King's Business - 1952-11


% N E E D E D B Y A D U L T S □ □ in spiration al Storms and Starlight 2.50 by V. Raymond Edman. Devotion­ al messages from the life of Christ. America's Hour of Decision 2.00 The Billy Graham campaigns with a life story of the evangelist. They Called M y Husband a Gangster 1.00 by Alice Vaus. The wife of Jim Vans tells her story. n

God's Methods for Holy Living 2.00 by Donald Grey Barnhouse. Mes­ sages on the subject of experimen­ tal holiness. fiction Mystery of the Marsh 2.00 by Paul Hutchens. This author’s 2.00 by Emmet Russell. A beautiful story of Christian romance. W ine of the Morning 2.50 by Bob Jones, Jr. A gripping novel from the time of Christ. Emerald Necklace 2.00 latest adult novel. Gold of Her Glory

ISSUES F ifty-two times each year T h e A l l ia n c e W e e k l y will come into your home. A mature religious magazine de­ voted to the promotion of spiritual Christianity . . . with definite em­ phasis on the Spirit-filled life and victorious Christian experience. Editorials . . . sermons . . . news of religion the world over . . . mis­ sions . . . youth interests . . . the Sunday school. . . daily devotions . . . spiritual articles. Now in its sixty-eighth year of continuous publication. TH E A L L IA N C E W EEK LY The Official Organ of The Christian and Missionary Alliance A. B. S im pson , Founder A . W . T ozer , Editor One year-5 2 issues—$2.00. (Foreign, $2.75) Mail subscriptions to

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Meet Yourself in the Bible 2.50 by Roy L. Laurin. Thirty Bible characters who conquered various life situations. Golden Text for Today Yol. I and II each 3.00 by Harry Rimmer. A devotional message for every day of the year.

by Elise Fraser. A mystery re­ volving around a fabulous neck­ lace. ^ N E E D E D B Y B O Y S A N D G I R L S □ Radio Pals Marooned 1.00 by Charles Ludwig. A family of boys have some exciting adven­ Third in the series of Ginger books

for junior girls. □ Golden Boy 1.00 by Bernard Palmer. A fine horse story boys and girls will like. □ Falcon Range 1.50 by May Hall Thompson. Adven­ tures for the early teen-ager. □ Tin y Thoughts About God .75 by Ruth McNaughton. A splendid book for pre-school children.

tures. □ 10,000 Minutes at Sugar Creek

1.00 by Paul Hutchens. Latest and most amusing of the Sugar Creek Gang Series.

□ Ginger and the Turkey Raiders

1.00 by Dorothy Grunbock Johnston.


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Page Two

ecider ¡Reaction We wish for our readers and their families the most blessed Thanks­ giving they have ever known. “ Smoking Women” In the July number I was pleased to read the editorial about “ Smoking Wom­ en.” I am glad there is someone who will lift up his voice against the cig­ arette habit which is now so common among the women of our land. It has amazed me much that so many elderly women who should know better are slaves to this menace. M rs . H . A nderson Los Angeles, Calif. “ From Cover to Cover” I am a regular subscriber to your fine monthly magazine for a long time. My late husband used to read it from cover to cover and he derived much benefit from the excellent articles contained therein. I too, still look forward to each publication. M r s . H . H . S tac ey Vancouver, B. C., Canada “ Bible Game” I greatly enjoy the whole magazine, especially the Question Box. Readers’ remarks are also entertaining. I have a little game I play as I go on the bus or am at the corner waiting for the light to change or even in a grocery store as I trundle a wire cart along. I ask the Holy Spirit to direct me and then say to some lady near me, “ I’d like to ex­ change a favorite Bible verse with you.” I often give mine first just to show what I mean. Romans 10:9 is very good and I often say a number . . . If they seem to hesitate, I say, “You know the 23rd Psalm, don’t you?” It often starts a little conversation which is a testimony to the Lord Jesus. Eleven have given “ The Lord is my shepherd.” M r s . J a y H . W a lk e r San Diego, Calif. “ Cheap Tracts” I’ve enjoyed reading your magazine but don’t like the article in “ Editorially Speaking” about cheap tracts. I have known of souls being saved from reading those tracts and they are just as precious to our Saviour as souls saved by other means. I have a very small income but tithe and give it where I think it is needed. Have been sending some to the Bible Institute . . . here­ after I will send it to the people who print tracts. It may help them to buy better paper. B e r t h a H ogue Canoga Park, Calif. N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 2


Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

No -part of this magazine may he reproduced without permission All Rights Reserved

Voi. 43

November, 1952

No. 11

Reader Reaction ..................................................................................... 3 Editorially Speaking ............................................................................... 4 The Call to Service, John Wilmot Mahood ........................................ 6 The Bible in the News, William W. Orr ............................................. 7 Day With a Mission, Elisabeth Fletcher ........................................... 8 By Adam—Death; By Christ—Life, J. B. Marchbanks .................... 10 Poem: Success, William C. Rollins ............................................. . 11 Why We Are Protestants, J. B. Rowell ............................................. 12 Poem: Promise and Fulfillment, Blanton W. Jones .......................... 13 A Voice from the Past for the Present............................................. 14 What Place Does the Bible Give to Widows, Mrs. Peter Van Winkle 16 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box....................................................................... 18 Biola Family Circle...................................................................... Junior King’s Business: Why Not Try Thanksgiving? Frances N. Phair ................................................................................ 20 Broken Earthenware, Arthur Hedley ....................................... ........ 21 Resolution Regarding Biola..................................................................... 22 Watering Jordan, Waldo Drake.... .......................................................... 27 Tips on Teaching a Bible Class, Bertha Breeze ................................. 29 Young People’s Topics, Chester J. Padgett .......................................... 30 Poem: Harvest Home, Fannie B. Brown ............................................. 34 The Work and the Workers, William W. Orr ...................................... 35 Testimony to Israel................................................................................... 36 Book Reviews, Donald G. Davis ............................................................... 37 Poem: Come Ye Thankful People, Come.............................................. 38 Wanted: Jeremiahs, John E. Boehmer ................................................... 38 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .............. 39 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................. 45 Picture Credit: Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. Va. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION^—“ The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00 six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three


Literary Filth W E have been thinking about this vile scourge for a long time. Re­ cently our attention was directed again to this subject by an article in the cur­ rent Reader’s Digest. Almost anyone who passes a corner newsstand, or fre­ quents the neighborhood drugstore, is horrified at the epidemic of lurid and sordid subjects being purveyed by our magazines. We have not made a count, but we have estimated that a full three- quarters of the total seem to be devoted to a sorry trio of subjects—illicit love, illicit sex and illicit crime. As far as the covers are concerned, it would seem that nothing else is allowed there but pictures of girls wearing as little cloth­ ing as possible. Who is to blame? Well, of course, one would naturally charge the publishers, and certainly their hands are red with the responsibility of making such filth available to the public. But that is not the answer. The magazines would not be there if they were not purchased. And surveys made by independent re­ search groups reveal that the demand for such pornographic literature per­ meates every social group. Boys and girls are allowed to buy without any restrictions. But adults are avid read­ ers as well, and the men in the armed forces are heavy purchasers. Coupled with this magazine problem is a similar one; the 25c pocket edition. Ostensibly created to provide reasonable editions of standard volumes, this idea has been captured and subverted to promulgating a flood of trash unfit to read, highlighted by vividly-colored cov­ ers, strategically placed in public places. It has been a source of high revenue and a sickening blight upon our land. What is to be done to stem this en­ gulfing tide? Well surely there are enough right-thinking and clean-living people to see the terrific dangers in­ volved. Censorship has its dangers, but could there not be a self-appointed standard of decency to clean up the newsstands? Some may argue that there have always been publications of this character. This is true, but the pub­ lications were kept in the back-rooms of pool halls and saloons and were not available to the average public, and par­ ticularly to the teen-agers. The Scrip­ tures have succinctly stated that as one thinks in his heart, so is he. A nation cannot fill its mind with filth and be strong and pure at the same time. Proof of Our Thanksgiving I T is one thing to have a day in the year officially designated as Thanks­ giving Day. It is quite another thing to be genuinely thankful to God for His blessings. God is not deceived. Thanks which are offered in a perfunctory way and not from the heart-depth mean ab­ solutely nothing to Him. He looks be­ yond mere lip appreciation for heart gratitude. There is not the slightest doubt that our beloved land of America has been

Striking Testimonies M OST of the readers of The King’s Business know that the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles sponsors a thrice- weekly radio program along the west­ ern division of the Mutual Broadcasting System. One of the features of this broadcast has been the true-to-life testi­ monies of the students. These testimo­ nies daily reveal that God’s hand is just as real today and God’s power is just as able to work as at any. time of the world’s history. For instance, there was Henry Robin­ son, an officer in the United States Air Force with a very important position among the occupation forces in Ger­ many. But drink was his besetting sin. In fact, he was crowned “king of the drunks” at a Christmas night party. The army, however, thought so much of him that they sent him to four of the finest psychiatrists on the continent in order to help him. But it was all to no avail, and he was discharged for other than honorable reasons. Back to this country again, and he again fell into the clutches of this diabolical habit. Finally he came to the West Coast and to the Union Rescue Mission in Los An­ geles where the Lord forgave his sins and made him a new creature in Christ. Myron Perl was a Jew. From the age of 7 to 15 he aspired to be a Rabbi, but through agnostic speculation came to the conclusion that the Old Testament did not fit into the present day. So it was the business world next, and then 45 months of military service. But all the time there was an empty void in Mike’s heart. So sure was he that life held nothing that he decided it was not worth the living and that suicide was the easi­ est way out. Once a Christian worker had faith­ fully presented to him the claims of Christ. So when suicide threatened, this friend exacted a promise from Mike that he would pray to God (if there was a God) and ask for His help (if He were able to help). Of course, God met; tne need and Myron Perl was wonderfully saved, and there was born in his heart a deep desire to carry the news of Is­ rael’s great Messiah to his own people.

Christmas Cards That Honor Christ T HE Christmas card industry is a tremendous one. Practically every family in our United States uses several dozen and many families a hundred or more. We know there are more than fifty million families. This means that many hundred of millions of cards are used. It is safe to say that far too small a percentage of these cards really honor Christ. There are designs of all sorts from Scotty dogs to Eskimos. There are all sorts of sentiments expressed, some attempting to be rollickingly funny. This rather strange phenomenon is not unexpected in a world that has no true knowledge of the Christ-child and why He came. It is rather to be expected that the average rank and file of people would want to avoid either reference or remembrance of the sig­ nal fact that God so loved a world He sent His own dear Son. In other words, the state of the Christmas card indus­ try graphically reveals the state of the unregenerate American heart. But for Christian people it must be different. Their hearts have been made anew by the miracle of salvation. We understand the purpose of the incarna­ tion. Our lives are graphic demonstra­ tions of the power of God. So everything we do ought to be consistent with the ruling passion of our new lives and that is to set forth Christ in no unmistakable terms. There is no question that Christian people should purchase Christ-honoring Christmas cards. Here is an opportu­ nity to further spread abroad the im­ perishable gospel. Who can tell to what extent carefully-chosen Christmas cards will be used to bring light of the Lord to darkened hearts? Now is the time to remember, be­ cause so great is the Christmas pressure that Christmas cards even appear in the shops immediately following Labor Day. If enough demand is created, the manu­ facturers will print more Christ-honor­ ing cards. This is not the great answer to all the world’s problems, but it is a step in the right direction.

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blessed as no other land in all history. The standard of living that even our av­ erage citizens enjoy seems like a king’s to the rest of the world. Rare indeed is the American family that does not pos­ sess a comfortable home, a car or two, ample to eat, access to pleasures of all kinds, gadgets of every description and a reasonable sense of security. Have these things made the American people a thankful race? In our United States there are some 169,792 restaurants; 241,858 gasoline stations; 287,337 grocery stores; 198,878 schools; 253,762 churches and 433,633 saloon and liquor stores. These statistics in themselves furnish an interesting commentary on the American way of life. There are almost as many gasoline stations in the country as there are churches. We travel more than any na­ tion upon the face of the earth. The tragedy is that far too much of this travel is on the Lord’s Day when churches should be filled to capacity with thankful worshipers. Look again. We have more saloons and liquor stores in this country than all the churches and schools put to­ gether. If figures mean anything this would certainly tell us that American people are more interested in attempt­ ing to satisfy their appetite for drink than in either education or God. The number of grocery stores is at a healthy figure until we remember that many of these grocery stores also sell wine and beer along with bread and butter. Is America really a thankful nation? Regardless of the fact that we take the fourth Thursday of November on which our President enunciates a high-sound­ ing proclamation calling upon the na­ tion to express thankfulness to Deity, is not proof of our appreciation more genuinely reflected in these statistics which reveal the every-day life of our average citizens? The inexpressibly sad truth is that America as a whole cares little more than a snap of her finger for all that God has done. God cannot ignore this gross ingrati­ tude. An arresting phrase is found in the first chapter of Romans where we find His solemn indictment of the en­ tire world. In this fearful accusation the Lord calls the world to account because when they knew Him, they glorified Him not as God and neither were thank­ ful. One of the unanswerable charges that is brought before the Judge of all the world is that the human race failed to thank God. And America, which has been so signally blessed as no other na­ tion before, is the leader in this shame­ ful ingratitude. Let Christian people listen, let those who name the name of Christ take care lest we too sin in this regard. Shall we not establish and strengthen the excel­ lent habit of rendering praise to the Giver of all gifts and the Giver of the Greatest Gift, even His own dear Son? “ Thanks be unto God for his unspeak­ able gift.” N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. Louis T. Talbot

of the department of Christian Service. In 1942 he was elected to the office of dean, a position which he has held up to the present time. Dr. Sutherland has been largely instrumental in a number of the forward steps undertaken by BIOLA during the last few years. He was a leader in the movement for ac­ creditation for Bible institutes and Bible colleges, serving as president of the ac­ crediting association. Dr. Sutherland received his B.A. de­ gree from Occidental College and his B.D. from Princeton Seminary. He is the recipient of two honorary degrees; a D. D. from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and an LL.D from John Brown University. Dr. Sutherland desires the prayers of God’s people as he undertakes this tremendous responsibility. Dr. Reid McCullough Goes Home T EACHING his full complement of classes one day, and being ushered into the presence of the Lord the next, is the story of the Home-going of Dr. Reid McCullough, since 1937 a professor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Although a distinguished Greek scholar and teacher, he taught many other re­ lated subjects and his deeply spiritual life and witness had a great influence upon the entire school. Funeral services were conducted in the Bible Institute auditorium September 29th, at which time many sincere tributes were paid him by members of the faculty and fel­ low-pastors. Dr. McCullough was born in Belfast, Ireland, coming to the United States in 1910. For twenty-seven years he has lived in Lynwood, California, and has served various pastorates. His wife, two sons and daughter Betty, also a member of the Biola faculty, survive and have the heartfelt sympathy of the Bible In­ stitute family. Page Five

Dr. Talbot Resigns D R. LOUIS T. Talbot, beloved presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles since October 1, 1938, has re­ signed from this office in order to devote himself more fully to his nation-wide evangelistic and missionary ministry. Several years ago Dr. Talbot, at the request of the Board of Directors at the Bible Institute, undertook a round-the- world tour, visiting many mission fields where BIOLA-trained young people were serving. He brought back with him a series of ten missionary films which have had a tremendous impact upon the Christian public, challenging young peo­ ple to offer themselves for missionary service and inspiring adults to a life of missionary devotion. Dr. Talbot plans to represent the Bible Institute of Los Angeles not only on the west coast, but in the mid-west and east as well, and to travel abroad extensively in the interest of missions. The Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles express their deep gratitude and affection to Dr. Tal­ bot who has been so signally used in bringing the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles to its present place of usefulness and influence. They have urged upon him that he accept the title of Chancel­ lor, and Director of BIOLA’s world-wide missions. The Bible Institute of Los An­ geles now includes not only the regular Biola Institute course, but also the Bible College, the Talbot Seminary, and the School of Missionary Medicine. Dr. Sutherland ISetc President C OINCIDENT with the acceptance of Dr. Talbot’s resignation, the Board of Directors of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles desires to announce the election of Dr. Samuel H. Suther­ land to the office of president. Dr. Suth­ erland has served with BIOLA since 1936, at which time he came to take charge

Call To Service



O UR Lord loved the sea. Matthew says he sat by the sea side (Matt. 13:1). And again in Mark 1:16 He is found walking by the sea. After His resurrection He was seen standing by the sea. No wonder He loved the sea, for He made it. It was when He was walking by the sea of Galilee that He called His first disciples in order to teach and train them in the work of His kingdom. “Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother cast­ ing a net into the sea; for they were fishers.” Jesus always saw more than the wonders of nature. Whether He walked by the sea shore or in the mountains He saw men. He had seen Andrew before, for it was Andrew who ran to his brother Simon and cried, “ We have found the Messiah.” What a dis­ covery was this—to find One who was the hope of the nation, One who could deliver from oppression and bring hap­ piness. I suppose Andrew was just an ordi­ nary man, not gifted for leadership as Peter was, nor capable of remembering and transcribing the visions that John saw. He was a one-talent man; but he used that talent so well that he brought his brother to Christ, and that was a work worthy of a lifetime; for that brother became one of the great leaders of the early church. It was Andrew’s contact with Jesus that made him what he was. Evidently Andrew had been looking for the Messiah, for he said, “We have found him.” He knew the Scriptures and knew that the Messiah was promised. He believed in prophecy. His life was rich with the promises of God. Andrew’s visit with Jesus gave him a vision of glory. It enriched his life. He became a soul winner. This glimpse into the life of one of the early disciples of our Lord teaches us some valuable lessons: Jesus Christ needs helpers. He needs them now. Never since the days of the first disciples has He had more need for men and women than now. The fields are white unto harvest, and the “thresh­ ing time” is near. He has asked us to pray that workers may be sent into the ripening fields (Matt. 9:37,38). I am confident He is calling young men and women into His service now. But some * Founder of the London Bible Institute.

who hear His call will not answer Here am /, and others will be prevented from obeying by their parents. Can that be true? I know it is, for it has been brought to my personal attention often. There is a young woman, now a mis­ sionary in the West Indies, whose par­ ents opposed her going to a training school. She had a definite call to pre­ pare for missionary work, and felt she must obey. When she left home for the school her father and mother would not bid her good-bye. But I am happy to say that three years afterward, when I presented her diploma, her father and mother were both present, and her mother had been converted. I know of another instance where parents objected to God’s call that did not turn out so well. When I was pastor of a church in the midwest, a young woman came into my office weeping. She was a teacher in the public schools, and also president of the young people’s society. She was naturally vivacious and I wondered what had happened. When she could control herself, she said, “ There is something on my mind about which I have wished to talk with you, but I have never had the courage to come until now. For two years I have felt that God wanted me to prepare for missionary work. But when I mentioned it to mother she scolded me, and told me I must never think of such a thing.” I said to her, “What can I say if your mother is so persistent in her objections? But I will say this, ‘If God wants you for the mission field I think you had better not say no.’ ” She sat there weeping, and then taking thirty dollars from her purse, she said, “ I want you to send this to India to employ a native worker in my stead.” I said, “ Nellie, I shall send this as you desire, but I want you to know that thirty dollars does not buy off your call if God wants you in India.” She went away weeping. Six months after this I married her to a grocery clerk in that city, who afterwards broke her heart. Seven years afterwards I was called back to that city to officiate at that young woman’s funeral. I sat beside the casket, and when I rose to try to speak some words of comfort I saw the heartbroken mother sitting near. Then I could not help but recall what happened in the parsonage seven years before. I wanted to say, “ O mother, why

did you not allow God to have His way with your daughter? How much differ­ ent it might have been,” but it was too late. Why will Christian parents not seek God’s will for their children rather than their own? Jesus Christ is calling young men and women to His service today, and I fear many are hindered by selfish parents from obeying His call. Yet God wishes to confer upon them a greater honor than could be given by any earthly king. Jesus Christ does not call idlers to His service. He never makes a mistake in His call. These men called to be His first disciples were busy men. They were prosperous fishermen. They had boats of their own. As a rule, I believe God calls men and women who are successful in their present work. When business and professional men want help, they are usually wise enough to choose those who are successful in their present oc­ cupations. They do not want failures. Football and baseball scouts travel the country over looking for men who are successful athletes in their home clubs. From them, they fill up the gaps. They must have men who will devote their strength to one thing. God is looking for men and women for one work—men and women who will put Christ first before earthly pleasures, before their possessions, before their own plans, even before family ties: “ He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” “ He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (Matt. 10:37,39). He must be all in all. Again let me remind you: these men were ordinary men, but because they were obedient to His call they became apostles—men charged with the greatest commission ever committed to human beings. From fishermen they rose to be ambassadors of the King of kings; and their names (save one who was a be­ trayer) shall forever shine in the pages of the history of the Christian church. In simple trust like theirs who heard Beside the Syrian sea The gracious calling of the Lord, Let us, like them, without a word, Rise up and follow Thee.

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Let us not think, however, that the liquor interests will stop at this. Fur­ ther offensives will be planned, sup­ ported by unlimited liquor funds. According to the latest available figures, the Roman Catholic School en­ rollment in the United States increased from 2,431,289 to 2,607,879 during a ten- year period. During that same period, the non- Catholic (largely evangelical) enroll­ ments increased from 310,365 to 489,742. When reduced to percentages, we find the Roman Catholic enrollment increased 7% (a normal gain) and the non-Catho- lic enrollment increased 60%, which is a rather startling gain. It would seem that many evangelicals in this country have awakened to the fact of the great po­ tentialities for Christ and for the Prot­ estant Church presented in the Christian day school system. Almost No Delinquency S There is almost no juvenile delin­ quency in India, according to Sherwood S. Roberts, inspector of police of Luck­ now. The reason seems to be that if a minor commits some crime, the parents are sent for immediately. They must post a sizable bond and then the young culprit is released into their custody. If the minor commits another crime, the parents forfeit the bond. The result is that they keep the child at home, watch­ ing him all the time. With this parental interest we find the Bible in hearty accord. The Scrip­ tural idea is a closely-knit family unit with parents vitally interested in their children and assuming the primary re­ sponsibility of their training. But this training, while inflexible, is to be ad­ ministered in love, but not without re­ course to the rod when necessary. It is true that the child who learns to obey his parents will also obey the laws of his land and the laws of his God. Now Twenty Per Cent ¿¡t We understand that our government has increased the percentage of deduc­ tions permitted for church and chari­ table contributions to 20% of one’s gross income. This additional allowance will be available on the 1952 income tax re­ turns. But the 20% deduction, of course, is applicable only if contributions were made to that amount. It would seem that the government feels secure in allowing this increase, rather than being worried that such a liberal provision will incur still more deficits in our national treasury. A rather sad commentary on this whole matter is the statistic of 2%% which is the average deduction taken by Ameri­ can citizens, revealing their actual giv­ ing. What a tremendous boost could be given to Christian work and missionary enterprise the world over if the people of America took advantage of the gov­ ernment’s generosity and actually gave 20% of their income to God’s work! Christian School Revival

Modern Civilization ¿t Automobiles equipped with subma­ chine guns and shotguns are now con­ voying armored trucks as they handle shipments of money. The automobiles carry three men trained in the use of all firearms, particularly the submachine gun. This system was recently put into effect by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. What a commentary on our advanced (?) civilization! Surely this is one of the signs of the times. Has not the Scripture predicted that in the last days perilous times shall come. “ For men shall be . . . fierce” (2 Tim. 3:1-3). The best way to stop smoking, ac­ cording to Scottish Dr. Lennox John­ son, is to stop smoking. The craving for tobacco must be understood and the dangers of nicotine appreciated before the will-power can separate a man from his cigarettes. But it can be done. A great hindrance in the way of the reformation of many smokers is the fact that about 80% of doctors are smokers. The cure, however, pays off and will bring about an accession of high spirits, energy, appetite and sexual potency, with a recession of coughing. Church Beer Permit £ The Ohio state liquor department has issued a beer and wine permit to a church organization. The permit will allow the St. John Cantius Catholic Church to sell high-powered beer and wine to bowlers at 12 new alleys in the church recreation building. Monsignor Francis Duda, pastor, stated that only bowlers from factories and other non­ church organizations would be served. Crime Prediction Another tragic foreview of crime has recently been issued by the FBI in its semi-annual report. For the last six months of the present year, the report estimated that over a million major crimes will be committed, an increase of 6.4% over the previous year. The breakdown suggests that one murder, manslaughter, rape or assault to kill occurs every 4.6 minutes, with all these increasing substantially during the latter half of 1952. One of the saddest statistics concerns the fact that more frequent arrests were to be made among the J8-year-olds than any other group. Surelv it is high time for America to fall to her knees in genuine contrition before lawlessness rises up to seriously threaten our entire civilization. Japanese Best Seller & In a recent issue of Shincho, one of Japan’s most popular monthly maga­ zines, a columnist, Soichi Oya who pro­ fesses no particular interest in religion suggests about best sellers that hardly any exceed 100,000 copies while the New Testament month by month continues to mount higher and higher always in ex­ cess of 100,000 copies. How to Stop

By William W . Orr, D.D.

Mr. Oya continues, “ I have no inten­ tion of propagating the interests of the Bible Society, but in 1950 the circula­ tion of the Bible in the world was 21,- 800,227 copies and it is translated into 1,116 languages. Since the end of World War II the circulation is 3,000,000 and more copies in Japan alone; this places the Japanese Bible as second in this class in world circulation. Mr. Oya con­ cludes by suggesting that the Bible should be called “ The greatest best seller.” Mexican Catholic Persecution

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I T was a hot day—as usual—in Magangue, Colombia, South America. Pedro Gutierrez, pastor of the city’s only evan­ gelical congregation, climbed wearily out of bed at 5:30 a.m., dressed, and hopped on his bicycle for the short ride to the church property. At 6 a.m., a large number of sweating laborers were already busy mixing cement, heaving bricks and cement blocks on their shoulders and levelling ground. Pedro’s heart rejoiced at the realization that some not-too-distant day the growing group of believers in Magangue would have an adequate church building in which to worship their God. More than 200 in the one small room in Sunday school last week! About that same time, another evangelical worker in Magangue—Luis Calderon—made his way down to the river front of the broad, swift Magdalena River and boarded the launch of which he was captain. Today he and a group of believers would make a trip to Sucre, a town of 20,000 which had not been visited in three years and in which only one family was giving a testimony for Christ. By 8 a.m., petite little Regina Romero and Pedro’s wife Fanny were holding the opening exercises in Magangue’s evangelical primary school. About 50 pupils were on hand. Some were children of believers who would have been forced to attend Catholic mass if they went to public schools. Others were there because their parents felt the evangelicals gave better and more thorough instruction. An ordinary day had begun, for the Latin America Mission, Inc., in Magangue, a day typical of the energetic, varied missionary program carried on under the banner of the L.A.M. When Dr. and Mrs. Harry Strachan founded their Latin American Evangelization Campaign back in 1921, little did they dream that some day it would include so many facets of activity! The mission is unique among “faith missions” because it was founded as a service to other mission boards—organizing and carrying out united evangelistic campaigns in major cities throughout the continent—and it has maintained that vision of service throughout the last thirty years. Although the Strachans have now gone on to their heavenly reward,

and the mission has branched out into radio, literature, sem­ inary training, nursing, an orphanage, and other types of endeavor, its vision has remained steadfast, under the leader­ ship today of the Strachans’ son Kenneth and a staff of nearly ninety missionaries. The activities in hot, dusty Magangue are only a sample of one phase of the work. In nearby Sincelejo, Colombia, two missionary nurses are already on an emergency call to the home of a prominent local socialite who is about to be deliv­ ered of a child. Meanwhile, a queue is slowly gathering for consultation, and a message from the Word of God, at their little clinic. And Sincelejo’s evangelical primary school is also in session, while the pastor, of the church prepares to make his round of visits for the day. The same picture, more or less, is repeated in a number of other cities in the provinces of Bolivar and Cordoba, Colom­ bia. In Cartagena, center of L.A.M. work for the country, there are two churches and two primary schools instead of one, and in addition a boarding school for girls which is training the Christian wives and workers of the future. But it is in San José, capital of Costa Rica, where the major hubbub of L.A.M. work is found. Out at radio station TIFC, while programs of public service and quality music are attracting Costa Ricans to also listen to the Gospel broad­ casts, workmen slowly progress on an enlargement to the building. Robert and Eileen Remington, directors of the new continent-wide Pan-American Christian Network, wait eagerly for the day when the new addition will make a more adequate headquarters for this first missionary radio network in the world. The phone rings. “ Can you tell me where to buy a Bible? I’ve heard your programs and I’d like to know more about your teachings. But my family has forbidden me to listen any more. Is there some place I could get a Bible or some other literature about the gospel?” One of the staff announcers walks in. “ Discovered last night that practically everyone in our block listens to the evening symphony program and then stays tuned for the Open Bible. That’s really something to pray about in our prayer time today!” In another part of San José, the Bible Hospital is a bee­ hive of busy white-clad nurses and doctors in their daily routine. Many of the patients are of the better class, lawyers, businessmen, society, and the leading surgeon in the country (also vice-president of the republic) sends his patients there. But rich or poor, everyone receives a gospel witness, TIFC programs are piped into each room, and Christian literature is available for all who will read it. In the back part of the hospital is the free clinic, where nearly 1,000 patients are treated each month. Pretty young mothers with their babies are the most numerous visitors to the consulta, because the best children’s doctor in town is there three times a week. Downtown in the Bible Temple, L.A.M. church seating about 1,000 in the main auditorium and with a three-story Sunday school building in addition, the janitor is busy scrub­ bing the tile floor in preparation for the evening meeting. Out in the front section, a young man comes in to the Editorial Caribe bookstore to see if he can buy a book ex­ plaining the gospel: “ But I didn’t realize there would be so many different kinds of books about it!” he exclaims in surprise.

The missionary boat El Heraldo

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ing on! We’re going to completely transform the Templo auditorium, and Mr. Fenton says we can show the Spanish version of Moody’s science film, ‘Dust or Destiny,’ as a special attraction. We’re going to have it three nights in succession, and I’m sure there will be more than a thousand each night. And with Israel Garcia as the preacher—” Just behind the seminary, Dayton Roberts and Gordon Houser watch as the new Editorial Caribe building begins to take shape. Organized in 1948, the publishing branch of the L.A.M. has now taken over all the Spanish stock of the American Tract Society and in addition publishes books, Sunday school materials, and other gospel literature. A new group of small publications similar to Moody Press’s Acorn Series is scheduled for next year. “ Doesn’t seem possible, does it, Gordon? Soon a modern two-story building, a good paper supply, our own multilith and other equipment, a staff of workers. The Lord has been wonderfully good in providing our needs so far.” Gordon looks meditative. “What thrills me is that God has given us this means of getting gospel literature into the hands of the people. Every time I talk with a national pastor he begs me to get him more Bible study materials in Spanish and tells me how frantic his people are for Christian books of every kind.” As the two men turn to go down the street, he adds, “ It’s a big responsibility the Lord has given us.” Some twelve miles away, up on a breathtakingly lovely mountainside, children of the L.A.M. farm-home are already settled in school for the day. Missionary teacher Nancy Koop looks at her charges thoughtfully: “How many of these youngsters would be out on the streets begging or shining shoes if it weren’t for this orphanage! Yet here they are, with home and Christian love and a chance for the education they could never have had otherwise.” As she begins to write an arithmetic problem on the black­ board, Rolando shyly comes to the front of the classroom with one hand behind his back. “What is it, Rolando?” “ For you, señorita.” He holds out a bouquet of flowers that have been clenched tightly in sticky littie hands. And in other parts of Costa Rica in suburbs in and around San José, or far away in the rural lowlands, L.A.M. national workers and pastors are busy about tending their flocks. In Costa Rica as in Colombia, there are many thriving churches holding up the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Students of L.A.M. Bible Seminary When the customer leaves, having heard a word of testimony and received a tract in addition to the Book, the clerk returns to her desk. She not only tends the store, but also is respon­ sible for much of the office work in connection with the L.A.M. Bible correspondence courses. And also working in the Temple building is the Mission’s official translator, who spends full time translating books, Sunday school lessons, and articles into the best possible Spanish. Radio station, hospital and clinic, lively church—but the Bible Seminary in San José is the busiest of all, center of the continent-wide outreach of the L.A.M. A group of young men students representing Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Panama and other republics, are congregated outside the two-story white cement building. “ Are we still scheduled for that evangelistic trip this afternoon?” Luis wants to know. But just then the bell rings for their class in Bible Doctrine, and they go in to join their class­ mates in the precious study. The Seminary is one of the oldest aspects of the L.A.M. work, for it was founded back in 1923 when the Strachans realized the desperate need of a training school for Latin pastors and Christian workers. Since then it has been in­ creasingly blessed of God and to date has turned out nearly 400 well-prepared young people to serve in the Lord’s vine­ yard in Spanish-speaking America. Students include both young men and women. A year of Bible training is required for girls before they can enter the three-year nursing school in the hospital, and a few also take the full seminary course. At present the young people come from ten different countries and many more denominational groups, since one unique feature of the seminary is its inter­ denominational and international emphasis. In the seminary the L.A.M. has an essential supply line for the future of the church in Latin America! With classrooms, library, chapel, dining room, faculty offices and girls’ dormitory all together, the building is full enough. But up in one cubby-hole office is General Director R. Kenneth Strachan’s headquarters, from which the continental evan­ gelistic campaigns are also directed. In other offices are the Costa Rica field director, Horace L. Fenton; business man­ ager, mailing clerk, mission treasurer, and busy secretaries. Downstairs the offices of the youth department are hum­ ming with activity. A term at Camp Roblealto—Costa Rica’s only summer camp—opens soon, several new boys’ clubs are being organized near San José, young people are writing in to request more Scripture memory packets. Missionary Kenneth Hood comes in for a brief talk with Paco Segura, youth worker. “How are plans coming for the big youth rally in the Templo next month?” Paco brightens. “ Fine you should see the theme we’re work­

Conference of radio TIFC Staff members. From left to right: Script writers Francisco Blanco and Jorge Escalante; Director W. Dayton Roberts; Music Editor Helen Fenton; Chief Engineer Philip Smith; Librarian Georgina Solt; Engineer David Solt.

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That evening, a group of Christian businessmen gather in a frame house in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, and go to their knees in prayer. They are the Home Council of the L.A.M. Men like lawyer Jacob Stam, insurance magnate Richard Woike, pastor Herrmann Braunlin, veteran mis­ sionary William Thompson, men who take an unusually in­ tense interest in every move of the Mission. All major decisions pass through their monthly councils, and every one is made carefully and prayerfully. Thus ends another day for just one of the faith missions that are doing such a noble job for Christ throughout the world. Oh, how much the prayer support of Christians in the homeland means to these.young churches, these national Christians, these missionaries and mission executives! May each one of us purpose to be more faithful in doing our part, whatever it may be, in the missionary enterprise of the world.

And in other parts of the Spanish-speaking world, the influence of the Mission is felt in a multitude of ways. In the capital of Nicaragua, a city-wide evangelistic campaign with opera star Anton Marco is in progress under the sponsorship of the L.A.M. Already more than a hundred have professed Christ in the co-operative series, and the open-air meetings have been attended by as many as 2,000 a night. A boat sailing from Panama to Chile carries a load of Editorial Caribe books; an airplane leaving Costa Rica has a new series of Bible correspondence studies for a pastor in Argentina; a young man in Venezuela is praying for funds to send him to seminary in Costa Rica next year. In Chicago, a young bride writes her family that she and her husband have just been accepted as missionaries to serve in the children’s home in Costa Rica.

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R omans 5:14, refers to Adam as “the figure of him that was to come.” This section of Romans is dealing with the first sin of the first man, Adam, and tells us that “ as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (v. 12). For it was upon the occasion of the sin of the first man Adam, that Jehovah God promised that One should come, One designated as the seed of the woman, who would deal a death blow to “ that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan” (Rev. 12:9), the author of sin. Jehovah God spake thus unto the serpent: “ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15). In reading the creation account in Genesis 1 and 2, we see that man is the direct creation of God. He did not start ages ago as some small protoplasm or other form of life, and gradually evolve into his present state. Rather, “ the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen. 2 :7). Man is absolutely distinct from the animal creation, “ for Adam there was not found an help meet for him” (Gen. 2:20). Being the direct creation of God, and deriving his life from Him, man was responsible to God, and that responsi­ bility remains the same. But our main interest in Adam in this .article is as a type of Christ “ the figure [ type ] of him that was to come.” The fact that Adam’s career parallels Christ, is further brought before us in the fifteenth chapter of First Corin­ thians, where we read: “ For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be

sinned” (Rom. 5:12). So by Christ comes life and restoration. “ Our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim. 1 : 10 ). When Adam sinned, he carried the whole creation down into ruin with him­ self. Of that fair creation, of which it is written that “ God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31), He now says unto Adam; “ Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thoms also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Gen. 3:17-19). In contrast, we read of Christ, that, instead of bringing a curse, as did Adam, He was “made a curse” (Gal. 3:13), and we read that the Roman soldiers “ platted a crown of thorns [the symbol of the curse], and put it about his head” (Mark 15:17). When He comes again, “the creation [which] was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope” (Rom. 8:20, A.S.V.), then “ the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21, A.S.V.). By Adam, ruin; by Christ, deliverance. For, Adam was made lord over crea­ tion, and when he fell, it fell with him.

made alive . . . And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit” (w . 22, 45). As we seek to see a pattern of Christ in Adam, let us re­ member that types teach us by contrast, as well as by parallelism, and, in the main, Adam is a contracting type of Christ. Of the untold billions of people who have walked this earth, only two, Adam and Christ have had bodies which did not come of natural generation. As we have already noticed, Adam was created directly by God. “ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them . . . And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen. 1:27; 2:7). The Lord Jesus Christ, when He came into this world to die for our sins, took a body “ prepared” of God. “ Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me” (Heb. 10:5). He was conceived in the womb of the virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. He came into this world mirac­ ulously, as the virgin-born One, and not by ordinary generation. As the angel of the Lord said unto Joseph: “ Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:20, 21). The human race was plunged into death and ruin by Adam. “ Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have

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