King's Business - 1941-09


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1941

Why Study Prophecy? By HAROLD* L, "LUNDQUIST

turé Table sages that burn w ith love for the lost. The book is w ell written. The style is pungent, progressive, and persuasive. The m essage is devout, dynam ic; and doctrinal. 155 pages. Cloth. Flem ing. H. R evell Co. New York, N. Y. P rice $1.00. Why All This Suffering ? B y E. D. HEAD The title o f this volum'e is a b it con ­ fusing, as the book does not treat en­ tirely w ith the problem o f su fferin g.[ Inr steadf it is a collection of tw enty-fou r brief m essages given by the author, a T exas pastor, over a southern radio sta­ tion, and put in to this permanent form because o f popular request. Those chap­ ters which deal w ith encouragem ent and com fort, fo r the afflicted and w ith help and courage fo r the doubting are excep­ tionally fine. The method is devotional, w hile the .material is from the B ible and. Christian experience. The short chapter entitled "The H eart’s Sentinel,” is w orthy o f several readings... .140 pages. Cloth. Zondervan Pub. House, y Grand Rapids, Mich. P rice $1.00. T o appreciative audiences in the Park Street Church o f Boston, the series o f m essages com prising this book was given by the pastor, Dr. Ockenga. There, are ten m essages in all, some o f the chapter titles bein g: “ The W om an W lio Ruined a H oly Man,” "The W om an W ho W as B etrayed,” "Th e W oman W ho Could Not F orget,” "The Noblest W oman of A ll.” Teachers of girls and w om en’s groups“~will find in these Scriptural character studies an abundance o f useful material. 146 pages. Zondervan PUb. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. P rice $1.00. E very man’s love fo r mystery*—and the solution o f it— is satisfied in large pleas­ ure in this collection o f ‘ archaeological records. The author has spent years in research on this subject; and has Coupled w ith his w ealth o f know ledge the happy ability o f tellin g what he know s in sim ­ ple, understab dable language. He points out that .in our present possession there is su fficien t know ledge derived from the monuments and records o f : antiquity to authenticate •every prophecy that Isaiah m ade*concerning E gypt, Israel, Syria and Assyria. This is to mention' ju st one line o f proof. The book is Í-Jil1 of significant findings. 348 pages. Eerdmans Pub. Op., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. P rice $2.50. In h is . usual forthright, incisive style, Dr. Gilbert deals w ith the subject, "T h e Mind o f Christ: W liat It Is and H ow to P ossess It.” T o you n g people who are at­ tracted or puzzled by modern intellectual fads that clash w ith Christian convictions, this book offers a sane and Vigorous analysis o f . the b a s ic . issues. The author uses the vocabulary o f the .intellectuals w ith the ease that comes from fam iliarity w ith current view s. But his treatm en t o f the vanity which parades as intellectual honesty, show s the frequent irrationalism o f “ rationalism ” aiid the illiberalism o f so-called “ liberalism .” This book, because o f its necessarily controversial . approach, is not one to place in the hands of.-t]iose w h o' because o f self-exaltation are un­ w illin g to subm it to “ the mind o f Christ.” But it sounds a positive, helpful note and contains a wealth of fresh material fo r those who are genuinely concerned about how - to meet the modern atta ck ' upon Christian faith and m orality. 158 / pages. The Danielle Publishers, 4766 Norma Dr., San Diego, Calif. C loth, Price $1.00. Have You Met These Women? B y HAROLD JOHN OCKENGA Dead Men Tell Tales By HARRY RIMMER The Mind of Christ . By DAN. G ILBERT

Our Litera

This booklet, by a teacher at the Moody Bible Institute o f ‘Chicago, présents an appraisal o f the dangers in • prophetic study, such as /the neglect o f other d o c -, trines and the encouragem ent o f foolish interpretations, and also an appreciation o f its benefits, w hich include the. givin g o f perspective and' balance to. our preach­ ing and teaching. It is a heart-searching an d 'ch allen gin g m essage fo r the student o f prophecy as w ell as fo r the less inv. formed.. 48 pages. Bible Institute C olpor­ tage Assn. Paper. P rice 25 cents. A dfaraily” story^that is filled w ith de-- lig h tfu lly human touches is w oven about a plot that is out o f the ordinary*. Readers w ill enjoy the, genuineness o f the m ingled, loyalty and half-teasing, strife as' w ell as’ the" sincere .Christian faith o f the SOott' household;. In p a rticu la r,th e y w ill love little Jean, alternately helpful .apd blun­ dering, hut w h olly charm ing. The plan o f salvation, as ’ w ell as? subm ission to the w ill o f God, is clearly ¿taught, hot as a sermon büt as part b f the story itself. .183 pages. Wrm B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Fabrikbid. P rice $l.jI0. . Sinners Yet S&ints By W ILLIAM H. ROGERS This book bears a m essage not only „for the well-ta^ug-ht ; Chaustian but also fo r the unsatisfied one who may not un­ derstand his. condition and p rivileges as a child jof God. At the same time, the un­ saved can find on these pages the w ay to a new life. The author u ses 'much Scrip­ ture in answ ering e a c h . question. A new vision is given o f the^.Saviour’s lon g in g to lead H is saved ones into deep jo y s and blessings, and to help us understand and grasp H is com fort and grace fo r His “ s u ffe rin g - saints” in these cohfu sing days. 225 pages. Am erican T ract Society. Cloth. P rice $1.50. This booklet by the pastor o f The P eo­ ples Church o f Toronto, Can., is one of the bestv obtainable for providing Scriptural answ ers to such questions as “W here Are the D ead?” “A re They ConsciousV” “ Is There an, Interm ediate State?” “ What A bou t P u rgatory?” “Is There a H ell?” "W h a t;' D oes the Bible Tell Us A bou t H eaven?” 44 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. P rice 25 cents. This new volum e by the author o f Y oiith’s Problem , No. 1 w ill be w elcom ed as 'a further help fo r both young people and their parents and leaders. The author is a Christian and a fath er and w rites from the standpoint o f o n e .who has a sym pathetic-understanding o f youth.. W ith i practical suggestion*?: and . a wholesome* positive approach,' the book points the w ay to the right kind o f friendship and courtship, sue.h as w ill lead vto a. nappy «.and lasting marriage. Part of the hook is given over to Such. Principles o f eti­ quette a* apply particularly to youn g w om en and young men. 208 pages. Zon- dervdn pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.35. B asing his choice o f characters prim ar­ ily ;on his coiigregatibri’s Vote as to the ten greatest men in the Bible, Dr, Macart- , ney brings a group o f fifteen strik in g and practical serm on s.' Besides’ the sermohs which resulted, from the church's poll, the author has'added certain other characters., to round out the list o f significant men o f God. Such titles as “ Paul—-M ore Than Conqueror,” “ David— The Man A fter and A gainst G od’s H eart,” and “ P eter— The Man W ho W as Saved by a L ook,” indi­ cate someth lifg o f -the approach, in the •w riter’s finding^the keynote o f a man’s personality and » t o r y. - R econstru ctin g great scenes and interpreting them, Dr. Macartney then brings home the personal, present-day application with searching directness. 222 pages. Abirigdoh/G okesbury Press. Cloch. P rice $1.50. All Things New B y ANN HARVEY Man’» Future Destiny B y ,OSWALD J. SMITH. Youth’s Courtship Problems By ALFRED L. MURRAY , The Greatest.Men of the Bible - By CLARENCE E. MACARTNEY

How to Live Calmly in War Time By A LONDON JOURNALIST The express purpose of this tim ely book is to help people who are personally affected by the n erve-rackin g forces of the present w ar to so let God anchor them in H im self that they m ay,en joy H is peace in the m idst of terror on every side. Ma;ny practical helps are suggested. Each chap­ ter closes w ith a brief prayer. T he use­ fulness and blessing o f the book are not lim ited to those in the w arring cbuntries o f the world, fo r every chapter has a m es­ sage for. the heart o f all believers. 80 pages. P ickerin g & Inglis. Paper. Price 50 cents. • v j Moses—His First and Second Coming By ARNO C. GAEBELEIN These seventeen chapters dealing with “ Israel in E gypt” and "Moses the D eliv­ erer” have a single theme, "The Exodus in the L ight o f P rop h ecy /’ Each chapter bears the w ell-kn ow n hallmark of. the E ditor of "Our H ope” magazine and author o f many prophetic books. Tribute has been heavily laid upon archaeology, his­ tory, and scholarly exegesis. T he.'h istori- cal and prophetic interpretations are in­ terw oven. This is a book to be read, -to be studied, and to be -listed am ong the valuable reference boöks dealing with the history o f Israel, the biography of Moses, and prophecy. It is to be hoped that we m ay have from the author’s pen a companion v o l­ ume, "The Leadership o f Moses in the L igh t o f Prophecy,” term inating w ith Moses’ farew ell m essages and Mount Nebo experience. -183 pages. Publication Office.! "Our H ope,” New Y ork, N. Y. Cloth. P rice’ $1.00. Crayon T alk s j y L. O. BROWN One does not need to be -an artist in order to find use fo r and pleasure in this book. Simple sketches made w ith crayon, shown in fou r progressive stages, illus­ trate each o f the one-page lessons found in the book. The draw ings are capable of many other applications than those which are suggested. The author w as fo r niany years a m issionary o f the American Sun­ day School Union. He is now a pastor and the author o f other valuable books of visual aid fo r Christian w orkers. 107 pages (5Ö lessons). Flem ing H, R evell Co., New Y ork. Cloth.. Price $1.25. An unusual and interesting' group o f young people are drawn together on the occasion of Sydney H ollis’ wedding. And • the events that occur .to them afterwards' •—-told in the manner which has made Grace L ivingston H ill a favorite in the field o f wholesom e fiction— include the spectacular return o f a runaway fou rteen- year-old, the aw akening o f selfish Minnie Lazar,el Id; and the deligh tful exchange of lovfe and consideration for naggin g a»\d thoughtlessness-In one fam ily group. The L o rd Jesus Christ is sh ow n . as the One whomV every youn g person should know as Saviour, Friend, and Guide. 287 pages. ■J> B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Cloth. P rice $2.00y A timely book fo r -our times is this c o lle ctio n 'o f eleven evangelistic, messages from the pen o f one of Am erica’s leading evangelists. On every page one finds ev i­ dence of. the passion fo r .Christ and the lost that characterizes this man’ s m inis­ try. This spirit Is needed, today, and . a reading of .the book will, help one to acquire- it. The- first fou r m essages are an appeal to all Christians, to g e t busy fo r the Lord, while it. is still day. The last seven chapters are evangelistic mes- By Way of the Silverthorns By GRACE LIVINGSTON H ILL The Gospel of Salvation By HYMAN APPELMAN

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