall (Edna M. Luft, ’35) and their two sons, Colin and Stewart, sailed from New York on May 16 to return to Africa. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall are members of the Sudan Interior Mission. Their field address is Egbe, via Ilorin, Nigeria, W. Africa. On the same boat, Milton Jantzen, age 2, who was left in America until the ban on children’s sailings was lifted, was taken to join his parents, Dr. Richard F. (’32) and Mrs. Jantzen (Ella Gimbel," ’32). Mail for Dr. and Mrs. Jantzen can be addressed in care of the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos, Ni­ geria, W. Africa. Marjorie Douglass has joined her sis­ ter, Nadine Douglass, B. Chr. Ed. ’39, for the summer months in Nabenchauc, Las Casas, Chiapas, Mex. The latter’s coworker in translation work among the Tzotzil Indians, Marjorie E. Davis, B. Chr. Ed. ’39, has been attending Camp Wycliffe, Sulphur Springs, Ark., this summer. News o f Graduates in America Marjorie Harrison, ’23, Y.W.C.A., At­ lantic City, N. J., has been serving for the past four years in the Y.W.C.A. of Atlantic City, an organization which has about fifty Bible, classes each week during the winter. Miss Harrison is Departmental Secretary and is in con­ tact largely with older girls and women. In the summers she works at the Mont­ rose Bible Conference in Montrose, Pa. Her sister, Frances Harrison, ’26, 2644 12th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn., has been serving as secretary to her father, Norman B. Harrison, in his mailing of Christian literature, the work being known as "The Harrison Service.”

Evelyn W. Woodsworth, ’31, left Los Angeles on May 23 to do deputation work in the'vicinity of New York, N. Y., while awaiting passage back to her field of service under the Africa Inland Mission in Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. She has been assisting at the Mission headquarters at 373 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ford L. (’18) and Mrs. Canfield (Car­ olyn Lovejoy, ’18), are having a leave of absence from their activity at the China Inland Mission district headquar­ ters in Los Angeles where Dr. Canfield has been District Secretary. Their address is Diamond Springs, Calif. George W. (’33) and Mrs. Smart, Stewart, Nev., are engaged in Indian missionary work under the Northern Baptist Home Mission Board. Harlan Meyer, ’36, writes: !‘I have • been inducted into the U. S. Army. I prayed that the Lord would have His way, and I have been medically at­ tached to the 161st infantry. I covet your prayers for strength and guidance.” His address is 161st Med. Det., P. O. No. 41, Tacoma, Wash. Kermit L. Byrd, ’41, was ordained to the gospel ministry on July 25 in the First Baptist Church of Baldwin Park, Calif., where he and Mrs. Byrd have been serving since he was called to the pastorate there in May. John Jantzen, ’36, R. F. D., Box 92, Paso Robles, Calif., is farming during the week, and on Sunday teaches a young men’s Sunday-school class and helps with Christian Endeavor deputa­ tion work in the county jail and hospi­ tal. He writes, “Pray for us Christians in the Paso Robles area, that we may be a shining light to the thousands that have been attracted to the various gov­ ernment jobs here.” Allan H. Brown, ’36, received the cer­ tificate of graduation from the Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Tex., on May 20. He wrote in the spring that he and Mrs. Brown (Ellen M. Retts) planned to engage in young people’s work during the summer at Winona Lake, Ind. Mrs. C. S. Powell (Kathleen Terres, ’26), who formerly was a nurse in the Los Angeles County General Hospital, has been living in Oakland, Calif., where her husband is a physician and surgeon. Their address is 354 Alcatraz Ave., Oak­ land, Calif. Betty Horsch, ’40, Aberdeen, Idaho, has been serving in Christian Endeavor work as State Superintendent for In­ termediates. She has been also the presi­ dent of the young people’s society in her own church. The San Luis Obispo County Biola Reunion was held at Atascadero Lake on July 20. The afternoon was spent in fellowship, „with, a program which included testimonies and choruses. Those present were: Peter. J. (B. Th. ’39) and Mrs. Becker (Gertrude Schroeder, B. Chr. Ed. ’39); Louis Bergman; Albert Claassen; Edgar J. Claassen; Gertrude

Claassen; Mrs. W. G. Dyck, ’36; Freda Fieguth, ’39; Dyllis W. James, ’32; John B. Jantzen, ’36; Minna Jantzen; Mrs. O. S. Jantzen (Sarah Schultz,’33); Anna Janzen; Mar,ie Schroeder; David D. (’26) and Mrs. Schultz (Mary G. Jantzen, ’29); Frank L. Tetro, Jr.; and C. N.- Wiebe. Walter H. Regier, ’36, who was mar­ ried July 13, has been teaching academic subjects, "The Life of Paul,” and a course in Bible Geography in the Okla­ homa Bible Academy, Meno, Okla. He writes, “Even in teaching the h i g h school subjects, I find a great oppor­ tunity to serve the Lord.” Esther H. Gregg, ’32, 2621 N. E. Tilla­ mook, Portland, Ore., has been doing full-time work in connection with the Portland Bible classes. Besides secre­ tarial duties, her service has included teaching of several of the classes and calling in the homes of the children. Lois Uhlinger of the Class of 1941 was graduated exactly twenty-five years after her parents, Andrew P. (’16) and Mrs. Uhlinger (Birdie De Hoog, ’16), members of the Africa Inland Mis­ sion, completed their course at Biola. Miss Uhlinger’s brother, Paul, also has been attending the Institute. The family have been living at 2359 Yosemite Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. Married Floyd Arnold, B. Th., J41, and Frances James, ’40, June 27, Portland, Ore. Marvin Dick, ’39, and Elizabeth F. Voth, June 22, Shafter, Calif. Edmond Erickson, ’41, and Astrid Carlson, June 23, Greeley, Colo. Benjamin Edward FÜck and Evelyn A. Pound, ’37, Aug. 8, Berkeley,. Calif. Lewis Otis Hughes and Emma F. Washbume, ’36, Aug. 10, North Holly­ wood, Calif. Gene C. Long and Helen V. Ferris, Aug. 15, Los Angeles, Calif. S. Harold Longstreth, ’36, and Wini­ fred May Lorimer, June 17, Seattle, Wash. Walter H. Regier, ’36, and Ruby Buller, July 13, Goltry, Okla, Gerald D. Wagner and Anne John­ son, June 21, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Born To A l b e r t Ian and Mrs. Bagby (Thelma Frith, ’29), a son, Dan Gordon, May 30, Porto Alegre, Brazil, S. A. To Dr. Paul and Mrs. Bauman, a daughter, Carolyn Ruth, July 8, Long Beach, Calif. To Kenneth and Mrs. Chrisman (Edith E. Carlson, ’35), a son, Clarence Henry, July 30, La Grande, Ore. To James and Mrs. Hardie (Martha Low), a daughter, Sharon Lorraine, July 6, Modesto, Calif. - To Lawrence D. (’39) and Mrs. Powell (Meta Schroeder, ’39), a daugh­ ter, Esther Lorene, April 24, Le Rose, Ky. To Jacob (’40J and Mrs. Regier (Betty K. Kinzie), a son, Ronald Roger, June 19, Newton, Kans,

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