King's Business - 1952-11

Thus the Lord fulfilled His Word (Phil. 4:19). My faith has grown simply by stepping out on the bare Word of God and putting it to a test. Many times I had nothing else to look to, but it has never failed. During the time when the work seemed in peril, I had advanced $25.00 from my own pocket, after giving what seemed right, thinking, “When money comes I will reimburse myself.” But money did not come, and I had a time of great heart-searching, and I saw that God did not want me to lend Him money. So I said, “ It is yours, Lord.” But how should I meet my own needs, for I needed that money! Philippians 4:19 came to me with more power than ever; I believed it. At that very time, while I was pray­ ing, I had in my pocket a letter for my wife, which I never dreamed had money in it. But it had $10.00 in it, and inside of twenty-four hours, I had $21.00 of the $25.00, and money commenced to come in for the work also. Today we again need money for ad­ vance rent at the Mission. The half month is paid, and I have enough to live on day by day. Since starting out in this way, I have been able to do what I never have done before, pay for everything as I get it. Besides I have paid up the back rent, the old grocery bill, and have reduced my personal indebtedness from $600.00 to $200.00. Last night I was led to ask for that $200.00. The work, too, for the first time in its history goes on without debt. When I first proposed to take the work, and trust God and not man, and not incur a cent of debt, the Mission Society was $1,500.00 in debt, but now it is all paid. May 16, 1889 The Lord has supplied all the needs of the Mission since last writing in this diary, and all my own needs. One night, a half-month’s rent would be due the next day. I spoke to the Lord about it. The next day I met the agent from whom we rent the room. He stopped me and said, “ I guess that $50.00 I owe you will just balance the $50.00 due on rent.” “ The $50.00 you owe me?” “ Yes, you know I was going to give you $50.00 next month; I guess we bet­ ter call it square now.” Now I need money today. I must have some today or we will not have enough to pay rent beyond date, and I cannot run in debt for a day. I do not know where it is to come from. A week ago I was without money. On Friday evening I had nothing with which to buy my supper, but I found a bag of rolls and cakes which some one had left two days before. (If there were evening meetings, Dr. Torrey would stay down at the Mis­ sion until after the meeting, taking his supper in the city.) Saturday night I had nothing with which to buy supper, but about seven o’clock some money was N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

given me; I don’t often receive money Saturday night. I needed more than usual to be handed me on Sunday, and more than usual was handed me. For the first four months, I received for myself $345.97; that is a little more than half as much as I received as a salary, but it has been enough, although I need more in the future. I have never enjoyed such a sense of security and freedom from care. Now I need money at once for myself. The Lord will give it (Phil. 4:19).

are lost. I praise God for the extremity, for when He answers my very weak faith will be confirmed. How blessed are these trials of faith. May 28, 1889 That money did not come yesterday. I told the agent that we must give up the room at the end of the month, as I would not run in debt. I was greatly perplexed. It seemed as if the promise of God had failed, but through it all, I knew it could not. My faith was never so tried. I took it to God in prayer and found great rest. Somehow my faith seemed stronger than ever. It will all come out right, but I don’t know that I was ever so tempted to unbelief. Never­ theless Christ has sustained me and will. If I did not believe all the promises of the Word, I could not now believe any­ thing. Since writing the above, I have been to dinner. While at dinner, a brother called; he was converted the week before at the Mission. He felt it was his duty to give me $50.00 and he brought it! August 12, 1889 It has been a long time since I wrote in here, but the Lord has greatly blessed me and the work, and given us remark­ able deliverances more than once. The money has frequently come at the last moment. In one instance my money was all gone but a few cents. It was night; how should I get out to the lake where my family was? There was no mail to bring money. I had money set apart for God in my pocket, but I could not use that. I took it to Him in prayer. I went upstairs to my study, and opening a drawer in my study table, found two silver dollars lying right before my eyes. I had put them there some time or other, but had forgotten all about them. But how should I meet the needs of my family over the Lord’s Day? There were many things to buy. I was not coming into the city until Saturday, and must provide for my family before I came in. Who was there out at the lake to give me anything? I had occasion to call on a brother pastor across the lake from us. He came down to my boat with me, and as I stepped in to row away, he handed me a five-dollar bill, and said, “ Take that from the Lord.” So the Lord does pro­ vide, even though we can think of no possible way in which He will do it. Chicago, III., June H , 1890 It is a long time since I wrote in this diary, and great changes have taken place. I was called to take charge of Mr. Moody’s work in Chicago in Sep­ tember. The Lord said, “ Come,” and I came. I have had many difficulties since I came, some of which seemed insuper­ able, but the Lord in answer to prayer has overcome them all. “ I believe God.” Praise His Name. Page Fifteen

A rare informal photograph of Dr. R. A. Torrey

May 26, 1889 About three days last week I did not have a penny. No money even for car­ fare. Two evenings I went without sup­ per, though the family at home had plenty. Saturday morning came and the potatoes were gone, no meat and very little in the house for Sunday. The grocer came as usual for our Saturday order, and we had to send him away without ordering anything. I felt sure God would provide for Sunday, and an hour or so later a draft for $16.51 came through the mail. I was expecting that, but hardly thought it would come so soon. Later in the day, a lady nearly eighty-nine years of age, of whom I had never heard before, but who had read of our work, sent me $5.00; but we needed $50.00 at once for the work. I asked a few of the brethren at last night’s prayer meeting to help pray for this money, because if we did not get it by tomorrow morning, we must make ar­ rangements to close, for we could not run in debt. I also told them that I fully expected that the money would come, though I had no idea whence. It has not come yet; it is 11:40 p.m. It seems as though it must come, but God must send it. I haven’t the slightest idea who will give it. I don’t think God wants me to ask man for it. I am going now to speak with God about it. Unless He helps, we

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