— x-'noto Dy Jti. Armstrong- R ooerta The Christian and the Food Problem By WILLIAM L, PETTINGILL Wilmington, Delaware Who Is a Christian?
A CHRISTIAN IS A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN BORN TWICE. No one is a Christian just because he professes to be so, nor because he is a member of some church. It is just as true today as A CHRISTIAN, THEREFORE, HAS WITHIN HIM TWO LIVES. First, there is the natural life, and second, there is the s u p e r n a t u r a l . This second life is divine, for it is the life of God ALL LIFE COMES FROM LIVING SEED. Our natural life is communicated to us from our natural fathers and mothers through natural seed; our su pernatural life is communicated to us through the seed of the Word of God. “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth” (Jas. 1:18). We have been “born again . . . by the word of God” (1 Pet. 1:23). OUr natural life comes from corrupt ible seed; our supernatural life coinés from incorruptible seed. Our earthly parents have transmitted to us the only
when it was first written that in order to be saved, “ye must be bom again” (John 3:7). The popular teaching' of the universal fatherhood of God and universal brotherhood of man is false. Himself implanted by regeneration in man. All life must come from life. Our natural life came from the natural life of our earthly parents; the supernatural life comes from our heavenly Father. life they had, and this was corruptible life, inherited from countless sinning human ancestors. Our heavenly Father, however, has transmitted to us His own life, forever free from corruption. Our natural life, because it comes from corruptible seed, is itself corrupt ible, and is therefore temporary; our supernatural life, because it comes from inCorruptiblè seed, and is itself incor ruptible, is therefore eternal and will never corné to an end. Christ gives to His sheep “eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28).
What of His Life?
How Is Life Communicated?
How Is Life Maintained?
ALL LIFE DEMANDS FOOD. The nat ural life must be nourished with food, and likewise must the supernatural 111« be nourished with food.
The natural life is sustained by food coming up out of the dirt. Every bit of food we have ever eaten for the [ Continued on Page 363]
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