King's Business - 1941-09

September, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D, C., and San Diego, California

certed zeal might be shown by those who know that there is no deep, spiritual, abiding peace in any human heart without a yielding to the power —the absolute authority—of the; only One who could say: “All power is given unto me.” Many a person is invaded by destroying enemies that would rob him of his very soul, and all because he simply'will not acknowledge the neces­ sity for the increase of the authority, in his own life, of the sovereign Lord Jesus Christ." And one wonders also: Do Christians really have the peace they talk about, if the power for witnessing is not in­ creasing ? To Stimulate Efficiency One of the large department stores of Los Angeles—Bullock’s—employing 3,000 individuals regularly and many more On special occasions, finds it profit­ able to keep, one question constantly before the persons who represent the firm. The words are neatly printed and p o s t e d in places where employees gather: “Have YOU Made a New Friend for Bullock’s Today ?” The leaders of the organization recognize that the. reputation of the firm is largely in the hands of its repre­ sentatives. More than that, the extension of good will in the company’s favor— . if such is to be enjoyed—is likewise within the power of these same in­ dividuals. It Would be a good thing if every Christian had a similar question before him: “Have YOU Made a New Friend for the Lord Jesus Christ Today?” Courtesy and Christian solicitude for the souls of others would mount if every believer would put forth an honest effort to answer that question affirma­ tively, by the grace of God. And how the gospel would “rim and be glori­ fied” if the witness to Christ’s saving power were extended to “ a new friend" every day!

support the idea of Divine Providence. Science can see no further'than a “great mathematician” -as the supreme reality of the universe. , A “great mathematician” would fit in with the scheme of almost any great militarist. A God who is just math­ ematics and physical force and power might well be “adopted” as the god* of a government of blood-and-iron. Even the atheist-communists might “com­ promise” on a “god” who, being desti­ tute of a moral nature, and having no further function than presiding over the physical forces of the universe, could hardly be conceived as being at odds with a government founded on brute terrorism. Such a concept of Deity may be in “accord” with the spirit of the times. But what is needed by the nations of the world today is a recognition o f the God who will transform the spirit of the times. The nations are hurtling toward war, destruction-, and death. What is needed is not a God who will “keep in step” with this procedure,, but a Saviour that will uplift and save men out of -this situation. The so-called “god? of science, as conceived by Jeans and others?; can hardly function as anything else but a force to “ egg on” the militarists whose, trust ’ is in machine guns and their knowledge of mathematics. The God of the Bible alone can alter this situation, as He becomes a living reality -in the hearts of men. The militarists need to know that the Supreme force of the universe is spiritu­ al. They need to know thgt God is justice; and that every man shall be called upon to make an accounting to God. They need to know that, because God is justice, God is also love; because. God’s justice is so holy and so high that no man of himself and his own efforts could satisfy it, God’s only Son, our Lord, was made justice nd right­ eousness for us, in order that—through Him—we might be fou~d guiltless be­ fore the bar of divine Judgment. THE PLAGUE OF PAGANISM: • The annual report of the Legion of Decency, which was organized to com­ bat indecency in motion pictures, wains that a more virulent form of immoralisha and Communism is infecting a growing number of current films. The report [Continued on Pape 340]

DEMOLISHING DEITY: Atheists of old would deny the existence of God, forthrightly, dogmatically, and com­ pletely. They were at least honest about their disbelief. Modern unbelievers, however, simply demolish the God of our fathers and then attempt to “re­ construct” Him according to their own tastes. They are willing to accept a god—provided he is one made in their own intellectual and imaginative image. Man in his natural state is deter­ mined to change everything except him­ self. He is determined to blame every­ thing — except himself — for his lost state. Hence, we have the revolt of the natural man against -society, against authority, against government, finally, we have the revolt against God! Man decides that the God of ou r. fathers does not suit the “modem need"; He does not fit in with the modern way of life. Hence, He must be revised, changed, reconstructed in consonance with the modern mood. A liberal religious magazine recently had a sort of “free for all” symposium on the subject of “modernizing” God. Several of the contributors favored Jeans’ idea that, in the ’ight of mod­ em science, we must recognize God as a “great mathematician.” The God of our fathers was a great mathematician, but He was much more: He was their heavenly Father, who careth for man, who sent His Only Begotten Son to die in the stead of sinful man. But science, contended these writers, cannot accept such a concept of God. Nature does not

A Gift of Faith By BERTHA H. PENTNEY* He gave me faith to trust Him when the way was dark and drear And earthly hopes lay shattered at my feet; I felt His love surround me, and I knew that He was near; I sought His will—His fellowship was sweet. And now, with Time’s revealing, I can see the way He led Is all my gain—-a greater good I’ve found. What matters that MY little plans and self-raised hopes are dead ? ’Tls that I might in better things abound. O Love of God, that lays in store the good I cannot see, And leads my way far better than I know! Even through pain, or darkness, my Lord shall give to me A gift of faith to trust Him as I go.

*Member of Faculty, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.'

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